NEW YORK - Mapped In NY Companies
Raw data which powers the Mapped In NY site at
February 5, 2015
Data Provided by
Mayor's Office of Media And Entertainment (MOME)
Source :
Company Name,Address,Address2,City,Category Name,URL,Hiring,Jobs URL,Why NYC
"Document Prep-Program"',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
"More than just Figleaves',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
#Fit4ME',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
'brellaBox',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
'wichcraft',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
(GFree)dom',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
0s&1s Novels',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
1 Knickerbocker',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
1 Main Street Capital',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
10 Speed Labs','1239 Broadway','Penthouse','New York',,,,,
1000|MUSEUMS, Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
107 Models',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
10Lines',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
10gen',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
11 Picas',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
144 Investments',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
1754 & Company, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,','121 Varick Street','4th Floor','New York',,,,,
1800TAXISTA.COM INC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
18faubourg by Scharly Designer Studio',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
1938 News','1 Astor Pl',' - ','New York',,,,,
1DocWay',"'483 Broadway, Floor 2, New York, NY 10013'","'483 Broadway, Floor 2'",'New York',,,,,
1NEEDS1 LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
1Stop Energies',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
1World New York',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
1er Nivel S.A.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
1stTheBest Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,','51 Astor Place','Third Floor','New York',,,,,
20x200','6 Spring Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
24eight, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
24symbols','42 West 24th Street ',' - ','New York',,,,,
27 Perry',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
29th Street Publishing',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
2Cred',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
2J2L',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
2U (aka 2tor)',"'60 Chelsea Piers, Suite 6020'",' - ','New York',,,,,
2findLocal','2637 E 27th St',' - ','New York',,,,,
2nd Nature Toys',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
303 Network, Inc.',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
33across',"'229 West 28th Street, 12th Fl'",' - ','New York',,,,,
345 Design',"'49 Greenwich Ave, Suite 2'",' - ','New York',,,,,
360VIDY','50 Greene Avenue',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
360i','32 Avenue of the Americas','6th Floor','New York',,,,,
3FLOZ, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,','100 John St Suite 1601',' - ','New York',,,,,
3P Partners, Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
3S Pharmacy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
3Top','55 Broad St.','15th Floor','New York',,,,,
3doo Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
4 Play',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
420 Spirits Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
42stats',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
4C Insight (The Echo System)','1133 Broadway','Suite 1420','New York',,,,,
4Front Partners Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
4GQR Ventures LLC dba',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
4URSPACE',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
4f tech, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
5 O'clock Records',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
5ivepoints',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
6-ocean',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
675 Beech, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
680 Partners LLC',"'680 5th Avenue, 10th Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
72Lux',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
72looks',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
789 Group',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
8 Path Solutions LLC',"'""226 W 78TH ST #2A",,,,,,,
New York, NY 10024"','226 W 78TH ST #2A','New York',',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
87AM','61 Broadway',' - ','New York',,,,,
89 Second Productions','1727 2nd Ave Apt 4FN',' - ','New York',,,,,
8coupons','116 W. 23rd St.','5th floor','New York',,,,,
911 Cancer Fund',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
9branding',"'419 lafayette street, 2nd floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
9mmedia','627 Broadway',' - ','New York',,,,,
@60" - The Height of Art',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
@Gallery',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
A New Life In',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
A Perfume Organic',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
A Tribe Called Love',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
A V Therapeutics, inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
A&B American Style',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
A.H. COLLECTIBLES',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
A.R.T.S.Y Magazine',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
A022 Digital','181 York St 5B',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
ABACEO, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ABLE Social','305 W 87th st',' - ','New York',,,,,
AC Lion','253 West 35th Street','15th Floor','New York',,,,,
AC Rattling',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ACCOMPANY',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ACE Group','711 Third Avenue','16th Floor','New York',,,,,
ACE Innovative Networks','277 Broadway','807','New York',,,,,
ACE Portal Group','711 Third Avenue',' - ','New York',,,,,
ACTIVITO',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AD60','68 Jay Street ','Unit 616','Brooklyn',,,,,
ADANSALON',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ADORNIA',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ADRailUSA',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ADstruc','241 Centre Street','7th Floor','New York',,,,,
AF Productions',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AG Resume Revisions',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AGORIQUE',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AHALife','45 Bond St.',' - ','New York',,,,,
AIDS Ride South Africa',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AIQ, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AIR-BRAIN',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AJM Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AJR Business Solutions Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fituoso',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AKQA','175 Varick St.','10th Floor','New York',,,,,
ALFY, Inc.','589 Eighth Avenue','20th Floor','New York',,,,,
ALTANOVA Energy+Sustainability','11-05 44th Dr',' - ','Long Island City',,,,,
AMA Animal Rescue',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AOL',"'770 Broadway, New York, NY 10003'",' - ',' - ',,,,,
APDS',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
API Fortress',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
APP àGOGO',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ARI DEIN LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ARTSTRAK',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ARTstor','151 East 61st Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
ASAP Property Management',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ASM Global Ventures',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ASPECD Apparel',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ASTORIA FILMS',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ATMG (All Things Marvin Gaye)',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AUDUBON','3960 Broadway',' - ','New York',,,,,
AW Healthcare Management, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AaronDFashionGroup Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Abacus','39 E 20th St','Fl 4','New York',,,,,
AbbeyPost',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Abilitycapitalcredit',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Able Made',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Able Markets',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',"'1500 Broadway, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10016'",' - ',' - ',,,,,
AbridgeME','457 W 17th St','11','New York',,,,,
Absent Cam',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Acadaca','636 Broadway #516',' - ','New York',,,,,
AcceleWeb, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Acceleron Digital','131 Varick St #917',' - ','New York',,,,,
Accent Internet Group',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Accenture',"'1345 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10105'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Accern',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Accomplsh',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Accretive technologies',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Acme Railways',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Acorn',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Acquaintable',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Acquity Group (acquired by Accenture)','636 6th Ave Suite 300',' - ','New York',,,,,
Action Enable Networks',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Activation, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Activore',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ActorPerks',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ActvContent',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ad Nibble',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AdColony','175 Varick',' - ','New York',,,,,
AdRadar','252 West 37th Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
AdStack [acquired by TellApart]',"'""155 Water Street /257 Myrtle Road",,,,,,,
Burlingame, CA 94010"','2','Brooklyn',',,,,,
AdTheorent','155 Avenue of the Americas','2nd Floor','New York',,,,,
Adafruit',"'150 Varick St, New York, NY, 10013'",' - ',' - ',,,,,
Adam & Luna',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Adaptly','22 West 19th Street','3rd Floor','New York',,,,,
Adcade',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Adcomm Mobile',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AddMee',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Adhara',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Adkeeper','381 Park Avenue South',' - ','New York',,,,,
Adkins Capital Management, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Admeld','One Madison Ave','4th Floor','New York',,,,,
Admission Advantage',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AdmitSee',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Admittedly',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Adore Me','485 7th Ave #505',' - ','New York',,,,,
AdoreMe',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Adprime Media',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Adtivity by Appssavvy','594 Broadway','Suite 207','New York',,,,,
Adventr',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Advicedrop',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Advus',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Advyzr','119 west 31st street','4th Floor','New York',,,,,
Advyzr',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Adweek','770 Broadway','7th floor','New York',,,,,
Adz Anywhere',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Aereo, Inc.','37-18 Northern Boulevard',' - ','Long Island City',,,,,
AetherWorks','501 Fifth Avenue',' - ','New York',,,,,
Aethertech',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Affinity',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Africa Plateforme',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Afromedia News Corps',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AfterSteps_ny',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AfterYes',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AgFunder',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Agape Academy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Agent Link',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Aggregift',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Agilitus','350 Manhattan Avenue',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Aging2.0',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Agolo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Agon Creative','538 Grand St','2nd Floor','Brooklyn',,,,,
AgooBiz, Inc []',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Agronomic Technology Corp.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Agyx','110 Wall Street','11 Floor','New York',,,,,
Ahhdio',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ahii: Another story about a girl...',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ai Media Group','483 10th Avenue','4th Floor','New York',,,,,
Aidin',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AirBnB',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AirKast','610 Fifth Avenue','Suite 610','New York',,,,,
Airto',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Airto Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Aisle in Style',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Akamai Technologies','352 Park Avenue South','8th Floor','New York',,,,,
Akilah',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Akimbo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Aksel Group, Inc','52 Walker Street 3rd Floor',' - ','New York',,,,,
Akyumen',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Alacra Inc','100 Broadway','#1101','New York',,,,,
Albatross Digital, LLC','155 Water Street',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Albert Herrera',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Alchematter',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Alchemy50','20 Jay Street','Suite 934','Brooklyn',,,,,
Alcohoot',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Alcohoot LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Alexander Berardi',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AlgoPrice',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Align Communications, Inc.','55 Broad Street','6th Floor','New York',,,,,
All Veggiez!',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
All You Need Staffing Registry',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
AllStar Deals, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AllTheRooms',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Alla Simoneau's Company',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AllazoHealth',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Alley Interactive','1133 Broadway','Suite 630','New York',,,,,
Alley Technology',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AlleyWatch',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AlleyWire',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Allmenus','39 West 19th Street','7th Floor','New York',,,,,
Allovate, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Alloy Digital','151 West 26th Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Alluring Logic',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Allyson Ivy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Alpha Airlines',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Alpha Hat',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AlphaBoost (AdVerify)','122 West 26th Street','5th Floor','New York',,,,,
AlphaIntelX',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AlphaSights',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Alquimi Innovations, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Alset',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Altah',"'1412 Broadway, 22nd Fl'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Alton Lane',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Altruik','341 West 38th Street','8th Floor','New York',,,,,
AlumVest',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AlumniChoose',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Alvadon',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Amasty',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Amazon Web Services',"'1350 Avenue of Americas, New York, NY, 10019'",' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ambertracks Technology Inc. DBA: Monstress Zenergy Drink',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ambig√∫ Empanada Bar',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Amer Pharmacy Corp.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AmerIsrael Capital Management, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
America's Amazing Teens, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
America's Amazing Teens‚Ñ¢',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
American Capital Group',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
American Civics Exchange',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
American Lawyer Media','120 Broadway','5th Floor','New York',,,,,
American Prison Data Systems, PBC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
American Story Channel LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
American Woman Publishing LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Amerikids','10 Leonard Street Loft 3SW',' - ','New York',,,,,
Ammirati','19 Union Square W',' - ','New York',,,,,
Amo Beverage Group',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Amorphyk',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Amplify Education, Inc.','55 Washington St','#900','Brooklyn',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Amusology',"'217 East 29th Street, APT 1B'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Amusology',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Anait Bian LCC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AnalytixInsight Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Andras Fenyves',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Andrew's Roadmaps','Brooklyn',' - ','New York',,,,,
Angel-Tel (Int'l Telephony & Mobile VoIP)',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lingy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Angry Villagers',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Aniepo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Anime Feast',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Animoto','440 Lafayette St.',' - ','New York',,,,,
Annalect','195 Broadway','19th Flr','New York',,,,,
Annotary',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AnonymAsk',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Antarctic Creative','122 Norfolk Street','Studio 20','New York',,,,,
Anvil+Gear','175 Varick St.',' - ','New York',,,,,
Any One Color',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AnySizeDeals',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Anyone Want To',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Apartable','222 Broadway','20th Floor','New York',,,,,
Aplus',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Apogee Media','49 West 23rd Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Aponia Data Solutions','28 west 39th street','4th floor','New York',,,,,
Aponia Data Solutions',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AppAddictive','122 West 26th Street','5th Floor','New York',,,,,
AppFirst','6 West 14th Street','Suite 4E','New York',,,,,
AppLaunch',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
AppNexus',"'28 West 23rd St, 4th Fl, New York, NY 10010'",' - ',' - ',,,,,
AppNexus',' - ','4th Floor','New York',,,,,
AppNotes',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AppOrchard','86 Chambers Street','7th Floor','New York',,,,,
AppSavvy','594 Broadway Suite 207',' - ','New York',,,,,
AppSense','17 State Street 19th Floor',' - ','New York',,,,,
AppStori',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Appboy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Appear By Phone','142 East 39 St.',' - ','New York',,,,,
Appetizer Mobile LLC','115 W 45th St','#501','New York',,,,,
Appetizr',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Appetude',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Appguppy Mobile',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Appinions','18 East 41st St','2nd Flr','New York',,,,,
Apple','101-104 Fifth Avenue',' - ','New York',,,,,
Appliances Connection',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Application Security','55 Broad Street','10th Floor','New York',,,,,
Applico','220 East 23rd Street','5th Floor','New York',,,,,
Applied Science & Technology Research Organization',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Applique',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Approved Learning',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AppsBidder Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Appular','65 Broadway','Ste. 903','New York',,,,,
Appy Couple from AppeProPo, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Aquarius Global Capital, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Arc90','747 3rd Ave','30th Floor','New York',,,,,
Arcade CLOVER',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ArchetypeMe','5 Crosby Street 3rd Floor',' - ','New York',,,,,
Architizer','281 Fifth Ave','3rd Floor','New York',,,,,
Ardency Inn Corp.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Arderoy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Area17','99 Richardson Street','Second Floor','Brooklyn',,,,,
Arellius Enterprises/Custodis Technologies',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ArgoFund',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ark Media','325 Gold St.','Suite 602','Brooklyn',,,,,
Arkadium','920 Broadway','2nd Floor','New York',,,,,
Armada',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Armani',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Armoryinteractive LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Arn-Star Properties',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AromaGo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Arrive',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Arrow Leads Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Art In Your Space',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Art Matters',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Art Story',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Art. Lebedev Studio','125 Maiden Lane','Suite 15D','New York',,,,,',"'401 Broadway, 25th Flr, New York, NY 10013'",' - ',' - ',,,,,
ArtCondo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ArtCycle','32 Court Street #801',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
ArtList','59 Franklin St.','Store A','New York',,,,,
ArtSpot',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ArtStar Inc','405 w 23rd St',' - ','New York',,,,,
Article One Partners','555 Madison Avenue','30th Floor','New York',,,,,
Artificial Elegance',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Artisan Online',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Artissano',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ArtistUpgrade','34-27 41st Street',' - ','Long Island City',,,,,
Artista',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Artivest','1140 Broadway','Suite 1501','New York',,,,,
Artsicle',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Artsicle',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Artspace','915 Broadway','Suite 602','New York',,,,,
Artwalk',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ArxSocial','420 Lexington Avenue','Suite 2516','New York',,,,,
Asanda AVEDA Spa Lounge',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ashe Avenue','67 West St. Floor 4','(Greendesk #C6)','Brooklyn',,,,,
Asia Coal Catalyst Company',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Asia Coal Catalyst Company',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Asoko Insight',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Assassin X Tour',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Assegai LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AssetCompass',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Associated Renewable Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Assured Labor','122 W. 26th St.','4th Floor','New York',,,,,
Astral Consulting Services, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
AstrologyMe',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Asvan',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Asymptote Security',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
At Peak',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ataboy Studios','1133 Broadway','#1328','New York',,,,,
Atari Interactive','417 Fifth Avenue',' - ','New York',,,,,
Atavist',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Atavist','68 Jay Street','Suite 422','Brooklyn',,,,,
Atelier Brush',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Baya Weavers' Collective',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Atikus Investments Incorporated',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Atlantic Metro Communications','325 Hudson St','4th floor','New York',,,,,
Atlas ATS',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Atlas Gameworks',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Atlas Scientific','630 Flushing Avenue','8th Floor','Brooklyn',,,,,
Atomicmonkey',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Atomite, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Atozus',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Attendingdr',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Au Contraire',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Audiobrain','20 W. 22nd St.','Suite 712','New York',,,,,
Audioms','81 Carroll St',' - ','New York',,,,,
Augmate Corporation',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Augmate Corporation',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Aura Central Market of Aura Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Auralis Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Aurnhammer LLC','55 Broad Street','13th Floor','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Authintic',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Authorea',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,','405 Main Street Suite 9R',' - ','New York',,,,,
Autumn Games','54 Thompson St.','4th Flr','New York',,,,,
Auxiliary Design Company','117 Dobbin St','Suite 206','Brooklyn',,,,,
Availendar',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Avalanche Studios','536 Broadway',' - ','New York',,,,,
Avatar New York','122 Hudson Street','4th Floor','New York',,,,,
Avec','265 Canal Street','Suite 509','New York',,,,,
AviantLogic, Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Aviary','243 W 30th','St #11','New York',,,,,
Avua Cachaca',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Awar3',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Awesome',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Awl & Sundry','175 Varick Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
AxialMarket','45 EAST 20TH STREET','12TH FLOOR','New York',,,,,
Ayima','99 Hudson Street','5th Floor','New York',,,,,
Ayo! Social Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Azlore',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
B Culture Media','36 East 23rd Street','Suite 5F','New York',,,,,
B Holding Group, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
B&g tourism',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
B-OUT',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
B-Reel Products',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
B. Side Swimwear LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
B.O.S.S.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
B2B Anywhere',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BABB',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BACK UP BACK',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BAX US',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BBC Worldwide',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BBDO','1285 Avenue of the Americas',' - ','New York',,,,,
BDominant LLC','115 East 57th Street','11','New York',,,,,
BEAK',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BEAR',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BELGIUM MART LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BIReady',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BLACK ARMOUR',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BLACK RENAISSANCE TECHNOLGY',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BODI~CANDLES, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BOLD Organics',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BOND',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BOWNCE LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BOX Creative','518 Broadway',' - ','New York',,,,,
BOX'NGO',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BRANDmini',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BRI HOLLOWELL',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BYOB',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Baaltaz',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Baby Bundle',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BabyCenter, LLC','711 Third Avenue','1502','New York',,,,,
Babysitters America',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Badger',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bajan Yankee Pictures Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Baking for Good','353 East 83rd Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Balance Engineering, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Balance Media, LLC','34 W 27th St',' - ','New York',,,,,
Bali Pharma',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ballooning Nest Eggs, Inc.','451 West End Avenue',' - ','New York',,,,,
Ballooning Nest Eggs, Inc.- Astia portfolio company',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ballroom Rocks LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Baltia Airlines',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bandsintown','215 Lexington Ave',' - ','New York',,,,,
Bandwaggon',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bandwagon',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bandwagon (Weeels, Inc.)','137 Varick Street','1st Floor','New York',,,,,
Bandwidth Productions','134 West 26th Street','Suite 1001','New York',,,,,
Banking Up',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Banking Up','55 Broad Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Bar & Club Stats, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bar & Club Stats, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BareSkin Bags',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bargan Technology, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BarkBox','50 Eldridge Street','Floor 5','New York',,,,,
Barnes & Noble','76 Ninth Avenue','9th Floor','New York',,,,,
Barnes and Hoggetts',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Baro',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Barrel','197 Grand Street','Suite 7S','New York',,,,,
Bart',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Baruch College',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Barzaga Capital',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bateman Group','45 Main Street','Suite 617','Brooklyn',,,,,
Bates CHI&Partners (Estranged Freelance)','Block Zero','Room Zero','New York',,,,,
Battery Park Media (Battery Park City NEWS)','11 Broadway','457','New York',,,,,
BaubleBar','230 Fifth Ave','Ste. 612','New York',,,,,
BaubleBar','131 Greene St',' - ','New York',,,,,
Bawn Media Networks, Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bayshore Networks Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bazaart','330 West 38 Street','Suite 300','New York',,,,,
Bazaarvoice','126 5th Ave','804','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BeQRious',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Beach Facility Innovations',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Beach Glam',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Beach Glam LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BeanJar, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Beau Exchange',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Beauteeze',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Beautiful Villa',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Beauty Twin',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BeautyStat',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bedrock Divorce Advisors, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bedrocket Media Ventures','560 Broadway at Prince St ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Bee Organic',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bee*kin LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BeeOnTheGo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BeejooS',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BeenVerified','307 5th Avenue','16th Floor','New York',,,,,
Beer2Buds','175 Varick St','4th Floor','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Before the Label',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Behance',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bell Boardz',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ben Vision Research, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BenchPals',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BenchPals',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BeneShip',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BeneStream',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Benjamin Capital Management Group Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bennett Architects, Designers',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Berlin Cameron','100 6th Avenue',' - ','New York',,,,,
Berry Smart Smoothies',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bespoke Atelier','262 west 38th street','Suite 303','New York',,,,,
Bespoke Post',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Best Bite',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Best Biz Survis',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Best Investments',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BestDailyDates','244 5th Ave',' - ','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BestRecom Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BestVendor','524 Broadway','Rm 403','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bestowed',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Betabeat','321 W 44th st',' - ','New York',,,,,
Betobe',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Better Future Engineering',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Better Life',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Better Restaurant Group',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Better Schools for Everyone',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BetterBizWorks, LLC','1855 Victory Blvd.','2nd Floor','Staten Island',,,,,
BetterCloud','299 Broadway','1310','New York',,,,,
Betterfly','621 Second Ave','Second Floor','New York',,,,,
Betterment',"'61 W 23rd 5th Floor, NY NY 10019'",' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bevs Home Services','1 Piermont Plaza ',' - ','Brooklyn ',,,,,
Beyond','300 Park Avenue South','11th Floor','New York',,,,,
Beyond Vision Group',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bib + Tuck',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bibi',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BidKind',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bidzulu',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Big Apple Fire Engine Tours',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Big Dick Productions',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Big Drop Inc.','11 Broadway ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Big Fuel Communications','40 W 23rd St','5th Flr','New York',,,,,
Big Human','51 E 12th Street','9th Floor','New York',,,,,
Big Spaceship','45 Main Street','Suite 716','Brooklyn',,,,,
Big Sweet Nutrition',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BigTwist',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bignay',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bijoor',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bikram Yoga Staten Island',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BillGuard',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Billboard','770 Broadway','7','New York',,,,,
Bindo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bio-Cep',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bio-Signal Group Corp.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BioAegis Therapeutics, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BioDigital','594 Broadway','Suite 606','New York',,,,,
BioLite','68 Jay Street','Suite 309','Brooklyn',,,,,
Biogrify',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bionee LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bionest Partners',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Biosof LLC','138 West 25th Street','10th Floor','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Birch Coffee',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Birchbox',"'230 Park Ave S, Suite 201, New York, NY 10003'",' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bisqit, LLC','1430 US 206','Suite 210','Bedminster',,,,,
BitFetcher',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BitInstant LLC','20 W 23rd St‚Äé',' - ','New York',,,,,
BiteHunter',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BiteHunter Corporation','95 Morton St',' - ','New York',,,,,
Bitly','85 5th Avenue','4th Flr','New York',,,,,
Bitly',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bitsocket, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bivi',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BizSlate Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BizSlate Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bizbash Media','8 West 38th Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Bizo, Inc.','1123 Broadway','Suite 507','New York',,,,,
Bizodo','7th Ave',' - ','New York',,,,,
Bizzabo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Black + Blanco',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Black Business Now','318 West 118th Street','Floor 1','New York',,,,,
Black Diamond Pictures, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Black Hammer Productions','447 Broadway','Floor 2','New York',,,,,
Black Lapel','475 Park Avenue South','4th Floor','New York',,,,,
Black Mountain Systems',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Black Reniassance Technology',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Black Rock',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Black Sheep projects',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BlackFeet Films','132 Lexington Avenue.',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Blackwall Capital Markets',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BlankSlate','68 Jay Street','Suite 512','Brooklyn',,,,,
Blast Radius','284 Madison Avenue','9th floor','New York',,,,,
Blazetrak',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,','1133 Broadway','Suite 706','New York',,,,,
Bleepr',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BlendED K-12','62 Clermont Ave','Suite 405','Brooklyn',,,,,
Blended Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Blenderbox','26 Dobbin St',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Blinkbuggy, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Blinpick',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Blinq',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Blip','636 Broadway','3rd Floor','New York',,,,,
Blipit LLC','110E 28th street','Floor 8','New York',,,,,
Bliss and Care Spa',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Blitor',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BlocPower',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Block to Rock',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,','17 Battery Place','25th Floor','New York',,,,,
Blood, Sweat & Cheers',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Blood, Sweat & Cheers','12 Desbrosses St',' - ','New York',,,,,
Bloomberg','731 Lexington Ave',' - ','New York',,,,,
Blu Trumpet','555 W18th Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
BluEarth Aromatherapy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Blue 2.0','55 Water Street','4','Brooklyn',,,,,
Blue Apron','5 Crosby St.',' - ','New York',,,,,
Blue Bonnet Basket',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Blue Breeze',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Blue Cups U',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Blue Fountain Media','102 Madison Ave','2nd Flr','New York',,,,,
Blue Label Labs','902 Broadway','4th Floor','New York',,,,,
Blue Phoenix Media','265 Canal Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Blue State Digital','101 Ave of the Americas','12th FL','New York',,,,,
Blue Telescope','236 W 30th St','# 700','New York',,,,,
BlueCheck',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BlueLine Grid, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BlueMetal Architects','14 Wall Street','20th Floor','New York',,,,,
Bluewolf Group','11 East 26th Street','21st Floor','New York',,,,,
Bluum','325 W. 38th St.','Ste. 1402','New York',,,,,
Bluum Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bluwired',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BoSoul',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Board Vitals','271 W 47th Street ','#24F','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bodian Associates',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Body&Eden',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BodyMind Kitchen',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bodytone Health Program',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Boloro',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bolster',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bolt Digital','73 Wortman Ave',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Bombfell','262 W 38th Street','Room 702','New York',,,,,
BondX',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bondsy','125 Court Street','Apartment 4HN','Brooklyn',,,,,
Bonnie Young',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bonobos','45 West 25th Street','5th Floor','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Bonusly',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Boo's Bakes',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Book&Table',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BookaLokal Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Booker Software, Inc.','22 Cortlandt Street','Floor 18','New York',,,,,
Bookish','7 West 18th Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Bookspan',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Boom',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BoomerPPL LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Boomset Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Boomset Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Boonty','54 Franklin Street','3F','New York',,,,,
Bootstrap Software','129 West 29th Street','12th Fl.','New York',,,,,
Booty Slide® Fitness',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BoozBucks',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Booze & Shoes',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Boredom Therapy','349 5th Avenue',' - ','New York',,,,,
Born In SKin',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Boston Biomotion',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BotFactory',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Botego','244 5th Avenue','Suite K-271','New York',,,,,
Botego Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bounce Exchange',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Boundless Impact Investing',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bowery Financial',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BoxKit',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Boxee','122 West 26th Street','8th Floor','New York',,,,,
Boxing For All',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Boyle Software, Inc.','42 West 24th Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
BrainGig Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BrainTracer',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Brainscape',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Braintech',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Braintive',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Brake For Life',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Branch','416 W 13th St.','Suite 203','New York',,,,,
Branchly',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Brand Labs NY, Inc.','390 Broadway','4 floor','New York',,,,,
Brand Networks','175 Varick Street','6th Floor','New York',,,,,
BrandGames','636 Broadway','Suite 1100','New York',,,,,
BrandReach','89 5th Avenue 7th Floor','Suite 703','New York',,,,,
BrandShare','263 West 38th Street','8th Floor','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Brandemix','1270 Broadway','803','New York',,,,,
Brandt Works Inc.','611 Broadway #504',' - ','New York',,,,,
Brazilian Biologics',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Breadboye Entertainment',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Breadcrumb (apart of Groupon)','10 East 23rd Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Break The Crates','902 Broadway','4th Floor','New York',,,,,
Breakfast','55 Washington St','#253b','Brooklyn',,,,,
Breaking Media','611 Broadway','Suite 907D','New York',,,,,
Breakneck Apparel',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Breakrs',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Breather','235 E 13th St','Apt 6L','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Brentmoor Restaurant Advisors LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Brevity',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Brewla, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Brick & Portal','626 10th Avenue','#5E','New York',,,,,
BrideClick, Inc','120 W31st St.','Floor 6','New York',,,,,
Bridgeline Digital','450 7th Ave',' - ','New York',,,,,
Brif',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bright Power',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bright Starts of CNY',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BrightBod',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BrightLot Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BrightWire','12 desbrosses',' - ','New York',,,,,
BrightZoo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Brightidea Inc.','810 7th Avenue','11','New York',,,,,
Brightline','565 Fifth Avenue','18th Floor','New York',,,,,
Brillist, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BringMeThat',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cinchcast',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Brinkmat',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BriteRise Systems, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Brivea Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Broadcastr','325 Gold St.',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Broadway Technology','11 Broadway',' - ','New York',,,,,
Brode',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Broncks Consulting Group, Inc','400 E Fordham Rd','Fl 7','Bronx',,,,,
Bronx Basketball Association',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bronx Holy Flames',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Broodr',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Brooklyn Digital Foundry','20 Jay Street','Suite 115','Brooklyn',,,,,
Brooklyn Leather',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Brooklyn Research','630 Flushing Ave','FL 6','Brooklyn',,,,,
Brooklyn SkyBox Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Brooklyn Taco Company, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Brooklyn Translation Works LLC',' - ','c/o Brooklyn Creative League','Brooklyn',,,,,
Brooklyn United (in association w/ Brooklyn Digital Foundry)','20 Jay St #1105',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Brouha',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Brown Belt',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BrunchCritic','175 Varick St.',' - ','New York',,,,,
Bubba & Shirley Trading Co.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bubbl',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bubble',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bubble News',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bubblerock Entertainment',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Buddy Media (Sales Force Marketing Cloud)','155 6th Avenue','12th Flr','New York',,,,,
Budge, Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Buffalo Forklift LLC (Own Real Assets)',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bug Labs','598 Broadway','4th Floor','New York',,,,,
Build Long Island',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BuilderBuzz',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Building Link','85 Fifth Avenue','3rd Floor','New York',,,,,
Built by the Factory','261 Madison Avenue',' - ','New York',,,,,
Bulb Master Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bull Moose Brewing',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BumpUp',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bundle Organics',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BundleNYC','128 Thompson Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Bunker New York','28 Howard St','3rd Floor','New York',,,,,
Bunny Inc. (VoiceBunny)','902 Broadway Ave.','4th Floor','New York',,,,,
Bureau Blank','273 Grand Street','Floor 6','New York',,,,,
Burnout Brooklyn',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Burringo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Burst Media','1156 Avenue of the Americas','Suite 301','New York',,,,,
BusGenie',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Bushel Entertainment',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Business Insider',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Business Management Consortium, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Business Mentor NY','253 W 16th St',' - ','New York',,,,,
BusinessReel','28 Howard St',' - ','New York',,,,, (acquired by Bloombergs)','731 Lexington Ave',' - ','New York',,,,,
Busker',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BustedTees','54 West 22nd Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Bustr',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Butter Beans, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Buy Me A Drink',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BuyFolio (AgentFolio) (acquired by Zillow)','305 W Broadway','Suite 227','New York',,,,,
Buyology Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Buyou',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BuzzBuzzHome Corp.','175 Varick St.','4','New York',,,,,
BuzzFeed',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
BuzzTable',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Buzzr','38 W 21st St','3rd Flr','New York',,,,,
Buzztala',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Byte Dept.','148 Madison Ave','#600','New York',,,,,
ByteFly, Inc.','217 Water Street','Suite 201','New York',,,,,
Bytemark',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
C M INNOVATION',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
C&C Entertainment Firm',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
C&C Graphics',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
C-EDI Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
C-Suite Mentor',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
C-vibes','154 Grand St',' - ','New York',,,,,
C.M. Cherry International LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
C.TrAm',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
C3 Metrics','1230 Avenue of the Americas','7th Floor','New York',,,,,
CA-Speak',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CADRE (Next Street)','37 West 20th Street','Suite 1101','New York',,,,,
CALM Energy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CAPPTURE',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CARality',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CASE','125 Maiden Lane','Suite 14A','New York',,,,,
CASH COACH',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CASTNREEL, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CBS Interactive','28 East 28th Street','10th floor','New York',,,,,
CBSEE',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CD Trade',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CH Media (College Humor Media)','555 West 18th Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
CHIPS NY',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
CHIYOME',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CHOICE Financial Solutions',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CIG, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CLEARGOALS','105 W 86TH ST','227','New York',,,,,
CLPinc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CMP.LY',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CNEKT',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
COAWAY LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
COLLIDR',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CONEY ISLAND ICE CREAM',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
COOKING LESSONS IN FRANCE',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CORP Online LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CRT/tanaka',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
CS Int',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CSBM',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CSRHub LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CURA Physical and Massage Therapy,LLP',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CabCorner LLC','46 President Street','1st Floor','Brooklyn',,,,,
CabEasy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Caboost',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Caeden, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cafe Empire',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CafeMom','401 Park Ave S Fl 5',' - ','New York',,,,,
Cake Group','195 Broadway','12th Floor','New York',,,,,
CalPal',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Calcbench, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Calcorie',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Callision',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Calvin',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Camayak','230 W 38th Street','Flr 9','New York',,,,,
Camille Zarsky Handbags',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Campalyst Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Campfire','313 Church Street','2nd Floor','New York',,,,,
Campus Dining Delivery',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Campus Job','55 E 52nd St. ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Canada Debt relief',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Canal',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CandidShots4u',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CannRx Technology, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Canvas','104 Fifth Avenue','10H Flr','New York',,,,,
Canvas Squared',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Canvita',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Canvs+',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Capital Gain Advisor',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Capital New York','333 West 39th St.','Suite 902','New York',,,,,
Capture Your Flag',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Car Part Kings',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Caravan Interactive','68 Jay St #1002',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Carbon38',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Carbonmade','187 Lafayette St.','4th Floor','New York',,,,,
CardSpark',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Care Innovations LLC','29 W 35th St','12th floor','New York',,,,,
CareBlue',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CareGuardian','740 Broadway','#1203','New York',,,,,
CarePlanners',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Career Quad STUDIOS',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CareerApp',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CareerThesaurus','65 15th Street ','#2F','Brooklyn',,,,,
Careeref, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Careeris',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Carette International',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CariCorps','601 West 26th Street','Suite 325','New York',,,,,
Caritas',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Carpathia Hosting','1500 Broadway Avenue','1811','New York',,,,,
CarpeCultum','20 River Terrace',' - ','New York',,,,,
Carrot Creative','45 Main St.','Suite 1200','New York',,,,,
CartRescue911 LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cartonomy','105 Madison Ave','9th Floor','New York',,,,,
Cartoon Brew','PO Box 15054',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Cartoon Encyclopedia',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CartridgeExpert',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CarusoApps','383 Brookfield Ave',' - ','Staten Island',,,,,
Case Commons','841 Broadway','8th Floor','New York',,,,,
Case Tracker',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CaseRails',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Caskers',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Casserole Labs','231 Front Street','3','Brooklyn',,,,,
Casting to the People',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Castle Ridge Media','78 Ridge St','Suite 1D','New York',,,,,
Cat2See',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Catalyst Global LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Catalyst Online','498 7th Avenue',' - ','New York',,,,,
CatchEye',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Catchafire',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Catchafire','31 East 32nd Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Catchpoint Systems','336 West 37th Street','SUITE 405','New York',,,,,
Categorical',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,','40 West 29th St',' - ','New York',,,,,
CaterCow',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CauseCart',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CauseCart','DUMBO',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
CauseVox',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cedar Grown Transportation',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cellfish',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Centers for HER: Healing, Evaluation and Relationship',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Central E inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Centrallo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Centric Digital','120 Fifth Ave ','7th Floor ','New York',,,,,
CentricSocial',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Centzy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cessair Therapeutics',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ChEucBa',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Chainbits',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Chalkable',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Challengage',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ChallengePost, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Chamblu Entertainment, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ChameleonJohn',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,','64 Fulton Street','10th Floor','New York',,,,,
Chango','20 West 22nd St.','Suite 1001','New York',,,,,
Characters for Hire, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ChargeUp',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Charideem, Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Charitable Checkout',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Charity Miles',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CharityTick',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Chart Prophet',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Chartbeat',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Chartbeat',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Chartered Capital Advisers, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Chat ID',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,','440 E 20th st','#11B','New York',,,,,
Chatalog',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,','634 St. Nicholas Ave',' - ','New York',,,,,
Cheapism',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cheater Beater',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cheek'd, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cheeki Brand LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CheetahMail (acquired by Experian)',"'29 Broadway, 6th floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
ChefPrive',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Chefday','1304 Willoughby Ave',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Cherrysh',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Chez Tates',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Chia Charger',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Chic Sugars',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ChickRx','902 Broadway',' - ','New York',,,,,, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Chillaxing App','442 97th street',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Chimpanzee','275 Madison Avenue','14th Floor','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ChineseCUBES',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ChipperSitter',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Chitta Wellness LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Chloe + Isabel','122 Hudson St','6th Flr','New York',,,,,
Chocolatania',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Chocomize',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Choozer',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Christopher Jarczynski',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Chromation',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Chronopix',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
ChubbyBrain',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Chumfo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cidea Incorporated',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cipherhealth',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Circcle Interactive',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Circles io',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cirqa',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cisse',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Citease Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Citelighter',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Citelighter Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CitiRenter',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CitiVox',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Citia','1123 Broadway','#718','New York',,,,,
Citizen Cyberscience Institute',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Citizen Made',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Citizen Spend',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
City Health Works!',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
City Island Software','185 Beach Street',' - ','Bronx',,,,,
CityBird Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CityBlow',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CityHint',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CityMaps',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CityPockets',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CityRaven',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CitySpots',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Citycommerz',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Civic Legal Corps',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Clarisel Media',"'890 Garrison Ave., Second Floor'",' - ','Bronx',,,,,
Clark's Botanicals',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Class Photo Fund',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Classic Specs','85 North 3rd St','112','Brooklyn',,,,,
Clean Cube','63 Flushing Ave',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Clean Plates OmniMedia',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cleaning Exec Cleaning Services','12 John Street','#11F','New York',,,,,
Clear','595 Madison Avenue',' - ','New York',,,,,
Clear Alternatives',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ClearDigs',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ClearMove',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Clearhart Digital','73 Fernwood Rd',' - ','Larchmont',,,,,
Clearly Innovative','222 Broadway ','18th Floor/Suite 1839','New York',,,,,
Cleeyor Innovations',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CleverHive',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cleverbees',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Click and Improve',' - ',' - ','Long Island City',,,,,
ClickSlide',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Clickslide',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CliffRose, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Clink',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Clique',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Closet with Benefits',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ClosetDash',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Clothes Horse','110 E 23rd St 8th Floor',' - ','New York',,,,,
Clothia',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Cloud DX Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cloud9 Smarthome (in assoication w/ Everglades technologies)',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
CloudLaw',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CloudWord',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cloudberry Creative',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Cloudnician LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Clouds Arena',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Clppr','54 W 40th Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Clubs in NYC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Co','222 Broadway','20th Floor','New York',,,,,
CoMotion',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CoPromote',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CoYard',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Coagulation Sciences, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Coalesce Creative',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Coaliton for Queens (C4Q)','31-00 47th Ave','Suite 1105','Long Island City',,,,,
Cobra Sun Studio',' - ',' - ','Staten Island',,,,,
Coco-ya',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Code Academy','49 West 27 Street','4th Fl','New York',,,,,
Code and Theory',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
CodeLuxury',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CodeWalla',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Codesters',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Codex Educational Systems',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Codify',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Coffee Meets Bagel',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cognection',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cognitive Match',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cognotion',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cohen Medical',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cohere Studio','20 River Ter #20f',' - ','New York',,,,,
CoheroHealth',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Coinspace',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cold Lilies',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Colddrive',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Coldsteel Laser',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Colibri Media Tables',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Collab Finder','416 w 13th St',' - ','New York',,,,,
Collaborizm',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Collective[i]','130 Madison Avenue',' - ','New York',,,,,
Collectively',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Collectrium','118 E 28th St #808',' - ','New York',,,,,
College Confident',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CollegeHumor',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
CollegeSolved',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CollegeStartup','1501 Broadway',' - ','New York',,,,,
Collegiate Sun',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cologuard','882 3rd Ave',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
ColorPlay',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Columbitech',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Columbus Solar',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Command C','240 N. Henry St. #1',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Commodus',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CommonBond',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CommonKey',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Communal Brands',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Community Driven Deviation',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CompStak','36 Cooper Square',' - ','New York',,,,,
Company X',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Compass (by Hugleberry Corp.)',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Competeable',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Complex Media Network','40 West 23rd Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Comqi',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Concept Farm',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Concert Window',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ConcertPass‚Ñ¢',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Conductor',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Conductor',"'""2 Park Avenue, 15th Floor",,,,,,,
"' ' - ' 'New York' ',,,,,,,,"
Conductor',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Conductrics',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Coney island Cinema Grill',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Confidential',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Connect',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Connect2Rentals Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ConnectCubed',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ConnectFORE',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Connexient, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Consignd',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Consortium Marketing Network',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Conspired Minds',' - ',' - ',"'Jamaica, Queens'",,,,,
Consumer Angel, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ConsumerBell',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Content Galaxy Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Content Ramen',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Contently',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Contestive',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ContextIn Inc.',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Contextuall',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Contnu',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Eye Read',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Control Group',"'233 Broadway, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10279'",' - ',' - ',,,,,
Control Square','3801 23rd Ave','410','Astoria',,,,,
ConversionPlanet (apart of Media Planet)',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Conversocial','1115 Broadway','11th Floor','New York',,,,,
Cookbook Create',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cookstr',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cool Hunting',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Cooper Union Info',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Copia Interactive LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cords for Music',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Core Partnering Solutions',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Coregan',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cornell NYC Tech','One Main Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Corsis','18 West 21st Street','7th Flr','New York',,,,,
Cortina',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cosi Consulting',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Cosi Productions',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cosiety',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cosmetic Calculator',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cosmetic Calculator',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cosmic Cart',"'625 Ave of Americas, New York, NY 10011'",' - ',' - ',,,,,
CouProm',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Countr','319 Lafayette Street','Mailbox 144','New York',,,,,
Couponomy Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Coupons Near Me',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Couptivate',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Courier Cares',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CourseHorse',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CourseHorse',"'44 West 4th Street, Suite 7-150, New York, NY 10012'",' - ',' - ',,,,,
CourseHorse',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CourseHorse',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CourseHorse',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CourseHorse',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CourseKicker',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CoursePalette',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CourseSky',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Court House Regular',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Courtney's Stars of Tomorrow',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cover',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cover','110 Greene St ','#9B','New York',,,,,
CoverBand',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Covestor',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Cozart Records',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Craft Coffee',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Craft Exchange',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Crafted.',' - ',"'10th Floor, Suite 1044'",'New York',,,,,
Crash Pad',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CrashDwell',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cre.Art Project',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cre8te',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Create the Group',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
CreatePros LLC','502 9th Ave ','Suite 8C','New York',,,,,
CreativeWorx',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CreatorCircle',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CredAppeal',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Crestron','979 Third Ave','Suite 407','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,','79 Madison Avenue','2nd Fl','New York',,,,,
Crisp Media',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cristofe Luis Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Criteo',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Critical Media',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Cross Pixel Media (DataDesk)',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Cross Pond Media, LLC.',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
CrossTalk Research',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CrossWorld Warranty Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CrossWorld Warranty, Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Crosstown Eats',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Crowd',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Crowd Valley',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CrowdBrewed',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CrowdCentric/Social Media Week','1 Little West 12th Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
CrowdFlik',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CrowdHut',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CrowdJewel',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CrowdPrep',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CrowdSurge','45 Main Street','Suite 406','Brooklyn',,,,,
CrowdTwist',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CrowdTwist',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Crowdcap',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CrowdsUnite',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Crowdscore Labs Inc','545 5th Ave',' - ','New York',,,,,
Crowdster','Thoughtbox @ LIU','720 Northern Blvd.','Greenvale',,,,,
Crowdtap',"'225 Park Avenue S, 16th Flr'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Crown Yourself',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cruiseline',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Crunchbutton',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Crush + Lovely',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
CryptoGamr',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cubby, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cubix',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CuffLink',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cultified',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cultivora',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cultural Difoodsion',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Culture Craver',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Culture Fuels',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Culture Shock NY',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Cup & Compass',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cupcake Digital Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Curatio HCS',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Curbed','36 Cooper Square6th Floor',' - ','New York',,,,,
CurePatch',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cureatr','285 W Broadway','Suite 200','New York',,,,,
Curiator',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Curioos','1140 Broadway',' - ','New York',,,,,
CuriousFeed',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CuriousRubik',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Curvaceous K LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Curvy Girlz Lingerie, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Customaid',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Custora',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Cut On Your Bias, Inc.','131 Varick St.','939','New York',,,,,
Cute Brands, Inc. - Cute and Happy with a Cause!',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cuurio','419 Park Avenue South',' - ','New York',,,,,
Cyber-Tech',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CyberARM',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CyberCity','224 W 30th St',' - ','New York',,,,,
CyberClass',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cybersports, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cygnus Creations',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cynvec LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Cyrus Innovation LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
CytexOne',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
D'Fuzion LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
D'Marie Group, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
D-Scope Systems',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
D.E.N',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
DADA',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
DAMN Digital Studio',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
DCCLXXVII',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
DE GANNES INDUSTRIES',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
DEAR SEVEN','902 Broadway',' - ','New York',,,,,
DENA',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
DENT',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
DEPOSITPHOTOS',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
DIAHealth',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
DIGITALFLASHNYC','419 Park Avenue South','2','New York',,,,,
DJ Booth','17th St',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
DMS Network, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
DOLFYN',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
DOM & TOM',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
DOOR3',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
DOOR3 Business Applications',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
DOTGO','236 COURT ST',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
DOW Technical',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
DOmedia, LLC','224 Wythe Ave','Suite 70A','Brooklyn',,,,,
DRESS FOR THE DAY',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
DRIVE BOUTIQUE',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
DTN Electronics, Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
DYKOS Systems',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
DYNATABS, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
DaMP',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dachis Group',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dagda Technologies Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Daily Candy',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Daily Secret',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
DailyBurn','555 West 18th Street','8th floor','New York',,,,,, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dailymotion',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Daingean LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dajomi',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dakorum',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dalrocha',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Danaliska International Corp.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dandy Espresso',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Daniel Silverstain',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dannelli Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dantech Systems',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dapprly',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Darkness Falls Music Group',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dash Labs Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
DashBid',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
DashBid Media','200 Varick Street','514','New York',,,,,
Dashlane',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dashride',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Data Conversion Laboratory','61-18 190th Street','Suite 205','Fresh Meadows',,,,,
Data Munch',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
DataKind','150 Court St.','1','Brooklyn',,,,,
DataNitro',"'44 Wall Street, Suite 705'",' - ','New York',,,,,
DataVelocity','419 Park Avenue South Suite 906',' - ','New York',,,,,
Databetes',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Datacoup','175 Varick Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Datacratic',"'""122 East 42nd Street, Suite 2005 NY, NY 10168",,,,,,,
"' ' - ' ' - ' ',,,,,,,,"
Datadog',"'286 Fifth Avenue, 12th Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Datalot','55 Washington Street Suite 559',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Datavisual, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dating Outside The Box',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dating Ring',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dating for a Cause','350 Canal Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Dattch',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Datura',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Davids Boxing Gym',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Davis & Partners Worldwide',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Daylife (acquired by NewsCred)',"'444 Broadway, 5th floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Dayou Unlimited, LTD',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
DeClipse Clothing',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
DeStress Box',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dealery',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dealyst',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
DeansList Software',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Debio Cell, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
DecisionDesk',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Decker Design','14W.23rd Street','3rd Floor','New York',,,,,
Decker Yeadon LLC','33 Flatbush Ave',' - ','New York',,,,,
Decoded','10 East 34th Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Decorative Traces',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Decorilla',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dedicated Media',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Deep Focus','460 Park Avenue South','7th Floor','New York',,,,,
Defense I/O LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Degreed',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Deitscho',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Deja Vu USA',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Del Rosario',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Delicate Curves',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,','199 Water Street','23rd Floor','New York',,,,,
Deloitte',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Denise Williams Hunter's Company',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Densebrain',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Department of Better Technology','68 Jay St.','Suite 718','Brooklyn',,,,,
Deposit a Gift',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Derrek Thomas Brian Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Design Brooklyn','583 Driggs Ave',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Design United',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
DesignModo','50 N 1','#4i','New York',,,,,
DesignNBuy WebToPrint Pvt Ltd',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Designables Ltd',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Designer Pages','225 West 31st Street','Suite 1100','New York',,,,,
Desta Communications',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dev Bootcamp',"'""48 Wall St., 15th Floor",,,,,,,
New York, NY 10005"',' - ',' - ',',,,,,
DevSpark','115 E 23rd Street',' Fl 4','New York',,,,,
DevSpark LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Devi's Closet',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
DeviceUnity',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dhungry5',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Diamond Capital Management',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Diamond Care LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dias Tech',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dibsie',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
DibzOn, Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
DiciCalc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dicks Cottons',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Diego Pope',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
DietBet',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Digg','416 West 13th Street','Suite 203','New York',,,,,
Digilant (Adnetik)','349 Fifth Avenue','Suite #7','New York',,,,,
Digital Behavioral Health, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Digital Brand Architects',"'133 W 19th St #5a,'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Digital Brewery','36-27 36th St',' - ','Long Island City',,,,,
Digital DUMBO',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Digital Edge','7 Teleport Dr.',' - ','Staten Island',,,,,
Digital Media Rights (DMR)',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Digital Media Training','112 West 34th Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Digital Media Training LLC',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Digital Natives Group',"'5-22 46th Ave, 3rd Flr, Long Island City, NY 11101'",' - ',' - ',,,,,
Digital Pocket LLC','110 East 59th Street','22nd Floor','New York',,,,,
Digital Processing Solutions',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Digital Pulp',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Digital Search Monkey',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Digital Smash Enterprises',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Digital Surrogate Corp',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Digital Trends','330 7th Ave','22nd Floor','New York',,,,,
DigitalGenius','7 World Trade Center','250 Greenwich Street','New York',,,,,
DigitalOcean','101 Avenue of the Americas','10th floor','New York',,,,,
DigitalUNYC','107 Grand St','4th','New York',,,,,
Digitalent',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Digitaria',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Dinevore','902 Broadway','4th Floor','New York',,,,,
Dinner Me LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dinosaur Securities LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Direct Agents','740 Broadway Suite 701',' - ','New York',,,,,
Direct IQ','42 West 24th st',' - ','New York',,,,,
Direct Swap Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Direct Swap Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
DirectNorth','447 Broadway','2nd floor','New York',,,,,
Dirty Dog Lovers, INC.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
DiscoRat LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Discount Club Savings',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dispensed2U, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Disperse',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Disqus','168 5th Ave.','302','New York',,,,,
Distilled',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
District',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Divabetic',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Diversionary Therapy Technology',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Divide (Enterproid)',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Division Construction Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Division Of','126 E 12th St.',' - ','New York',,,,,
Divvy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dizzain',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Do It IN Person LLC','44 West 28th St',' - ','New York',,,,,
DoGoodBuyUs',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',"'19 West 21st St, 8th Flr.'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Docket Alarm, Inc.','241 West 97th','#5N','New York',,,,,
Docracy',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Docturs, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dog and Pony Show Media','400 Victory Blvd','B','Staten Island',,,,,
Doggington's LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dolly Drive',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dolphin Micro',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
DomainPaid, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Domani Studios',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
DonateToBand',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,','213 West 35th Street 2nd Floor',' - ','New York',,,,,
Doo Aquino',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Doorish Ophthalmic Technologies, Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Doorsteps',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Doostang',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dopamine Inc.',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Doran Jones','77 Water Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
DormChat','41 E 11th Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Dormify',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
DotAlign',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
DoubleVerify','575 8th Avenue','7th Floor','New York',,,,,
Doublespace',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Dowsing Elephant Brewery',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dowza',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dr. Aron Medical Weight Loss Center, WeightLossNYC (tm)','7032 4th Avenue','Suite A5','Brooklyn',,,,,
Dr. Jojo's',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
DramaFever','72 Madison Avenue',' - ','New York',,,,,
Drason Buck International, INC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dream Forward',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dream High Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dream See Do',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dreamer',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
DressCode',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dressler Advertising',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Driftaway Coffee','751 Franklin Ave #1',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Drink:',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Drinkstantly',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Droga5',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
DropGlobal',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Droplix',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dropmark',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Dstillery','37 East 18th Street','Floor 9','New York',,,,,
Dude, where's my carburetor?',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
DugDug',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Duggal Visual Solutions',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Dulac Studio',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dumann Associates, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dynace - The Web Design Library',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dynamic Sunset Consulting',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dynamic Video',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
DynamicOxygen','646 Maple St. STE 2B',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Dynamo Media',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dynasty Sports & Gaming, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dyvineent3llc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Dēvī Beauté',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
E-Line Media','363 7th Avenue','20th Floor','New York',,,,,
E-SPRING','155 Water Street',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
E.S.L ( Ease of Student Learning)',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
E.g.- Educational games',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EAT','70 Wooster St','4f','New York',,,,,
EBM Care, Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EBMcare',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EBO Nexus',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ECO "Environmentally- Friendly Fashion"',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EDGE Collective','611 Broadway','704','New York',,,,,
EDMX',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EDMdesigner',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EDU-Cube Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EHR.WORKS','760 Parkside Ave','Suite 227D','Brooklyn',,,,,
EHR.WORKS',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ELISA',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EMB FC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EMC Corporation',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
EMC Digital','5 Penn Plaza','24th floor','New York',,,,,
EPC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EPIVON',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ER Path',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ERPLY POINT OF SALE','110 West 40th St.','Suite 1801','New York',,,,,
ETNA Software','230 Park Avenue','10th Floor','New York',,,,,
EURO RSCG Life MetaMax (Havas Worldwide)','200 Madison ave.','7','New York',,,,,
EVERGLADES TECHNOLOGIES LLC','1 Union Square West','STE 302','New York',,,,,
EXGATE',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EXPO',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EXPO Communications (EXPO TV)','15 WEST 18TH ST','10th Flr','New York',,,,,
EYEBEAM','34 35th St ','5th Floor','Brooklyn',,,,,
EZ Get Cloud',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EZBZ Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EZDesk',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EZScholar',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EachScape','36 E. 20 st',' - ','New York',,,,,
EaglePlan',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Eaglewood Capital Management, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Earmark, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Earnament',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Earth+Energy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Earthquake Resistant Building Construction, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Eastmedia','27 west 24th St.','Suite 703','New York',,,,,
Easy Aerial Inc.','474 48th Ave ','#21J','Long Island City',,,,,
Easy Pairings',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',"'6 West 37th St, Floor 2'",' - ','New York',,,,,
EasyUSAtv',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Easypack',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ebooks In Person',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Echolocation',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Echolocation','20 Jay St','Ste. 312','New York',,,,,
Eco Pen',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Eco Trash',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Eco's Finest',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Eco-Tech Displays LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EcoLogic Solutions, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Econsultancy (acquired by Centaur)',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
EdTech',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EdTechLens','817 West End Avenue ','#5E ','New York',,,,,
Edamam, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Edelman Digital','250 Hudson St.',' - ','New York',,,,,
Edenworks',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Edgeworx Studios, LLC.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Editure',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EduCo Kids Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EduCo Kids Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EduPlay',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EduStruct, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Eduardo Angel Photography LLC',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Edziu Ties',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EffValR LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EffiSync',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Efficiency 2.0','165 William Street','Floor 10','New York',,,,,
Efficiency Proficiency',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Eighth Son Productions, Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ekcoe',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Elandrive INC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Elavate LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Elbrus Management',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Electric Orange Creative',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Electric Yarn, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Electronic Distraction Blocker',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Electronic Rhythm Inc.','300 E 71 Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Elemental Path',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Elevatr',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Elia Life Technology',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Elisa's Love Bites',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Elite Daily',"'242 W. 30th St, 8th Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Elite Gurus',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Elitka Group',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Elizabeth Mariott',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Elliot Ideas, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ellure Couture',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EyeCu LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Elucidate','68 Jay St',' - ','New York',,,,,
Elucidate Studios','68 Jay Street','201','Brooklyn',,,,,
Elusive View Entertainment, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Email Insights','343 4th ','#6A','Brooklyn',,,,,
Emalle',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Embrace',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Emerging Educational Futures',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Emerging Executives',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Emerging Global Investor',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Emmett Global',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Emotiful',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Emotish',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Emotitones','90 West Broadway #2A',' - ','New York',,,,,
Empress','306 W 38th Street','9th Floor','New York',,,,,
Emrals',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Enchanted Diamonds',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Encore Applications corp',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EnerKnol, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Energex Technologies',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EnergyGridIQ',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EnergyHub',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EnergyScoreCards, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Enfatica',"'236 West 30th Street, Suite 500R'",' - ','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Engine Digital','270 Lafayette St.','#806','New York',,,,,
Enhance Your Style',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Enhanced Business Solutions, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Enigma','560 broadway','402b','New York',,,,,
EnivroSiren',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Enliken',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Enotch Academics',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EnovativeTV',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Enrobed',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Entertainment Hound',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Entrepreneurship Life — Business is a Lifestyle',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Enzo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ephemeral',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EpiBone',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Epic Adventure Cruises',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Epicure',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EquaMetrics, Inc.',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Equitable Origin',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Equity Scholar',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EquityZen',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Esplori',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Esquirol','478 President Street',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Essence Digital','120 5th Ave','Floor 8','New York',,,,,
Essence Ice cream LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Estes',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Estimize',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Estimize',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ethikus',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Etsy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Eunoe',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Eva & Paul Denim',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Evans Resource Group',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EveiWonders',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EventNow Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Eventava',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EverExplore',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EverLeight Beverage Co., Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Eveready Development, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Everest BBN',"'42 Broadway Level 17, Suite 1736'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Evergreen Creations',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Everlasting Footprint',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Evermore Pet Food, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EveryScreen Media (acquired by Media6Degrees)',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Everyday Decorating',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Everyday Health',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Everyone’s Mixtape',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Evidence-Based Solutions',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Evidon',"'10 East 39th St, 8th Flr'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Evisors',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Evivio',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
EvoSpend',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Evol8tion','192 Lexington Avenue','14th Floor','New York',,,,,
Evolution4','603 Chambers Street','Suite 200','New York',,,,,
Evolvage',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Evolve Motorcycles',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Evry',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ex Vivo Dynamics',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',"'199 Lafayette Street, Suite 303'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Exam Elf',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,','42 Broadway',' - ','New York',,,,,
Exceleratr',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Excelolife LLC.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ExchangeMyPhone',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Excursionist',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Exerblast',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Exhibition A',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Expand The Room','27 Cliff Street','2nd Floor','New York',,,,,
ExpandTheRoom LLC',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Expeditioner',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Experenti',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Experience-Interaction','13 Lexington Ave','Suite 11','Brooklyn',,,,,
Experigo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Expertly',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Explore NYC Parks',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Expressible','79 Madison Avenue','2nd Floor','NY',,,,,
Exquisite Trimmings',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Exulans Europe SL',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Exversion',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Eyeview Digital','29 East 19th Street','Floor 4','New York',,,,,
Eyla',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ez Texting','244 5th Avenue','Suite A224','New York',,,,,
Ezakus',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
F&T Creative','175 Varick St',' - ','New York',,,,,
F+W Media',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
F-Link',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FABLOGUE',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FBrothers & Company, Inc.',"'629 East 35th Street, Suite 3'",' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
FCG FOODS, LLC - BROWNIE CRUNCH',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FDRMX','195 Plymouth St','#617','Brooklyn',,,,,
FET',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FINDMINE',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FITiST',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FIX Flyer',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
FLOW architech',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FLiPP',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FOLUP',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FONYE, Inc / Your Computer Fixer, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FOODBALL',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FORCE Therapeutics',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FREE PLAY',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FRIENDS with BENEFITS',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FRIENDS with BENEFITS designer fashion',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FRM Study Course','8 Spruce Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
FS Club',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FSC (FunSexyCool)',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FUHBUC COFFEE BAG/MUG',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FUNK-tional Enterprises, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FX Junction',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
FX Trade',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FXE Industries',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fab',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Fabricly',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Fabulus',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FaceReview',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Facebook','335 Madison Avenue',' - ','New York',,,,,','354 East 91st Street','Ste. 1606','New York',,,,,
FactSet Research Systems','90 Park Ave',' - ','New York',,,,,
Faction Studio Inc',"'300 N End Ave, Apt 12E'",' - ','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Faire Collection',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FaithStreet',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Falkor Systems, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fameish Jewelry Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Familiesgo!','15a Berkeley Pl.',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Family first',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FanBridge','150 W. 25th St.','3rd Floor ','New York',,,,,
FanDuel',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
FanFund',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fananza',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fanarchy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fancy Hands',"'135 Grand Street, 4th Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Fanlime',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fantasy Buzzer',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fantrotter',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FarFaria (Intuary Inc.)','349 5th Ave','7','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Farm to Baby',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Farmer Joe's',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FarmersWeb','10 W 15th',' - ','New York',,,,,
Farooqs Startup',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fashion Entertainment Media',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fashion GPS','515 West 20th Street','Suite 7W','New York',,,,,
Fashion Links',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fashion Wire Press',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Fashion entrepreneur with new invention',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fashion4Freedom',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fashionism',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fashion’s Collective',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Fashism','902 Broadway',' - ','New York',,,,,
Fast Food E-Z Pass',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fat Camel Falafel',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fathom',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Feasibl',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FeatureKicker',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FeatureSpark',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Federated Media',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
FeedBac',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Feelday',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Feelology',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Feengo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Felix','229 West 43rd Street','6th Floor','NY',,,,,
Felt Tip Inc.','350 5th Ave',' - ','New York',,,,,
Feminist Wednesday',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fenton Communications',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fever Creative',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Fever, Inc.','408 W. 14th Street','Suite 202','New York',,,,,
Field Center',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FieldDoc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fiesta Frog',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fiesta Technology',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
FiestaFive',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fiestah',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FiftyOne','8 West 40th Street','5th Floor','New York',,,,,
FiftyThree','110 Reade St.',' - ','New York',,,,,
Fiftyfiver',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fig Food Company, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fighting Owl Productions',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fillim','244 5th Ave',' - ','New York',,,,,
Film Armada, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Film at Eleven Media LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FilmUin Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FinLitTV LLC','717 Madison Avenue','4th Floor','New York',,,,,
Final Frontier Design',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Finale Footwear',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Finance Jobs',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Financial Times','1330 Avenue of the Americas',' - ','New York',,,,,
Find Your Facemate',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Find Your Lobster',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Find Your Lobster (3DegreesNation)','175 Varick Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Findings','416 West 13th st',' - ','New York',,,,,
Findr Group',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Findr Interactive',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Findyr (Frontier Data Corp)',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fine Print NYC','315 Madison Ave #901',' - ','New York',,,,,
Fingercramp',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Finite',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Finmor, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fino Consulting',"'20 W 37th Street, 12th Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Fintel Technologies, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FirePole',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FireVoxel',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Firma Group',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
First Access',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Firstborn Multimedia','32 Ave of the Americas','5th Floor','New York',,,,,
Fit Emblem',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fit4D',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FitAd','79 Madison Avenue',' - ','New York',,,,,
FitAd',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FitBark',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FitValet',"'447 Broadway, 2nd floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Fitango','119 W 57th Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
FitnessHome',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fitocracy','154 Grand Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Fitronix',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fitted Fashion',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Five Elements',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Five Island Sandals',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Five Point Snacks',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Five-Star Basketball','39 West 13th St','3rd Floor','New York',,,,,
FiveThirtyBrew (Pushkart) (apart of Blenderbox)','26 Dobbin St',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
FlashTrack',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Flat Club',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Flatiron Health','291 Broadway','Suite 401','New York',,,,,
Flavoring Thirst',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Flavorpill','594 Broadway',' - ','New York',,,,,
FlexTraPower',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Flexborrow LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Flickr',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Flip Venture, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FlixMaven',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Float',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Float Money LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Flocabulary',"'325 Gold St, Suite 703'",' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Flockd',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Floored',"'159 W. 25th Street, 9th Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Floral Fox',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Flow',"'20 Jay Street, Suite 622, Brooklyn, NY 11201'",' - ',' - ',,,,,
Flow | The Hospital Safety.Net',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fluent',"'295 Madison Avenue, 32nd Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Fluent Medical',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Fluid',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Fluidinfo',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Flurry',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Flutter',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fly Fitness',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fly Labs','222 Broadway',' - ','New York ',,,,,
FlyKly',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FlyTimeMedia Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Flying Monkey Interactive Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Flying Standby','270 Lafayette Street','1310','New York',,,,,
Flyte Fitness',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Flywire',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Focus + Finance',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fog Creek Software','55 Broadway','Floor 25','New York',,,,,
Fog HQ, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Folio',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Follow The Prince',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Fon','39 Wooster street','3rd Floor','New York',,,,,
Fondue Mix',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Food for Thought',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Food+Tech Connect',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Food52',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FoodieConnects',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FoodieForAll',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Foodmula',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Foodsaver',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Foodspotting',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
For My People Empowerment Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Foranima',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,','60 Fifth Ave.',' - ','New York',,,,,
Forcefield Net',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Forever Greek Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Forrst','12 Desbrosses St',' - ','New York',,,,,
Fortune Cookie Promotions',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FortuneKeeper LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Forward Motion Project (by Yoly Sista)',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fotofwd',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Founder Shield','115 E. 23rd ',' - ','New York',,,,,
FounderTherapy','412 Broadway','2nd Floor','New York',,,,,
FoundersCard',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Four Block, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Four32C','508 W 26th St',' - ','New York',,,,,
FourSquare Investments & Advisory',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fourfivesix',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Foursquare',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fourth Set',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fox News Digital','1211 Avenue of the Americas','14th Floor','New York',,,,,
Fox Travel & Tours','237 First Avenue','Suite 303','New York',,,,,
Foxido',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Foxotic',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fractured atlas',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
FranchiseHelp','154 Grand St',' - ','New York',,,,,
Francisco Productions LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Freakonomics','902 Broadway','4th Floor','New York',,,,,
Fred Knott',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Frederick Benjamin Grooming',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Frederique's Choice USA',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Free Bread, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Free Smart Shopping USA, Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Free.TV',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FreeATM',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FreeAssociation',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Freelancers Union','20 Jay St','Suite 700','Brooklyn',,,,,
Freeport',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Freeverse (Mobabge Games)',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Freewheel Media','235 Park Avenue South','12th Floor','New York',,,,,
FreezeCrowd, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
French'Encas LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
French'Encat',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fresh Digital Group',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fresh Digital Group',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fresh Media',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fresh Smoke',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FreshDirect','23-30 Borden Ave.',' - ','Long Island City',,,,,
FreshGrad',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FreshNeck',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FreshNeck',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Freshplanet','311 west 43rd street suite 1404',' - ','New York',,,,,
Freshthrills, LLC',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Friend Finder',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FriendsEAT','75 West End Ave',' - ','New York',,,,,
From Parris with Love','394 Broadway','5th Flr','New York',,,,,
From the East to the West',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FrontOne Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FrontRowConcerts',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Frontier Markets Capital',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Frontier Wealth Management Systems',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Frontporch Care',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fruit FYI',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fruit of the Spirit LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fueled',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fuerst Harter',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fujimura Institute',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Full Stack Marketing',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fullscreen','158 w 27th st.','4','New York',,,,,
Fullsix Group',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Fullstack Academy',"'""5 Hanover Square",,,,,,,
"' 'Floor 25' 'New York' ',,,,,,,,"
Fun Org',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FunGoPlay (down for revamp)','545 West 45th Street','5th Floor','New York',,,,,
Fundera','291 Broadway','Suite 900','New York',,,,,
Funding Gates',"'333 W 39th St, Suite 1101'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Fundlio','5538 Tughill Drive',' - ','Tampa',,,,,
Funnel Finder',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Funnely',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Funny Garbage',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Funtank (acquired by Publishers Clearing House)',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Furious Corp',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Furnish Me',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fuse Analytics, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fuse SMS',"'1271 6th Avenue, Suite 4300'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Fusebed',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Fusebox Inc',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Fused, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Future Industries',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
FuturePerfect',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Futurose LLC','294 6th St.',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Fuzz Productions',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
FyndIt, Inc','44 West 28th Street','8th Floor','New York',,,,,
Füdii',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
G-Tech',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
G2 USA',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
GC Worldwide',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GEMINI8',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GENWI',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
GEO TECHNOLOGIES',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GIFT'D - a unique online gift registry',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GIVE apparel meaning',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GLADLY',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GLO Gaming',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
GMT Restaurant Project',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GNS Capital, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GPShopper',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
GREENSKYPRODUCTIONS',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GRP Computer Consulting','1231 Lafayette Ave','Second Floor','Bronx',,,,,
GR√úV-IN',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GSS Research',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GUITAR G.F.SARPONG INC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GULLY GRAPHX',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GZIPUSA,INC.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Gabble On',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Gaia Industries',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Gaia Resources LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Galati',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Galavante',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Gallerama','1st St',' - ','New York',,,,,
Galoo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Galories Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Game Squad Entertainment',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GameChanger Media, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GamePress',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Gameloft',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Games for Change',"'261 Madison Avenue, 9th Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Gamingo','286 Madison Avenue','Suite 2001','New York',,,,,
GammaFly',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Garcon','New York',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Garver Group',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GasLock',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GateGuru',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Gawker Media',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
GeCeipt LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Gear Patrol',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
GearSay, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GemSixteen Events',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GenR Media',"'845 Third Avenue, 6th Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
General Assembly',"' 902 Broadway 4th Floor NY, NY 10010 '",' - ',' - ',,,,,
Generate',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Generation X Auto Sales',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Genesis Media','71 W 23rd St.','Ste. 903','New York',,,,,
Genesis Media v. 2','242 W 30th St',' - ','New York',,,,,
Genomic Expression Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Genspace',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Geothia',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Gerritsen Capital',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Gestalt Aeronauticals, Ltd.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Get Airport Transit LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Get Dirty NYC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GetGlue',"'22 West 19th Street, 9th Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GetRaised','171 West 73rd Street','Apt 1','New York',,,,,
GetTaxi','149 Fifth Ave','8th fl','New York',,,,,
GetTogether, LLC.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GetVoIP','1 Great Neck Rd #8',' - ','Great Neck',,,,,
Getacho',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Gevva',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Gfreely',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ghostship LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Giant Interactive',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Gideon, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Gift Hit','447 Broadway (2nd Fl. Projective Space)',' - ','New York',,,,,
Gift Side Story',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GiftSimple',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Giftorious',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Gifts that Give, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Gigantic Mechanic',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Gigstarz Media LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Gilt Groupe','2 Park Avenue','5th Floor','New York',,,,,
Gin Lane Media',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GiveGetGigs',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Givkwik, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Glabber',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Glabex',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Glama Squad nyc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Glass Handbag',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Glassful','37-18 Northern Boulevard','Suite 102','Long Island City',,,,,
Gleem&Co',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Global Girls Squad',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Global Health Corps',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Global Kitchen',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Global Personals, LLC',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Global Point NY','27 W 24th St #701',' - ','New York',,,,,
Global Proving Ground Mixed Martial Arts League',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Global Strategy Group',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Global Union Music',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Global Village Interactive',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Global Wealth Systems',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GlobalFreedomEntertainment',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GlobalGastro',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GlobalNewsmen',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Globetrotr',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Gloss and Glam',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Glovico',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Glttr (Pink Entry)',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Glyph',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Go Cashless','222 Broadway ','19th Floor','New York',,,,,
Go Indie TV',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Go Mighty',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Go try it on.',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
GoChat',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GoChime',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
GoGoMix',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GoHele',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GoRecess, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GoWatchIt (Plexus Entertainment)','295 Greenwich Street','#173','New York',,,,,
Gocitizen',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Going Natural',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Gojee',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
GoldRun',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Goldbely',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Golden Ceiba Productions',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Golden Child NY',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Golden Flamingo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Golden Gekko',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Golden Ruby Games',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Goldenhearts Elderly Care Services, inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Goldiva Investments Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Golf Redefined',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GolfMatch Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Golfslope',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Good Game Athletics',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GoodMouth',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Goodbye Film, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Goodwin Procter',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Google',"'76 9th Avenue, New York, NY 10011'",' - ',' - ',,,,,
GorillaSpot Media','135 W. 26th St.','5th Floor','New York',,,,,
GospelFit',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Grab Networks',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Grace Hospitality D/B/A Brooklyn Bare Bakery',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Gracious Eloise, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Grade Spotter',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Grande Labs',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Granita',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Grantasoft LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Graphene Laboratories, Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Graphik Content Studios',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Grasket',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Great Education inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Great Rock Ventures',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Greater Difference',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Greatist',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Greats','240 Kent Avenue',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Green Automotive Alliance, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Green Barrel Energy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Green Bins LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Green Charge Networks',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Green Screen Interactive Software','575 Broadway',' - ','New York',,,,,
Green Vendors Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GreenStar Hub','PO Box 750334',' - ','Forest Hills',,,,,
Greenbacker Group',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Greenhill + Partners | The Idea Factory',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Greenpeeps',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Greentech Media',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Greenwich Harbor Parnters',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Grepo Computers',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Grid Symphony Inc.','5 Penn Plaza',' - ','New York',,,,,
Grip-Free Technologies LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Grist Labs Inc.','379 W Broadway',' - ','New York',,,,,
Groove Club LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GrooveFox',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Grooveshark',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
GroundGlass Motion Picture Company','147 Prince Street',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Group 8A, LLC','475 10th Ave.','9th Fl','New York',,,,,
Group Commerce (merged with NimbleCommerce)','628 Broadway #500',' - ','New York',,,,,
Group FMG','159 West 25th St',' - ','New York',,,,,
GroupMe (acquired by Skype)',"'26 W 17 Street, Suite 1002'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Grouper','226 Lafayette St',' - ','New York',,,,,
Groupvite','105 Lexington Ave',' - ','New York',,,,,
Grovo Learning','29 East 19th Street',' - ','New York ',,,,,
GrowHack',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GrubHub',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GrubHub','11 Broadway','16th Floor','New York',,,,,
GrubOlympx',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Gruvify',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Guardog Power Protection',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Guardog Power Protection',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Gucci',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Guerillapps',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
GumGum','257 Park Avenue South','Suite 500','New York',,,,,
Gust',"'158 West 29th Street, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10001'",' - ',' - ',,,,,
Gwash',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Gymagogo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
H.Bloom','20 W. 22nd St 1008',' - ','New York',,,,,
H2MELON LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HD Made','139 Fulton St',' - ','New York',,,,,
HELIX',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HELIX',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HERB TRADER FEATURE FILM LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HERE','145 Sixth Ave.',' - ','New York',,,,,
HEVO Power',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HFIN One','1440 Broadway','23rd Broadway','New York',,,,,
HI Group Investment and Management Ltd',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HIDDEN',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HIPAAPractice',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HITEKS Solutions Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HOLSTEE',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
HORN',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
HUB @ OSU',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HUGE',"'45 Main St, Suite 220'",' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
HYCU',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HYF',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HackHands',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hackerati',"'41 Cooper Square, Room 205'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Hackerbilt, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hackerbilt, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hades Elite Services',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hagglys',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hailo Cab','568 Broadway',' - ','New York',,,,,
Hakka Labs',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hamptons Lane',"'112 West 34th street, Suite 2110'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Hands-Free, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Handshake',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Handsome Bastards',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Handy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Handybook',"'350 7th Ave, Ste 1604'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Hangalong',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Happy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Happy People Games, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Happying',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hara Partners',"'135 W 36th Street, 14th Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Hard Candy Shell',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Harlem Vintners LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Harri',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Harvest',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Harvest Exchange',"'632 Broadway, suite PH'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Hasani Din',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HashTip Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hatch Labs',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Hatchet Industries',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hatchzone',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Haurus Inc.','101 West 12th',' - ','New York',,,,,
Haute Coiffeure',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Haute-Trader',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Have to Have',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HeTexted',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Head Turners Styles by Cathy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Headhuntable',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Health Guru Media',"'524 Broadway, 3rd Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Health Notion Corp.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Health Recovery Solutions',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Health Recovery Solutions',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HealthBuzz',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HealthKeep',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Healthbook',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HealthiNation',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Healthify, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Healthy Wonders',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HealthyChic',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HealthyUs',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Heart to Heart',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Heart-Hug',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Heat Seek NYC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Heaven Is Us','35 Meserole Street',' - ','New York ',,,,,
Heavenly Pals',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Heavy Melody Music & Sound Design',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Hedgeable',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Helene Elizabeth Wellness Center',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Helios Coatings Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hourly',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hell's Kitchen Advertising',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
HellCat Holdings',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HellCat Holdings Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hello La Mode',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hello Pilgrim',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Helo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HelpYourBlock',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Helpatrader',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hendrick Brun',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Henley',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HenryQ Productions LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HerGameLife',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Heraty Law',"'151 First Ave, Ste 216'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Here's My Collection (HMC Clothing)',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Here's Your Neighborhood, Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Heritage Link Brands, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Herman & Almonte PR',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HeyBubble Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HeyKiki',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hi! Tech','Jay Street',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
HiLine Coffee Company',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hidden Goodness Cafe',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
High 5 Games',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
High School Xpress, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Highstreet life',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hightower','149 Grand St.',' - ','New York',,,,,
Himalaya Studios',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hinge','137 5th Avenue',' - ','New York',,,,,
Hip Hop Hall of Fame',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hipercept','302 W 37th Street','6th Floor','New York',,,,,
Hire an Esquire','175 Varick Street','8th floor','New York',,,,,
HireCanvas',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hispanic New York',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HistoWiz',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hitlist',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hive Collective Investing LLC.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hive Learning Network NYC (Mozilla Foundation)','540 President St',' - ','New York',,,,,
Hoefler & Frere-Jones',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
HolisticHoney',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Holo G',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Home Run Brands Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Home Sweet Page Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HomeShop Technologies, Inc.',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Homer Enterprises',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Homes Now La. LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Homespree',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Homework Helper',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Homh',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HomingMatch',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Homply',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Honest Buildings',"'137 Varick St., 2nd Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Honey','110 Fifth Avenue','Fifth Floor','New York',,,,,
HookLogic','455 Broadway',' - ','New York',,,,,
HopStop',"'10 East 33rd Street, 6th Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Hopscotch Technologies','335 Madison Ave','C/O Grand Central Tech','New York',,,,,
Hopsie','139 Broadway',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Hopskoch',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hopskoch',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hopskoch (Sifr)','902 Broadway ','4th Floor C','New York',,,,,
Host Committee, Inc',"'135 w 26 st, Second Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
HostBuddies',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hostr',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hot Studio',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HotSpots, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hotelinking','505 W 37th ','3604','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hotwire PR','16 West 22nd Street','12th floor','New York',,,,,
Houghton',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
House of Fades Luxury Cuts',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
House on Fire',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HouseTab',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
How it could be different',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HowAboutWe',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HowAboutWe',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,','20 Jay Street',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
HowGood','93 Commercial St','Box 2','Brooklyn',,,,,
Howcast Media LLC',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Howndog, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hoyos Labs',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hsiao Education LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hubbl',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hublished Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HuddleUp',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HueKnew',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Huffington Post','770 Broadway',' - ','New York',,,,,
Hugo & Marie',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Hukkster',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hulk The Sugar',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hulu','276 Fifth Ave','Suite 505','New York',,,,,
Human Capital',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Human Condition Safety',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Human Empowerment Network',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Human.','1250 Broadway','30th floor','New York',,,,,
Humanitas Media Publishing',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hunch (acquired by eBay)','54 West 21st. St',' - ','New York',,,,,
Hunt and Beau',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Huntsy',"'670 Broadway, 4th Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Hush Studios, inc.','68 Jay St','413','Brooklyn',,,,,
Husky Laboratory',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HyPR',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
HydrOne',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hydra Media Technology',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hydroshare Digital Distribution',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hype Machine',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
HyperTV',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Hyperakt',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Hyperallergic','101 North 11st ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Hypr-3','79 Madison Avenue','2nd Floor','New York',,,,,
I AM CULTURE',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
I AM NOT A VIRGIN (IANAV)',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
I Know The Chef',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
I'm All Girl (and Boys, Too), Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
I'm In The Kitchen','175 Varick Street','4th Floor','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
I-ella','100 Park Avenue','16th Floor','New York',,,,,
I.C. Progress, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
IAC',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
IAM Portable Hybrid Trailer Group, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
IB5k',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ICB,Intl.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ICD Power',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ICED Media','415 West Broadway','3rd Floor','New York',,,,,
ID AMERICA INC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
IDDEX',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
IDEE FIXE Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
IDT Partners',"'253 W 35th St., 15th Fl'",' - ','New York',,,,,
IGOR LYUBARSKIY',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
IIPFoundation/MIPJ',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ILoveCollege Clothing',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ILoveMyFro',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
IMB Development Corporation',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
INDMUSIC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
INKKAS',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
INTRO Labs','36 E 12th Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
IPgami',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
IRAmarket',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
IRL Toys',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
IT Central Station',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
IUN',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ice Dam Preventer',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
IceHook Systems',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Icon Q, Corp.','1225 Franklin Avenue',' - ','Garden City',,,,,
Iconify Creative',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Icreon Tech',"'433 5th Avenue, 4th Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Idea Evolver','45 Main Street','Suite 529','Brooklyn',,,,,
IdeaList',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ideal Core Solutions NY Corp',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ideeli',"'620 8th Ave, 45th Flr'",' - ','New York',,,,,
IfWeRanTheWorld',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
IgnitionOne (formerly SearchIgnite)',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
ImCoSys, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ImagiTeach',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Imaginal Science Films',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Imagine Harlem',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Imari','Gold Street',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Immediate Pain Relief, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Immediate Pain Relief, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Immersive Labs',"'86 Chambers St, Suite 704'",' - ','New York',,,,,
ImmunoProp Pharma, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Impact America Fund',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Impact Simulations',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Impelsys Inc.',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Imperative',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
In Between Jobs',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
In The Buff Domestic Services',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
In Vivo Energy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
In the Spirit of Love inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
InAJiffy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
InDorse Technologies',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
InProTopia',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
InVision','41 Madison Ave','25th Flr','New York',,,,,
Income Discovery',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Indaba Media','568 Broadway','11th Floor','New York',,,,,
Indaba Music','568 Broadway','11th Floor','New York',,,,,','142 W. 57th St.','7 FL','New York',,,,,
Indepayment',"'305 Broadway, 7th Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Independent, Like Our Founding Fathers',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Indicative',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
IndiePix',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Indiewalls',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
IndustryGraph',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Infinite Water Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
InfiniteDecibel',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Infinity',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Influenster',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Infomous',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Infrastructure systems managers',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Infusion Development',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Ink Cloud',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Inludus',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
InnerCircle',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
InnovBot',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Innovation Teaching',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Innovest Systems',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Innovimmune Biotherapeutics Holding, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
InspireInYou',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Insta Interiors',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
InstaNative',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
InstaTok',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Insticator','907 Broadway',' - ','New York',,,,,
Instinct','412 Broadway','2','New York',,,,,
Instreamia',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Integral Ad Science (AdSafe Media)','37 East 18th Street','7th Floor','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Intellect Industries',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Intelleges',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Intelleges',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
IntelliFresh',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Intellievents',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Intent Media','180 Varick St #936',' - ','New York',,,,,
Inter-Global Media Network, Inc.','333 East 30th Street','Suite 7C','New York',,,,,
Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB)','116 East 27th Street','7th Floor','New York',,,,,
Interactive Edge',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Interboro Partners',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
IntercontinentalExchange (ICE)','875 Third Avenue','29th Floor','New York',,,,,
Interface Foundry',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Interface Foundry PBC','902 Broadway ','6th Floor','New York',,,,,
Interlude','285 Madison Ave',' - ','New York',,,,,
International Business Times',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
International Publications Media Group',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Internet Area Network',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Internet Media Labs (see also TheLabNYC)',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Internet Week New York','711 Third Ave',' - ','New York',,,,,
Interplay Ventures','115 E 23rd Street','3rd Floor','New York',,,,,
Intralinks (apart of Elliott Management)',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
IntroAmerica Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Invar Technologies','8647 26th avenue','F1','Brooklyn',,,,,
Invasiv Studios',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Inventway',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Invergo Coffee',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Invergo Coffee',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Investable',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Investment Social',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Investormill','460 Park Avenue South','Floor 12','New York',,,,,
InviBox',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Invite2Watch',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Invitons',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
InvoiceSharing',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Invoke Media',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Involved Media','242 West 30th Street','Floor 8','New York',,,,,
Inwindow Outdoor',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Ironpaper',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ironpaper',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Iroquois Valley Farms',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Irresistible Lingerie LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Israeli Mapped in NY','54 West 40th Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Israeli Startups NYC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Israeli Startups NYC','235 W 23rd Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
ItAllHappened',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Itemize','307 Seventh Ave.',' - ','New York',,,,,
Itemology',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
IvanEttie Afterschool & Tutoring Services',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ivy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
IvyDate',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
J&J Fridge cover',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
JAMS Co.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
JANewYork',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
JBCconnect','108 West 39th Street','710','New York',,,,,
JC Enterprise',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
JEAD Auto Supply',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
JETFORCE ARTS',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
JHF USA Co.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
JIBE',"'26 West 17th Street, Suite 503'",' - ','New York',,,,,
JKAi Designs',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
JMT Apps','357 Canal St',' - ','New York',,,,,
JOOR',"'298 Fifth Avenue, 3rd Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
JPD Studio Inc.','99 Madison Avenue ','5th Floor','New York',,,,,
JR Hots',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
JUSTWEAR NEW YORK',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
JW Player (LongTail Video)',"'""8 West 38th St Fl 6",,,,,,,
"' ' - ' 'New York' ',,,,,,,,"
JWT',"'466 Lexington Ave, # 6'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Jack & Coat',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Jack Erwin','226 Lafayette St ','#3E','New York',,,,,
Jackalope',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Jacob S. Rand M.D.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
JaggaJagga',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Jalca & Associates, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Jamco',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
JammedUp',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Jamplify',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Jane August',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Jaroth Inc.','543 Main St','#402','New Rochelle',,,,,
Jasmine Bee',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Jason's Widgets Work',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Jauntlet',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Jedding, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Jeffrey Jacque',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Jello Labs Inc','343 West 16th Street','Suite 1','New York',,,,,
Jemoiselle Hair',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
JenniVere / The Supergirls',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Jerethan Funding Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
JerseySquare',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Jess & Joy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
JesseCo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Jessta',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Jet Partners',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
JetSet',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
JetZet',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Jetaport',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Jewbilation',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
JewelJam Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Jeweler Market',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Jibon Health Technologies',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Jigglist',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
JimenezCRE Properties',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Jingle Punks Music',"'20 West 22nd St., Suite 905'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Jivox',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
JobHinge',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Joblogue',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
K Sales International',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Jocomo Corp - Little Compass',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Joe Gomes',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Joint Startup',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Jointli, Inc.',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Joios','Union Square',' - ','New York',,,,,
Jola interactive','17 Old Fulton Street','2nd Floor','Brooklyn',,,,,
Jones Emerging Investment Advisors',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Joonbug',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Joseph Miller - Music Supervisor','555 west 57th street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Joss Technology',"'""349 Fifth Avenue",,,,,,,
New York, NY 10016"',' - ',' - ',',,,,,
Jotalog',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Journey management Technologies',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
JourneyJoin',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
JourneyOn',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Jouvert Classic',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Jovoto',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Judgemint',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Juicebox',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
JuicyCanvas',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,','419 Park Avenue','Second Floor','New York',,,,,
Juke',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Jump Ramp Games','307 W 38th St','1018','New York',,,,,
Jun Group','554 5th Avenue 6th Floor',' - ','New York',,,,,
Jungle House INC.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Jupiter CNG',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Jupiter's Motorcycles | 24/7 Member Rental Service',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Just Click I Do',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Just Keep Moving',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Just Thank You',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Justin & Family, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,','211 West 56th Street','#10M','New York',,,,,
Jux',"'135 Grand St., 6th Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
JóòMah',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
K.Borgella Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
KADANZA BRAND & MEDIA MANAGEMENT','1177 Avenue of the Americas ','7th floor','New York',,,,,
KAMAS',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
KAYWEB',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
KBO Design',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
KEOCONNECT',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
KHA Entertainment',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
KISI',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
KITCHEN:SYNC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
KKLD*','281 5th Ave','2nd','New York',,,,,
KLROY LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
KNO Clothing',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
KNO Clothing',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
KOOEE! All Natural Super Snacks',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
KRMGMT',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
KT DESIGNS AT WORK',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
KYTE',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kadler',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kahnoodle',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kai D Utility',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kairosly Inc.','1470 Royce St','10','Brooklyn',,,,,
Kaltura',"'41 East 11th Street, 11th Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Kalulu Kids',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kanal, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kangu',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kanjy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kanteron Systems','483 Broadway','2nd floor ','New York',,,,,
Kanteron Systems',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kapitall','241 Centre Street Suite 6FL',' - ','New York',,,,,
Kaptur',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kapture','900 South Avenue','Suite 57','New',,,,,
Karaoke School',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Karen's Body Beautiful',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kargo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
KarlPop',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Karma',' 568 Broadway','11th floor','New York',,,,,
KarmaBox',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
KashPile',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kate's Goodness',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kayden Higgins Corporation',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Keaton Row',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Keen Home',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Keen Home Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Keep Holdings','443 Park Ave South',' - ','New York',,,,,
Keith White's Company',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kenect.Me',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kern+Lead','31 Perry St',' - ','New York',,,,,
Ketcha',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ketchum Digital','1285 Ave. of the Americas','4th FL','New York',,,,,
Kettle','560 Broadway','508','New York',,,,,
KettleBell Concepts',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ketup',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kevin Davis Productions, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
KeyMe',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
KeyMe',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
KeyWifi LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Keystone Strategy','250 Lafayette Street','3rd Floor','New York',,,,,
Khazmoz Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Khuluma Center Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
KiDS Creative',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kiboo Life Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kickstarter','58 Kent St',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Kid Games Interactive','393 5th St. 3',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Kid's Courtyard',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
KidBit',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
KidKlass LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
KidMastermind',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
KidNimble',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
KidSuper',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kidz Central Station',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kidz News',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kidz Safety Now',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kiip','33 East 33rd St.',' - ','New York',,,,,
Kikin','132 Crosby St',' - ','New York',,,,,
Kim Parker Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kindling','747 3rd Ave','30th Floor','New York',,,,,
Kineticase',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
King & Partners','35 Great Jones Street','6th Floor','New York',,,,,
Kingdom Realty Partners',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kinnecions',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kinsa',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kinvolved',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kinvolved',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kinwork',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kinxtel Corporation',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kitchen Cabbie',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kitchenall','663 Morgan Avenue',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Kith & Kin Boutique',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kiwi Interactive',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kizbit Scooters',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kleverbeast','518 Broadway Third Floor',' - ','New York',,,,,
Klickable','902 Broadway','4th Floor','New York',,,,,
Klickpicks',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Klipvertise',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Klooff',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kloset',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
KloudKaraoke',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Klunc Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Knewton',"'100 5th Ave,'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Knight N' Day',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Knock Twice','72 Allen Street','3rd Floor','New York',,,,,
Knockouts Boxing Studio, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Knodes',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Knot Standard',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Know Your Meme (acquired by Cheezburger)','122 West 26th St',' - ','New York',,,,,
Kogeto Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kogeto Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kognito Interactive','150 West 28th Street','Suite 902-B','New York',,,,,
Kohort','900 Broadway',' - ','New York',,,,,
Kollabora','39 Wooster St','#3','New York',,,,,
Komeeda',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Konrad Group','369 Lexington Ave','Suite 310','New York',,,,,
Kookopa',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kopal',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kounterattack','636 Broadway','Suite 1119','New York',,,,,
Koupah',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kpass',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Krate',"'44-02 23rd St, Suite 516'",' - ','Long Island City',,,,,
Kreative Koncepts',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Krossover',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,','99 Richardson Street','2nd Floor','Brooklyn',,,,,
Krux','350 5th Avenue','4220','New York',,,,,
KuaiBoard',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kuma Reality Games','100 Park Avenue',' - ','New York',,,,,
Kumbu Health',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kurado Inc. (Inspect Manager is the product name)',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kuranga and Associates Venture Capital',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Kyte me',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
L'Idealist',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
L+R','20 Jay St.','924','Brooklyn',,,,,
LACE International Airline LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LAPSE',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LAQA & Co.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LB Software Solutions LLC.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LBi',"'11 W. 19th Street, NY, NY 10011'",' - ','New York',,,,,
LD Studio LLC dba Linhardt Design',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LEEF',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LFT Training',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LIFTLUXE',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LIN Mobile','60 East 42nd Street','Suite 1460','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LOKORO DIAMONDS Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LOOKSIMA',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LQProduct & Devices,LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LR PRODUCTIONS',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
La Brujita Brands',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
La Casa De Cigars & Tobacco',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
La PaSSion',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Labori',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lacquerous',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lady & Lara',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Laidlaw Energy Group, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lajolla Beauty and Cosmetics',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lamaj fuels LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Landbrot Bakery & Bar',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Landmark',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Landover Associates',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
LanguageMate','102 W 38th Street','5th Floor','New York',,,,,
Large Animal Games',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Large Animal Games','115 W. 29th St. 11th fl',' - ','New York',,,,,
Largetail','19 W 21st St','702','New York',,,,,
LastClick',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Late Nite Labs (acquired by Macmillan)',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Latino Food Festival',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Launch Warrior','85 East End Ave. ',' - ','New York',,,,, - Event News Platform',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LaunchSquad','443 Park Avenue South','310','New York',,,,,
Laundry Puppy LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lauren Marotta',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LavaMap',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lavel/Henry- Henry/Lavel Intellectual, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lawdingo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lawdingo, Inc.','37 Wall St.','#2M','New York',,,,,
Layered Cake',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Le Livre Art Publishing',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LeadPlace',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Leaders & Members',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Leadmotion',"'112 W 34th St, 17th Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
LeagueApps',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lean New York','79 Madison Avenue',' - ','New York',,,,,
Lean Startup Machine',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Learn It Live',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LearnVest',"'113 University Place, 5th Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Learned Evolution',"'67 West Street, #412'",' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Learneroo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Learning Apple',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Learning Apple',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Learning Carpets',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Learning Curve',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Learning Guppies',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Learning Management Systems Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Learningateway',"'48 Wall Street 11th Floor, New York, NY 10005'",' - ',' - ',,,,,
Learnosaurus, Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LeasePass',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Leasebreak','178 Columbus Avenue #230567',' - ','New York',,,,,
LegalCrunch',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LegendFactory',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Legitimo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,','1745 Broadway','17th floor','New York',,,,,
Lemonade Heroes',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LendSpend','29 Broadway',' - ','New York',,,,,
Lenses RX','2343 Hylan BLVD',' - ','Staten Island',,,,,
LeopardHop Educational Media',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Les Envies',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,','410 Clinton Ave.','B3','Brooklyn',,,,,, Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Let's Gift It',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LetMeGo',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
LetsWombat','1500 Broadway','802','New York',,,,,
Lettuce: Eat & Play',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LevelsPro',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Levo League','833 Broadway',' - ','New York',,,,,
Lezzetli Ice Cream Co.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Libero Ferrero',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Library For All',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Librify',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Licenders',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Life in Mobile','275 Madison Avenue','14th Flr','New York',,,,,
LifeCheck',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LifeCycle Laboratories',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LifeDeer, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LifeGunk, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LifeIce',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LifeOnKey Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LifeWellth',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lifebooker','45 Main St',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Lifedots',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lifestander',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Light The Way',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Light Years Ahead Industries',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LightBomber',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LightSail Education',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
LightSmarter',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lightbox',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lightower (Sidera Networks)','55 Broad St',' - ','New York',,,,,
Likeable Local',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Likeable Media','240 West 37th Street','7th Floor','New York',,,,,
Lillian Yang Cosmetics',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lillypod Floatation',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Limas Taste Restaurant',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Limina.Studio','274 Morgan Ave.','4th Floor','Brooklyn',,,,,
Limozy Limo and Car Service Marketplace',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lincoln Center',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Linda Mason Elements, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lindivie',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lineapple Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lingo Live','214 W 29th Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
LingoLive',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LinkIt!',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LinkedIn',"'350 5th Ave, 25th Flr, New York, NY 10118'",' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Links2Legends',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Linkstorm',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lionesque Style',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lipperhey','902 Broadway','4th Floor','New York',,,,,
Lipsey Enterprises LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Liquid Fusion, Inc.','244 W 101ST ST ','Apt 4B','New York',,,,,
LiquidTalent','250 Greenwich St',"'World Trade Center Tower 7, fl 46'",'New York',,,,,
LiquidText',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,','10 E. 40th St.','31st floor','New York',,,,,
Listen & Learn',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Listen To Your Wrist',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ListenFirst Media','475 Park Ave South','FL 23','New York',,,,,
ListenLoop','4007 73rd St',' - ','Queens',,,,,
Listing Pix',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lithium Interactive',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Little Borrowed Dress',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Little Duck Organics',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Little Pim',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LivEthnic',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Live Fan Chat',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Live Gamer',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Live Loud',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Live Open House',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Live Open House LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Live Sports Live',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Live Tutor',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Live machines',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,','33 west 19th street ','4th floor','New York',,,,,
LiveHotSpot, INC.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LiveIntent',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,, Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LivePerson',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LiveRail',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Livento Investments Ltd',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Livestream','195 Morgan Avenue',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Livid Mobile, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Local Bigwig',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Local Projects',"'315 West 39th Street, Suite 908'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Local Response','37 W 28th St',' - ','New York',,,,,
Local Write Up',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LocalBonus',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LocalMaven','21 West 46th St','Suite 806','New York',,,,,
LocalNav, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LocalResponse',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LocalUncle',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LocalVox Media Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Localvox',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Location Star',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Locus Energy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lofty','225 West 35th Street','Suite 1100','New York',,,,,
LogiTech Solutions',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Logic Product Group',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LogicShark Consulting',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Logicworks','155 Avenue of the Americas','Fifth Floor','New York',,,,,
Loginaut',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Loip',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Loklok',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Long Island City Market',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LongTail Video',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lono',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lookboard',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lookze',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Loop de Luxe',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LoopJoy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lore','70 Lafayette St',' - ','New York',,,,,
Lot Info',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lot18',"'6 East 32nd Street, 6th Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Lotame','440 9th Avenue','18th Floor','New York',,,,,
Lothian Ave, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LottoRail',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lousch Creations','28 W 36th St','Suite 902','New York',,,,,
Love Through Wisdom, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Love Your Body Studios',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Love and Pride',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Lovoy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lowekey Media',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LoyalBlocks','41 E 11th street','11th Floor','New York',,,,,
LoyaltyShares',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lua',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Lualle',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Luccian Health',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lucerna, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
LuckyDiem',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Luly Inc','79 Madison Ave','Floor 2','New York',,,,,
Luma Legacy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lumina','1123 Broadway','1018','New York',,,,,
Luminant Digital','78 5th Avenue','5','New York',,,,,
Luminary Labs','30 West 22nd Street','6th Floor','New York',,,,,
Luminate','175 Varick Street','5th Floor','New York',,,,,
Lunch-IN inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lupanara Gelateria',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lux & Eco',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Luxe Locker',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Luxury Boyz Ent',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Luxury Handbags Plus LLC.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Luxury Ladies Boutique',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Luxury Link Travel Group','35 East 19th Street','2nd Floor','New York',,,,,
Luzene',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MOI$T',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lynnwood Technologies Group',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lynxstreet, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lynxsy','240 Kent Avenue',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Lyons Motor Car LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Lyst','52 Grand Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Lyte',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
M&M Italian Fashion LLC, Brand name: MATTEOMATTEO',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
M-PWRD',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
M.L. Finishing & Refinishing LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MADAM',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MAGNETIK','12 W 23rd St',' - ','New York',,,,,
MAKEWAY (Three Kings)','49 Ludlow','Apt 4C','New York',,,,,
MAP Digital: MetaMeetings','180 Varick Street','504','New York',,,,,
MASS Exchange',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MAZ Digital',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MB&S corp.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MBLM','7 West 22nd Street','10th Floor','New York',,,,,
MBTGW Michael Brandt The Grant Writer',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MEDi EDDiE',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MERJ',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MHOTO INC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MINR',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MISE','699 Ocean Ave 5A',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MKG','599 Broadway','4','New York',,,,,
MLB Advanced Media, L.P.','75 9th Avenue',' - ','New York',,,,,
MMCL Group LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MMZ & Co.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MNMLKTCHN',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MNX Connect',"'""247 Beach 136th Street, Belle Harbor NY 11694 ",,,,,,,
"' ' - ' ' - ' ',,,,,,,,"
MOAT',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
MODCo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MODE30 LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MODULE R',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MODaffekt',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MONEY & MORE LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MOpro','36 e 20th St','4','New York',,,,,
MPB AGENCY LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MPDesign, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MPOWERD Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MR ECO MARKETS',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MR PRESTA',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MRM Systems',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MS CONSULTING INC.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MS House',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MVP Financial, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MYMUSAIC INC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mac Concierge, Inc.',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Macabacus',"'40 Harrison Street, Suite 37F'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Maccha',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MacchaBar',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mack Weldon',"'1285 Avenue of Americas, 36th Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Macro Design Group',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Macro Help',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MadMix','68 Jay Street',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Made Simple Ventures LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Made by Many','65 Greene. Street','4th Floor','New York',,,,,
Madison Logic',"'257 Park Avenue South, 5th Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Madison Plus',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Magnani Caruso Dutton','138 West 25th Street','5th Floor','New York',,,,,
Magnetic',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Magsty','10 Jay St.',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Mahaya',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Maia Yogurt',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Maid Sailors','257 Water Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Main Street Hub',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MainStreet Platform',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Maison La Vie',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Majestyk Apps',"'""261 West 35th Street",,,,,,,
Suite 1004,,,,,,,,
NY, NY 10001"',' - ',' - ',',,,,,
Pivot',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MakeSpace',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Makeably',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Maker's Row',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Maker's Row','20 Jay St.',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Maker's Row',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MakerBot Industries',"'1 MetroTech Center, 21st Flr, Brooklyn, NY 11201'",' - ',' - ',,,,,
Makeshift Society',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MakisPlace NY',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Malesela Samuel Mogale Business Enterprise CC','1 Microsoft Way',' - ','Redmond',,,,,
Mama411',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mammalfish',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Mammalfish, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Managed By Q','50 Eldridge Street','5th Floor','New York',,,,,
Manhattan Food Brands, Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Manhattan Next',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Manhattan Paintball',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Manicube',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Manilla','300 West 57th Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Manly Munch',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mansueto Ventures',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Manufacture New York',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Many Kitchens',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MapThatPad',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Mapvite',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Marathon Consulting','175 Powers Street',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Marc Urselli',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MarcoPolo','222 Broadway','19th Floor','New York',,,,,
Maria's LunchBox',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Marilyn Naked: The Musical',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mario Armstrong Media',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mark + Woodson',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mark + Woodson',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mark After Dark',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MarkLogic','One Penn Plaza','4220','New York',,,,,
Market Prophit','127 W 83rd Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Market Publique',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MarketFactory',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
MarketShare','1270 Avenue of the Americas','2702','New York',,,,,
Marketplay Interactive',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Marom Tech',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Marquee Media',"'41 Madison Ave, 31st Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Marqueed',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Mashable',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mashable',"'304 Park Ave South, 3rd Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Mashwork, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mason's',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Massiverse','27 West 20th Street','Suite 501','New York',,,,,
Master12',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Match-Click',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MatchPuppy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Matchpoint',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Matchpoint Careers',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Material Wrld',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Math Connection',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Matilda's Kitchen',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Matter Unlimited','175 Varick St.',' - ','New York',,,,,
MauroNewMedia','23 E 73rd St # 5F',' - ','New York',,,,,
Maven Cocktails',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MavenMagnet',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Max Mirani',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Maxamoo Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Maxifier',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Maxymiser',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Mayday-Mayday-Mayday','72 Allen Street','3rd Floor','New York',,,,,
Mazel Moments','245 E 35th St #2c',' - ','New York',,,,,
McGraw-Hill Digital','2 Penn Plaza','12th floor','New York',,,,,
McKinsey',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MeCritic',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MeElect',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MeScoozi',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Meal Idea',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MealMobs',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Meals to Heal',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Measurence',"'""1412 Broadway, 22nd Floor",,,,,,,
New York, NY, 10018"',' - ',' - ',',,,,,
Measurence Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MedAccelerator @Columbia',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MedCAS, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MedCASH Solutions, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MedCPU',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MedLidar',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MedPath',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MedSocium',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MedStartr, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MediGait',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MediSprout',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Media Hive','68 Jay Street',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Media Innovation Group (',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Media6Degrees',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
MediaBrix',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
MediaMath',"'1440 Broadway, 21st Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
MediaMonks','154 Grand Street','5th Floor','New York',,,,,
MediaMorph',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
MediaRadar Inc.','252 West 37th Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Mediabistro','475 Park Avenue South','4th Floor','New York',,,,,
Medialets','80 8th Avenue',' - ','New York',,,,,
Mediaocean (Donovan Data Systems)',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Medical Intelligence Holding Corp',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Medical Tools for Mankind',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Medicinal Corporation',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Medidata Solutions',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Medivizor',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Medtel','79 pine St.Suite # 200',' - ','New York',,,,,
MeeGenius, Inc',"'18 West 27th Street, Suite 600'",' - ','New York',,,,,',"'632 Broadway, 10th floor, New York, New York 10012'",' - ',' - ',,,,,
MegaPhone Labs',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Megawatt Hour, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mekanism','80 Broad st.','35th Flr','New York',,,,,
Melba',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Melimel',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Memberly',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Memoriis Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Memory',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Memory Renters',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Memrise','325 East 92nd Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
MensAlley',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mental Workout',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Menyooo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MeraMobile Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mercado Green LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Merchant Exchange',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
MerchantFuse',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Merchantry (Ixtens)',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Mercy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Merelnyc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Merocrat',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Meroe Capital Group, Ltd.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MetaLabs LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Metal Dog Consulting NY Test','330 East 643rd Street','4M','New York',,,,,
Metal Dog Consulting NY, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Metal Transfer Moulding - MTM',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Metavap',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Metayer Ink',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Method Mill','240 1st Ave ','Suite 1D','New York',,,,,
Metmug Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Metro Arcade Gaming Entertainment',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Metro Mobile World',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MetroTOTS LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Metronome3','49 BLEECKER ST','Suite #300','New York',,,,,
Mezzobit',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mi Ola',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mi Ola, Incorporated',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MiFi',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MiFitr',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Michael Toney','195 Broadway','19th Floor','New York',,,,,
Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates','16 Court Street','11th Floor','Brooklyn',,,,,
Michael's Lenderman company',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MicroEdge','619 W. 54th ave','10th floor','New York',,,,,
MicroHealth',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Microgrid Horizons',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Midas',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mien Kielo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Migralex, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MiiWe',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mike Gall Farms',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MilagrosArt',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MileWise',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Millionaire Mall,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mime-Me',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mimeo','460 Park Avenue South',' - ','New York',,,,,
Mimoona',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mimoona',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mind My Business',"'222 Broadway, New York, New York 10038'",' - ',' - ',,,,,
MindMeld, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MindSmack',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
MindStep Energy Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mindbug','70432 4th Ave',' - ','New York',,,,,
Minds',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Miner Labs, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mingyian',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MiniDates',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Miniature Pastries LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Minibar Delivery',' - ',' - ','Manhattan',,,,,
Minibar Delivery','560 Broadway',' - ','New York',,,,,
Ministore',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mint Digital',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Minus','535 8th Ave',' - ','New York',,,,,
Mirabella Mediterranean Cuisine',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Miraculex',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mirame',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mirror Ink, LLC D.B.A New Blend Restaurant',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mirror Media, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MirrorMyMirror',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mirrorball','134 w25th st','7','New York',,,,,
Mirth, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Misha Dairy','1370 Broadway','Suite 502','New York',,,,,
Missy Christy C.H.I.C. LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mistral',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mixel','36 east 12th st',' - ','New York',,,,,
Mixify','155 Water St','2nd Floor','Brooklyn',,,,,','349 E. 13th St.','#3','New York',,,,,
Mo-Tea',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MoPub, Inc.','71 Gansevoort St','3A','New York',,,,,
Mobella',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mobile Brain Bank',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mobile Commons',"'55 Washington St, Suite 453'",' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Mobile Emergency Services (MES)-To Rescue!',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mobile Mechanic',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mobile Universal','111 8th Ave',' - ','New York',,,,,
MobileGuard',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MobileSuites',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mobinable',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mobli Media','45 Broadway','1110 11th Floor','New York',,,,,
Mobovivo','902 Broadway','4th floor','New York',,,,,
Mocean Mobile','228 Park Avenue South','Ste 380-15','New York',,,,,
Moda Operandi',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
ModaBox',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Modabound Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Modalyst',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Modavanti',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mode Collective',"'1205 Manhattan Avenue, Suite 142'",' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Mode De Faire Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ModelKarma',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ModelStudent',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Modern Meadow','140 58th Street',"'Building A, Suite 8J'",'Brooklyn',,,,,
Modern Vice','247 W 38th St','3rd Floor (Suite #1)','New York',,,,,
Modi Research Group, Columbia U.','500 w 120th St','134F','New York',,,,,
Modus Associates | Digital Strategy & Design','37 West 20th Street','Suite 304','New York',,,,,
Mohs Grainworks',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Moment','13 Crosby Street','6th floor','New York',,,,,
Momentum Worldwide','250 Hudson St','2nd floor','New York',,,,,
Mommy Nearest',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mommy Nearest',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
MomoNOTES',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Momspot',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MonPets',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Monaeo LLC','110 Fifth Avenue','5th Floor','New York',,,,,
MoneyForYourBizNow',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MongoDB (in association with 10gen)',"'578 Broadway, 7th Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Monje',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Monkey Bar Collective','66 Overlook Terrace ','#4J','New York',,,,,
Monocle',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Monsoon',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MontLee Productions',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Moonit',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mootch','435 Central Park West','6D','New York',,,,,
MoovAtom, Inc.',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Morado New York',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
More Keys Properties',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MorganEnterprise',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Morpheus Media: A CreatetheGroup Company','127 W. 26th St.','6th Floor','New York',,,,,
Morrow Lane','115 E 23rd St',' - ','New York',,,,,
Pivot Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mortar Data',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Motion Traxx',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Motivate Design','66 West Broadway','Room 600','New York',,,,,
Motive',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Motorvate',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Movable Ink','5 West 19th st','6th Flr','New York',,,,,
Moveable Feast Mobile Media, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Moveline',"'110 Fifth Avenue, Fifth Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Movement Art',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Movement Strategy','28 W 27th st','702','New York',,,,,
Moven',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MoviePass',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Moving And Storage',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Movio Network, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Movo','611 Broadway',' - ','New York',,,,,
Moxie Media Online, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mr Roti LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mr. Calabash',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mr. Youth (acquired by LBI International)','11 West 19th Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
MuCash',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Muck Rack','560 Broadway','Suite 201','New York',,,,,
Muddle',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Multiverse',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mulu','420 West 14th Street','5SW','New York',,,,,
Murmur','12 West 27th Street','17th Floor','New York',,,,,
MurphGuide Entertainment','1599 York Avenue','3N','New York',,,,,
Muse Art',' - ','11th Floor','New York',,,,,
Muse Games','151 Lafayette Street','#4R','New York',,,,,
MuseIQ',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Musee Magazine','310 Greenwich St','22k','New York',,,,,
Music Wagon',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Music Wagon','109 Troutman St. ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Music Xray',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MusicPit‚Ñ¢',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Musicsoft Arts',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mustang Alliances, Inc. (MSTG)',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mutrs',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Mutual Force',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
My Damn Channel',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
My Heads Up',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
My Little Vixen',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
My Social Brand',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MyBankTracker','68 Jay St.','Unit 616','Brooklyn',,,,,
MyBillRegistry',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MyCOOP Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MyCallBell',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MyCityWay',"'95 Morton Street, 7th Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
MyClean','247 West 36th Street','Suite 302','Brooklyn',,,,,
MyDROBE',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,, (RestnOrder)',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
MyFreeConcert',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MyGameFace',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MyGenie',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MyGymLive',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MyOffer LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MyPackagePlace',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MyPod Studios',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
MyRingGuard',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MyStream',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MyStyle',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
MyarchN, LLC','155 Water Street','Suite 419','Brooklyn',,,,,
Mydesk',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Myhomepayge, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Myriad Supply Co.','23 West 18th Street','4th Floor','New York',,,,,
Mysterious Creativity Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
N I Jacobs & Associates',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
N-T.A.G',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NANEVA',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NANOWALK',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PivotBook',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NATIVE LEGENDARY PICTURES',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NB Technologies','400 Victory Blvd','B','Staten Island',,,,,
NBA GLOBAL WHOLESALE LATINO & ZABADU',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NCSU',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NEST',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NFL',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NIFTIT','35 Meadow Street','Suite 317','Brooklyn',,,,,
NIRx Medical Technologies, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NL Collective Group',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NMRKT Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NONE',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NOOKA Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NOORI Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NPOWER',"'""3 Metrotech Center, Mezzanine Brooklyn, New York 11201",,,,,,,
"' ' - ' ' - ' ',,,,,,,,"
NRG',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NSONE','20 Exchange Place',' - ','New York',,,,,
NTENT','342 West 37th St.',' - ','New York',,,,,
NUMARI',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NUMBER:Lab',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NY Convergence',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NY Film Loft',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NY Tech Meetup',"'175 Varick St 4th Floor New York, NY 10014 '",' - ',' - ',,,,,
NYC ACRE',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NYC AGAPE',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NYC Beach Cafe and Hotel',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NYC Department of Information Tech & Telecommunications',"'255 Greenwich, 9th Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
NYC Media Lab','2 MetroTech Center','10th Floor','Brooklyn',,,,,
NYC Resistor','87 3rd Avenue','4th Floor','Brooklyn',,,,,
NYC Technology Development Corporation',"'15 Metrotech Center, 19th Floor'",' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
NYCHired',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NYCNAK','208 Rider Avenue',' - ','Bronx',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NYCrowded',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NYFU (New York FUnctional FUrniture)',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NYIFS',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NYIRI Properties LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NYL',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NYTechWomen','3165 Nostrand Ave',' - ','New York',,,,,
NYU',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NYU Stern',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Nadege's Strollers',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Naked Apartments','92 Grove Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Naked Sports Gear',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Namely','45 West 34th Street','Suite 710-712','New York',,,,,
Nano Drive',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Nano Web Group','151 W 25th Street','7th Flr','New York',,,,,
Nanometics LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Narratively','30 John Street',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Natasha's Court N*C',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
National express events transportation',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Nature-licious Scan Application',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Nave Industries',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Nazca Inc','2805 Astoria Blvd',' - ','Queens',,,,,
NearVerse (lokast)','86 Chambers Street','Suite 703','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Nearly Newlywed','Brooklyn Heights',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
NeedAround Corporation',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NeighborhoodTrainers','315 Central Park West',' - ','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Neighborhoodies',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Neighborhoodr','135 Sullivan St',' - ','New York',,,,,
Nelson, Khalil & Kayden Corp.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NeoHire Tech Recruiting','154 Grand st.','3rd floor','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Nerdi',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
NerdyData',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Nerve','520 Broadway','9th Floor','New York',,,,,
Nesh NYC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NestEgg',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Nestio',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NetX',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Netcurate',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Netlan Technology Center',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Netmining',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Netted',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Netted by the Webbys',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Nettles Artists Collective',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NetworkGlobal Companies',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Networked Insights',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Neulantis Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Neuronic Games',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Never Liked It Anyway',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Neverware',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
New Age Renewable Energy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
New Beginning House',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
New Creation NYC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
New Horizon Education Center, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
New Island Investments Corp.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
New Island Investments Corp.',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
New Media Advisory Group',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
New York Digital Design',"'555 W 23rd Street, Suite N3R'",' - ','New York',,,,,
New York Financial Press','68 Jay St',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
New York Media (New York Magazine)',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
New York Public Radio','160 Varick St.','8th Floor','New York',,,,,
New York Stars Athletic Club',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
New York Startup Lab',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
New York Technology Council',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
New York eHealth','40 Worth Street','5th Floor','New York',,,,,
NewCo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NewInteractions',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NewYorkHVAC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NewlyWish',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
News Board',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
News Corp',"'1211 Avenue of the Americas New York, New York 10036 '",' - ',' - ',,,,,
News Makeup',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
NewsBlur',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
NewsCred',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
NewsLook',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Newton's Tutors',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Next Big Sound',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Next Breakout Hit, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Next Island LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Next Jump',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Next Page',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NextCustomer',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Nextdoorganics',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Nextlanding',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Nextnetwork USA Telecom Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Nexxite',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Nfoshare',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Nicholas Velez',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Nickel',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Night Agency',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Night Owl Interactive',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Night Routers',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NightHub',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Nightclub / Restaurant',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Nillortrex',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Nimbo',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
NimbusBase',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Nineteenth Amendment',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ninja Scissors',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ninja Smart',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ninoh',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Nios Shield',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Nirvana Solutions',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
NiteTables',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
No.3 Media LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NoMoBo (No More Botox)',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NoSQL Weekly',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Nodejitsu',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Noel's Kitchen',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Noir Eclair',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Noise',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
NoiseToys',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
NoiseTrade','175 Varick Street','4th Floor','New York',,,,,
Nokk-Nokk',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Nolcha, LLC Advancing Independent Fashion',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Nom Nom',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Nomad Editions',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Nomad Financial','115 East 23rd St.','4th Floor','New York',,,,, Inc.',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Non-Invasive Medical Systems',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Nona Varnado',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Noodle Education',"'59 Chelsea Piers, Suite 200'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Noom',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
NoorVitamins',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NopSec Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Nord',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NorthPoint','130 West 42nd Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Not Jus Southern Restaurant & Catering',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Not Now',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Not Yet Formed',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Notice Kiosk',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Notify Nearby',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Notify Nearby','41-43 Beekman St','2nd Floor','New York',,,,,
Notorious',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Notorious',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Nourish Snacks','455 E 86th St',' - ','New York',,,,,
Novaux',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NovoVia, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Novus Via',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Now','85 Stanton St. 2A',' - ','New York',,,,,
Now In Store',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NowNear',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NowThis News',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Nsoma','E 85th St',' - ','New York',,,,,
NuSkool',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Nubitek',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Nuna Productions',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
NutriBump',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Nutritionix',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Nuvosys Solutions',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Nyomi',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
O. From Da Block Music',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
OAK Novations Ltd.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
OBJECT LIAISON, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
OFC, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
OFTimpex, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
OK Cupid','39 W 14th St','Ste 502','New York',,,,,
OK Venue',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
OKFocus','11-11 44th Road',' - ','Long Island City',,,,,
OLO','19 Fulton St','#406','New York',,,,,
OLX',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
OMGPOP',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
OUT!',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
OVIO',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Oakwood & Associates llc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Obos',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Obscura Digital','3 Crosby Street','2nd Floor','New York',,,,,
Ocho',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Octopart',"'43 W 24th St. Suite 12A, New York, NY 10010'",' - ',' - ',,,,,
Odeon Capital Group LLC for GAMMA III',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Odyl',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Of a Kind',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
OffLane',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
OfferPop',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Offshore Data Entry',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Offside',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
OgenX Animal Health',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ogg Trading, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ogilvy & Mather','636 11th avenue',' - ','New York',,,,,
Ogmento',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Oh My Rockness','315 Flatbush Avenue','#522','Brooklyn',,,,,
Oh My! Me Studios','73 Gold st.',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Ohh My Deal',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ohh My Deal',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ojas Commodities',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Olapic',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Oliver Spade',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ology',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ology Media Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Olshan Frome Wolosky LLP','65 East 55th Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Omegapoint Inc.',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Omnigon',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Omnigon Communications',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
On Telepsychiatry',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
On-Est',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
OnCom Digital Media',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
OnDeck','1400 Broadway 25th Fl',' - ','New York',,,,,
OnLock Digital Authentication',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
OnSwipe',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
OnWe',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Onartok',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
One Art World',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
One Clipboard',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
One Hundred Robots',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
One Kings Lane',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
One Llama Labs',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
One Month, Inc.','38 Greene St. 5th Floor',' - ','New York',,,,,
One Nine Studios',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
One Source',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
One Step Ahead for Autism',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
One is Greater than None',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
One2One Educational Center for Toddlers',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
OneBeat',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
OneButton','67 West St.','607','Brooklyn',,,,,
OneClickToSell',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
OneCode',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
OneGlobeStreet, LLC.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
OnePublic',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
OneSixtyEight',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
OneWire',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Onepager',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Onevest','401 Park Avenue South','Suite 10-001','New York',,,,,
Onion Crunch',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Online Ambassadors Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ontodia',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Onyx Business Management',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
OoaK',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ooyala',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
OpBandit',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
OpTier',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
OpTix',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Open Assembly',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Open Journal',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Open Now',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Open Online Academy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Open School EduTech Corp',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
OpenFin',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
OpenGeo',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
OpenPlans',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
OpenSky',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
OpenWaters',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Opentopic',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Opentopic','291 Broadway','302','New York',,,,,
Opera Solutions','180 Madiens Ln',' - ','New York',,,,,
Operative Media','6 East 32nd St.',' - ','New York',,,,,
Opprtunity, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Opt-Intelligence Inc.','45 West 25th Street','4th Floor','New York',,,,,
Optimal',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Optimize New York','675 Third Avenue','Suite 2200','New York',,,,,
Optyca NYC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Opus',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Oracle','120 Park Ave.','26th Floor','New York',,,,,
OrangeYouGlad','423 Smith St',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Orchard Platform','902 Boradway','STE 1611','New York',,,,,
OrderGroove',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Ordrx (fka',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Organic Motion',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Organization Portocol',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Organized Wisdom',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Oriel&Co',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Originet',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Origins',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Orion',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Orpster',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Osseca Imaging Technologies',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Our Universal Language',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Our Wicked Lady',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
OurTV',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Outbrain',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Outernational Inc.','49 West 27th Street','6th floor','New York',,,,,
OutreachSpeed',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Outsource Data Entry Services',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Overlayer LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ovigz Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
OweYaa',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Oyster',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Oznoz',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
P & J's',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
P&B LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
P2F3',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
P2F3',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PA For A Day',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PA Futures LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PAR 365 NYC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PARCELD',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PARK Accessories',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PARLOR',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PARTY STORE DEN',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PAUSE Corporation',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PAWLTON',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PAWS EN VOGUE','Astoria','Queens',' - ',,,,,
PBJ Marketing','175 Varick Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
PC Dudes',' - ',' - ','Staten Island',,,,,
PCB:NG',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PCFUELS',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PIPs - Positive Impact Points',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PLANET IMPULSE',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
POV (The American Documentary Inc.)','20 Jay Street',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
POWRPLNT',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PREXT',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PROJECT WAKE UP',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PSFK','42 Bond Street 6th Floor',' - ','New York',,,,,
PWxyz LLC','71 W 23rd','#1608','New York',,,,,
PacerMonitor',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pad Squad LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PadProof',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PadTies',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Page Mashable',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Page Science, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pager','54 Thompson St.','Fourth Floor','New York',,,,,
Pagevamp',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PaidEasy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pairents',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Palantir Technologies',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
PaletteNails',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pampadour',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Panda Cash',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pandoo, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Panelfly',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pangea',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Panino',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Panna',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pantascene',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Papa Perrone's Riceball Shoppe',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Papanic Niche Spirits',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Paper Garden Records',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Paper No. 9',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PaperTrail','10 West 18th St',' - ','New York',,,,,
Paperboyclothing',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Papercutz',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Paperless Organization Planner "P.O.P."',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Paperless Post',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Paperlex, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Paperwhite Studio',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Papillon Financial, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Papriika','54 W 40th Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
ParaMed',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Parabiotic Research & Development Corp.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Paradine',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Paradise Magazine',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Parenteam, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Parhelia',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pariveda Solutions','630 3rd Ave','Fl 6','New York',,,,,
Park Hudson International',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Park Pass',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Park Scopes Production',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,, Labs',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Parking Panda',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ParkingSkillz',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Parrable',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Partpic','309 E 108th St',' - ','New York',,,,,
Parxit, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pass Da' Jack',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Passenger','180 Varick St ','Ste 1322','New York',,,,,
Patch',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Patentory',' 214 W 29th Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Path for Life inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Path to Excellence Through the Arts',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pathgather',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Patient Intel',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Patriot Advance LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Patron Technology',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Paul Evans LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PaulaTaylor',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PawLinks, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pawpal',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PayCollective',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PayItSimple',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PayPerks',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Payfone',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Pblcty','122 West 26th Street','4th Floor','New York',,,,,
Peach and Lily','2600 NETHERLAND AVENUE','#1520','Bronx',,,,,
Peatix','260 West 35th St','Suite 303','New York',,,,,
Pedicureans Indulgent Foot and Body Care',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Peeers!',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PeekAnalytics',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PeekYou',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Peeled Snacks',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PeepsOut',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Peer39',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Peeractive',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Peeriscope',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pelgea',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Peloton Cycle',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pemberton','195 Chrystie St',' - ','New York',,,,,
Penguin Digital',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
PennTrade (Roboinvest, Inc.)','394 Broadway','5th Floor','New York',,,,,
PennyFunds',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pensa',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Pensa Labs','20 Jay Street','Suite 800','Brooklyn',,,,,
Pentagram',"'204 Fifth Avenue, New York NY 10010'",' - ',' - ',,,,,
People.Co',' - ','Suite 1202','New York',,,,,
PeopleCloud Solutions, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PeoplePerHour','175 Varick Street','4th Floor','New York',,,,,
PercentMobile','902 Broadway',' - ','New York',,,,,
Percepted',' - ',' - ','Long Island City',,,,,
Perceptel',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Perceptive Pixel, Inc.','102 Madison Avenue','12thFloor','New York',,,,,
Perch Interactive, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Perchwell','Hudson Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Percolate',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Perfect Picnic',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Performance Logic','200 East Broadway','Suite E','New York',,,,,
Perhaps',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Perka','86 Chambers st',' - ','New York',,,,,
Permission Data',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Perpetually',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Persistent Systems, LLC','303 Fifth Avenue','Suite 207','New York',,,,,
Personaa',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Personal Data Reference, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Personal Democracy Forum',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Personetics','1697 Broadway','10th Floor ','New York',,,,,
Perssist',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pervasive Group Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PetPlus',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Petflow',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,','902 Broadway Ave','7','New York',,,,,
PetroFeed','902 Broadway','4th Floor','New York',,,,,
Petrucci Worldwide Music',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pharmacist Partners LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Phase Four Media',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Philanthropy Post',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Phin & Phebes Ice Cream',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,, Inc.',"'989 Avenue of The Americas New York, New York 10018'",'3rd Floor','New York',,,,,
PhotoKharma, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PhotoShelter','33 Union Square West','2nd Floor','New York',,,,,
PhotoSpotLand',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Photodrop',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Phreesia',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Physics Academy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Phytology Labs Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pica9, Inc.',"'10 East 38th Street, 11th Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Picha Global',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Picki Picki',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PickiPicki',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Picnic CRM',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PicoMico LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pictobar',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pictorious',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Picturelife','1133 Avenue of the Americas',' - ','New York',,,,,
Piictu',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Piitri',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pijon',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pilot',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Pinch',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pingmergency',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pinkdingo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pinnacle Summit',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pinstripe Magazine','93 Greeley Ave','2nd floor','Staten Island',,,,,
Pintacts',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pipture',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PitLeaf',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pitch to a Crowd',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pitch2Crowd',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pivotal Labs',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Pixable',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Pixafy',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Pixbi','379 West Broadway',' - ','New York',,,,,
Pixel NYC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pixelapp',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pixelittle',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Pixelle',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pizarts',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pla',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PlaceIQ, Inc.','115 West 30th Street','Suite 910','New York',,,,,
Placefoo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Placemeter',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Plan2nite',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Planaby',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Planancial',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Platform45','41 E 11th Street','11th Floor','New York',,,,,
PlatformEDU',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Platinum Airlines Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PlayFitness corp',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PlayOn',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Playback Clothing',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Playdin LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Playground Group',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Playground Sessions',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Plethora Mobile',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Plexus Entertainment',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Plovgh',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Plum Alley','110 East 28 St','Floor 10','New York',,,,,
Plum Perfect',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Plumvo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Plus Factory',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Plyfe',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PnLClik',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pocket Secretary',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pod1',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Poetry Teachers NYC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pogby',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Point Of Sale',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Poisson Technology',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PolicyMic',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Polished',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PolitiClear',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Politically Inkorrect Novelties',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PolyInnovations',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Polylingual',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pontiflex',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Poolami, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pop The Lock Pail...."Unlock Function and Design"',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pop Up Ventures','3450 28th Street',' - ','Queens',,,,,
PopLocal',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Popaholics',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Popdust',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Poppin Toppin Pizza',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Portable','150 west 28th st',' - ','New York',,,,,
Poshare',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Poshly',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Posse',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Possible','17 W 17th St','7th Flr','New York',,,,,
Post Road HQ','10 Jay Street','Suite 300A','Brooklyn',,,,,
Post-It!',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PostHelpers',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Postable',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Postling','902 Broadway',' - ','New York',,,,,
Potentiality',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Poucher',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Poutsch','186 south 8th street',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Power Associates',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Power Pose',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PowerToFly',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Powerhead Games',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Powhow Inc.',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Practical Language',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pradux',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Prax Algorithm Designs',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Praytell',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Precise Management',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Precision Modern Technology',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Predictive Security',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PredictivePlay Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Predikt','902 Broadway','4th Floor','New York',,,,,
Premium Elderly Care',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Preo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Prestigious',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Preston Stuart dba "KM"',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Prettier Please',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pretty Padded Room, Inc dba In Your Corner',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Price Capital',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PriceJuicer',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pricelance',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pricetag','801 Amsterdam Ave.',' - ','New York',,,,,
Pricing Engine Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Primal Company',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Primary Wave Music','116 East 16th Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Printzel',"'""625 Avenue of the Americas",,,,,,,
Floor 3"',' - ','New York',',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PritiMind, Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PrivCo',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Privy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pro Bono Source',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pro-Active Customer Service',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ProConnekt',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ProPublica',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
ProStart',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Problemio',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Process Street',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Prodigy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Product Structure',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Profero','206 5th ave','5','New York',,,,,
Profitas',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Progress by the Page',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Project Aurora Games','37-63 83rd Street','#141','New York',,,,,
Project Big Bird',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Project Eve',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Project Fathom',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Project Funding Capital',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Project Noah',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Project One',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Project Wag',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Project: Sherpa',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ProjectSHERPA',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Projeqt',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Prolance',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Prolater',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Prolias Technologies',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Prolific Interactive',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Promediacorp',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Promodig LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Promosome LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pronto',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
ProperCloth',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Property Monsterz llc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Propoint','145 W30th Street','3rd Floor','New York',,,,,
Proust',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Proximate Global Inc.','373 Park Avenue South','6th Floor','New York',,,,,
Public House Wine',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PublicStuff',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PublicStuff',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PublicTrades',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Publy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Puff Cha Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PulmoBiotech Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pulpweave',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PulsePoint',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
PulseWallet',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Punch!',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Punkle',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Puppystream',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pure Love Management',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PureWow',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
PureWow',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Purible',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Purple Eagle Entertainment',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PurpleSun Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Purpose',"'115 Fifth Avenue, 6th Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
PurseWipe',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Push, Pull and Grow',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PushProgress',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
PuzWord',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Puzzle Group inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pvilion Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Pyer Moss',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Q-Sensei',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
QBRH',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
QLabs',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
QR On.It',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
QSRfinancial',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
QWhere',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Qapital Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Qbix, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Qello, LLC',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Qinetic',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Qiurio',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Qnary',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
QoL Devices, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Quandora',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
QuantConnect',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Quantcast','432 Park Avenue South','13th Floor','New York',,,,,
Quantum Networks',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Quark Distribution Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Quartz',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Questi',"'1177 Avenue of the Americas, 7th floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Questionator',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
QuicknGreen',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Quincy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Quinquagesima',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Quirky',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Quotiful','319 Smith St. Floor 3',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Qvit',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Qwanz LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Qwiki',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
R A E A N A',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
R Flow Productions',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
R&C WRITERS, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
R.A.Y.O',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
R/GA',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
R2T2 Laboratories Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
R3move',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RAPP','437 Madison Avenue',' - ','New York',,,,,
RCRS',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
REAL COSMETICS',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RED',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
REMOTE CONTROL TOURING',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RENEU INC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RENTTOU',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RES',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RESUMECLIPS.COM',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RETAIL2SOCIAL LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
REVIVAL Style',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
REVOLVER',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RF Test Labs',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RGHTCRWD',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RIDAR Technologies',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RISE',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RITTER DIGITAL SOLUTIONS, INC.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RK ADLER LLP','241 Centre Street','Floor 6','New York',,,,,
RLC Incorporated',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RLS Clothing and accessories catalgoue',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RODAWG',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ROI Payments',"'29 Broadway, Penthouse'",' - ','New York',,,,,
ROKKAN',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
RUKUS',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RUN',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
RYSE Media Group, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Raaka Chocolate',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RachelCHRIS',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Racket',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RadMatter',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Radical Media',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
RadicalLeverage',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Radio Play Enterprises (Radio Play Records)',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Radio Tag',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
RadixTV',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Rain (Crossborders)',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Rainbow Broadband Inc',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Rainwater Energy Partners',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Raiseworks',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Rally',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Rally Bus',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Rallyverse',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ramey Productions',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ramp Up Technology','108 W. 39th Street','15th Flr','New York',,,,,
Random Acts of Kindness',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Random Music Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Rangri',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RankAbove','1375 Broadway','3rd','New York',,,,,
Rap Genius','184 Kent Ave','B315','Brooklyn',,,,,
Rapid Realty',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Rassity Media Group LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Rat Race Laundromat, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ratafire',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ratings Intelligence (','304 Park Avenue South','1140','New York',,,,,
Ravelace','Columbus Circle',' - ','New York City',,,,,
Rawal Group',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Rawporter',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RayHoff','885 Park Ave','C6','New York',,,,,
Raygun',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Rayogram',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Razorfish','1440 Broadway','19th Floor','New York',,,,,
Re-Invent Democracy, Inc.','1718 M Street','NW #240',"'Washington, D.C.'",,,,,
Re-Nuble',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Re:Fresh',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ReFashioner Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ReLearn It',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ReWork','447 Broadway','Foor 2','New York',,,,,
Reactive','45 Main Street','202','Brooklyn',,,,,
ReadSocial',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Readability',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Ready Set Rocket','636 Broadway','Suite 1200','New York',,,,,
Ready!',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Real',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Real Capital Analytics',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Real Data Management',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Real Food Works','460 W. 34th St','14th floor','New York',,,,,
RealDirect',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,','155 New Dorp Plaza','2B','Staten Island',,,,,
Reality Sports Online, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Realtimez, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RebelMouse','560 Broadway','Suite 402','New York',,,,,
Rebirth Financial',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Reboot',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Reclip.It','122 west 26th',' - ','New York',,,,,
Recombine',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RecordHouse',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RecordSetter',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Recrewtor',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RecruiterAccess',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RecruitiFi',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Recyclebank',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
RecyclingUnited.Com','571 Hudsn Street','Unit 1a','New York',,,,,
Red Antler',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Red Baron Technologies',' - ',' - ','Peekskill',,,,,
Red Paper Heart',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Red Rover',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
RedOwl Analytics','100 Broadway','6th Floor','New York',,,,,
Redaptiv Health Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Reece Hudson',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Reel Destinations',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ReelApartment',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Refer-A-Friend',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Referio','242 Centre Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Refill, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Refined Hype','587 17th st',' - ','New York',,,,,
Refinery29',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Reflexions Data',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Reftab',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Refundo','1 State St Plaza','28th Fl','New York',,,,,
Regalii',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Rejuvenan',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Rejuvenan Global Health',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Relate',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RelationshipTechnologies',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Relevant',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Relevant Mobile','31 East 32nd St','Suite 502','New York',,,,,
Relevent','27 W 24 St','202','New York',,,,, (myinfoQ)','217 Thompson St',' - ','New York',,,,,
Remedy Systems',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Renew Fuel',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Renewal Nutriton and Lifestyle Guidance',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Rent the Runway',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RentHackr',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RentHop',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
RentHubNYC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RentPadder',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RentShare',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RentShare Inc',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
RentSign',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RentVitals',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Rentah',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Rental Engine, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Rental Geek',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Rental Tree',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Rentbot',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Rentenna',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Rentity','224 Centre St ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Rentity',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Rentricity Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Rentricity, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RenuzoneLLC.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Republic Spaces',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Reputation Communications','445 Park Avenue','9th Flr','New York',,,,,
Reputation Observer',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Required Marketing',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Rescuing Leftover Cuisine, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ResearchConnection',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Reserva',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Reservation Unlimited',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Reserve My City',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ResiModel',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Resolute Digital','137 W 25th St','11th Floor','New York',,,,,
Resoomay',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Resourceful Media',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Responcer',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ResponsiveAds','411 Lafayette Street','suite 600','New York',,,,,
ResponsiveAds, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RetailMLS',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Retellity',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Return Path',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Return on Change',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Return on Change',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RevTrax',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Revaluate','150 East 57th St Apt 29A',' - ','New York',,,,,
Revaluate',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Revel Partners',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Revelry House',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Revenge model management',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Revenue Trades',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Revision Raps',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Revive Primary Care',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Rewind Radio',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Rewind.Me',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Rexcheck',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RfI Studios','240 East 59th St.','2nd Floor','New York',,,,,
Rhyme & Reason Clothing',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RiXtrema',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Riazul Imports LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Rich Brilliant Willing',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Rick Easley',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RidaText',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ride the City',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Ridehack',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Riding Hood Motion Pictures',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Riff Dish',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RightsFlow',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Riot New Media Group',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Rip Road',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Riparian Data','447 Broadway','Floor 2','New York',,,,,
Rippleffekt',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Risk I/O (HoneyApps)','902 Broadway','4th Floor','New York',,,,,
Rize',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Roadify',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Roam and Wonder',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Robert's Place',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Roberts Realty Property Management',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Robocap',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RobustLinks',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Rochelle Ballard',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Rock On! Films',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Rock the Rock LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Rock your brain',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Rockerbox',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RocketHub',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Rocketeer',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Rocketrip','36 Cooper Square','4th Floor','New York',,,,,
Rokked',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RomaNovaCreative',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Romani Novo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Romio',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Romshu Inc.','792 Columbus Ave',' - ','New York',,,,,
Ronik',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Roobler',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RoomActually',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RoomHints',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Roomations',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Roomscaper',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Roopstigo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Rootbuzz','476 Jefferson St.',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Rosenfeld Media, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Rosetta','99 Hudson Street','11th Floor','New York',,,,,
Rosie',"'111 8th avenue, New York, NY 10011'",' - ',' - ',,,,,
Roto Premier League',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Roundarch Isobar','140 Broadway','Suite 4520','New York',,,,,
Routehappy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Row House',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Royal Estates of Rochester New York',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Rozilo Inc',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
RubbishBooks','98th st',' - ','New York',,,,,
Rue La La','58 W 40th Street','14th Floor','New York',,,,,
RunTime Technologies',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Runa LLC','394 Broadway','5th Floor','New York',,,,,
Runway Gym',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ruskat Medical Equipment Corp',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Russell Brothers Company','68 Jay Street','515','Brooklyn',,,,,
Rx Games Events',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ryan Haber Collection',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
RzerV',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
S K Y E N G I N E, L.L.C.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
S R B LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
S'well bottle',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
S-Connect',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
S.S.C.O.E.P',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
S7 Labs (currently on hiatus)','526 46th Ave.','FL 2','Queens',,,,,
SAFERS',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SAGE & ROW',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SALVATECH SOLUTIONS, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SBC Global Consultancy, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SBS Strategies',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SCDProject2012',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SCENTERPRISES',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SCHOOZY, School Made Easy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SCRATCH MUSIC GROUP',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
SEIN Analytics',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SELECT Innovations, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SEOmetrics',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SEOmetrics',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SER•endipity',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SFA GAMES',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SFCD','37 W 20th Street','Suite 604','New York',,,,,
SHMILY',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SINEW ENTERPRISES LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SISO Event Innovation Battlefield Competition',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SIVI Corporation',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SIZESEEKER',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SJMusic',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SK Hair Company',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SMAKK Studios',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
SNAP 'N' POP',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SNAP Interactive',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
SNEEK CITY',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SOAR',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SOLE USA Boutique',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SOLS System','601 W. 26TH ST. ','STE. 815 ','New York',,,,,
SOLVD',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SOM Olive Oil',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SPENT',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SPICEORB Technology',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SPORT195',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SQDM Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SS + K','88 Pine St','30th Flr','New York',,,,,
STEADY',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
STEERads',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
STELLAService',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
STIKS COSMETIKS',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
STN Media','80 Bennett Ave',' - ','New York',,,,,
SVYFT',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SWERVE Fitness',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SWILL','25 Broadway','WeWork','New York',,,,,
SWITCH Charging Solutions',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SYPartners','218 West 18th Street','10th Floor','New York',,,,,
SaGa Design',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sac Holdings Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sadden Distilling Co.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Saddest Words LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Safe Slices',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SafeDispense',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SaferMD, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sageworks, Inc.','25 West 36th Street','11th floor','New York',,,,,
Sailo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sailthru',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sailthru',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Salad Pangea',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Salary Fairy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Salesystem Blended Technologies T/A',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,, Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Salpare',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SamStella, LLC',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,, India Private Limited',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Samba Energy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sample Application',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SamyRoad',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sanborn Media Factory, Inc.',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Sankobi',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SankyNet',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
SapientNitro','40 Fulton St.','2nd Floor','New York',,,,,
Sapphire Foundry',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sappin Global Strategies',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sarcas Animation Studios',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sari Xchange',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sarkissian Mason',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Saroja Yoga',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sassafras Distribution, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Savile Row Society',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Saviours',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Savored (acquired by Groupon)',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Savory Media',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sawyouonthetrain',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Say It With A Condom',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SayforExample (Sawhorse)',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
ScanBiz Mobile Solutions, L.P.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Scanbuy',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Scarsborough Drive',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ScentBird','214 West 29th Street ','5th Floor','New York',,,,,
Scenteria, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Scentsational',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ScheduleGenius',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Scheduler',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Schoolit',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Schoology',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Schoolster',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Science Outreach Center',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Scientific Knowledge Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sciplay, a wholly owned subsidiary of Scientific Games',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Scoge',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ScoreBig',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Scores Media Group',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Scratch Interactive','222 E. 19th Street 7th',' - ','New York',,,,,
Screen Media (Popcornflix)',"'""757 Third Ave., 3rd Floor",,,,,,,
"' ' - ' 'New York' ',,,,,,,,"
ScreenBooker',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ScreenPay',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Scriggler',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ScriptED',"'222 Broadway 19th Floor New York, New York 10038'",' - ',' - ',,,,,
Scriptmanual LLC.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ScrollMotion',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
SeQrets Lounge',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Seamless',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Seamless Receipts (acquired by Sailthru)',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
SeamlessDocs','675 Avenue of the Americas',' - ','New York',,,,,
Seat Serve',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Seatcrew, LLC.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SecondMarket',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
SecondMic',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Secret Media','4 east 89th street',' - ','New York City',,,,,
Section II',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SecureMySocial',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SecureSafe (LifeEnsured)','160 Varick Street','12th Floor','New York',,,,,
Security Capital Advisors',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Security Parx',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Security Sensors',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
See Me Be, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SeeMore Technology',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SeeYa',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Seed Scientific','Metropolitan Exchange Building',"'33 Flatbush Avenue, 4th Floor'",'New York',,,,,
Seed&Spark',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SeedInvest',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SeedNY',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Seeds',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sefaira',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Seldy Dey',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SelectNY',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SelectableMedia (Nabbr)',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Self-employed',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sellect','35 Great Jones Street','6th floor','New York',,,,,
Selleroutlet',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Selvera',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sematext','540 President St.','3rd Flr','Brooklyn',,,,,
Send Word Now',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Sendicate','561 Broadway','Suite 6C','New York',,,,,
Sensational',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sense Health',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sense Networks','205 Lexington Avenue',' - ','New York',,,,,
Sensegon',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sentinel',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sentire Medical Systems, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sequential Media',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sereniti Yu Co.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Servgeter',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Serviceful, Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Seven Rooms',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Sexual Sensations and A Little Bit of Everything',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Shadow',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Shadow Digital',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Shadow Stark',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Shadows',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Shake','132 Mulberry St.',' - ','New York',,,,,
Shanghai TV Series LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Shapemix',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Shapeways',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
ShareRight',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Shareswell',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sharewave, LLC.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sharpmen',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Shaun Kearney',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
She's the First',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
SheSpeaks',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
SheerStyle, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sheffa Foods',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,, (SheFinds media)',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Shelby Company',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Shelliemachats',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ShermansTravel Media',"'112 West 34th street, Suite 2110'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Sherpaa',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
ShiShi-Tang',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Shift',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Shift Group',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Shindig',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Shindig','665 Broadway','Suite 303','New York',,,,,
Ship to Stores',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Shivnath Productions',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Shoal Market',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Shodogg',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Shokoladka',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Shootmap','220 East 54th st',' - ','New York',,,,,
Shop My Label',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ShopCloset',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ShopKeep POS',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ShopMyLabel',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ShopToko',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Shopcade','41 East 11th Street 11th Floor',' - ','New York',,,,,
Shopi Cam',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Shopikon','110 East 25th Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Shopitizer',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Shopography',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Shopography LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Shoptiques',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Shorefire Media',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Short & Sweet Petite',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Shorty Awards','560 Broadway','Suite 201','New York',,,,,
ShoutEm',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ShowMe',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
ShowMeLocal Inc.',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Shutterstock',"'""Empire State Building",,,,,,,
350 Fifth Avenue,,,,,,,,
"' ' 21st Floor' 'New York' ',,,,,,,,"
SiDaLuk',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SideTour',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Sideways Inc.',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
SigPen',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sign and dine deaf restaurant',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Signal Data',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Signasafe','68 South Service','Suite 100','Melville',,,,,
Signkeys',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Signpost',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Silhouette Studio','147 Prince Street Suite 11',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Silicon Valley Bank',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Silina's Health Shack',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Simba Productions',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Simily',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SimpleReach','41 W 25th Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
SimpleTexting',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Simplified Financial Information',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Simplify LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Simplist',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Simply Grid',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Simply-Heard',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SimplyEngage',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Simulmedia',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
SingWho',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
SinglePlatform',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sinu',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Sip & Tips Nail Cafe',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sir Kensington's',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sirènes de Soleil',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sitbacker',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Situation Interactive',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Situity',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Skaldi LTD',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SketchFactor',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sketchfab','900 Broadway',' - ','New York City',,,,,
SkillBridge',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Skillcrush',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Skillcrush',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Skills Entertainment, Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Skillshare',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Skin',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Skinesiology',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SkinnyEats',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Skipt',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Skrebel',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Skwirrels',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sky Homes, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sky Mall',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SkyChat',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Slader',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Slalom Consulting','12 W. 21st Street 7',' - ','New York',,,,,
Slated',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SleepBot',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SleepEasy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SlideGeeks',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SlideTeam PowerPoint Designs',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Slidebean',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Slingshot Events LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sloan Capital',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Small Media Extra Large',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Small Planet Digital','45 Main Street',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Smallknot',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Smarp',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Smart Agriculture Analytics (SAA)',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Smart Desk',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Smart Host',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Smart Money Entrepreneurs -',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Smart Siren Technology',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Smart Snack',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Smart workout',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SmartAC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SmartAsset',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SmartCell',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SmartChow',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SmartFarms',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SmartGenies, Inc.','222 SW Harrison Street',' - ','Portland',,,,,
SmartLighter',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SmartMoney',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SmartNet Solutions','401 Greenwich Street','Ste 5','New York',,,,,
SmartPhonoMania',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SmartWork',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Smartling','1375 Broadway','14th Floor','New York',,,,,
Smarton Learning Solutions Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Smeet','501 Fifth Ave',' - ','New York',,,,,
Smigin',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Smith & Keller',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Smitten PR',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SmokeClouds','175 Varick St 409',' - ','New York',,,,,
SnagFilms',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
SnakBlox',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SnapGoods',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Snaps! (fka GoldRun)',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Snooth Media',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
SnowDayInc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Snowfall Systems',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SoCozy Salon Formulas for Kids',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SoTechie Spaces',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SoUL Cinematic City Guides by International Film Factory LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Soaked Up',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Soara',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SocMediaFin','149 East 23rd Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Sociable NY',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SociableNY',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SociableUS',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Social Amp',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Social Assurity LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Social Bicycles Inc','39 Wooster St',' - ','New York',,,,,
Social Blendr',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Social Fresh',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Social Health Insurance',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Social Karma',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Social Media Link',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Social Media Today',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Social Passport',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Social Power LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Social Sitter',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Social Studies','2116 Ditmas Ave',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
SocialChorus',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
SocialFlow',"'52 Vanderbilt Avenue, 12th Floor, New York, NY 10017'",' - ','New York',,,,,
SocialGrade, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SocialGuide',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
SocialQ',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
SocialSched',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Socialblood',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Socialbomb',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Socialgiri Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Socialistic',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Socialitical',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Socialtyze','108 WEST 39TH STREET ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Socialyk - A DBA of Intelliber INC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Society Consulting',"'230 Park Avenue, Suite 1001'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Sociocast Networks LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sock Bin',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Socket Analytics','70 E. 12th St Suite 2A',' - ','New York',,,,,
Socure','110 5th Ave ','5th Flr','New York',,,,,
SoftInWay','149 Madison Avenue','Suite 1008','New York',,,,,
Softprofiles, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Software Proposal Portal Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Soho Gallery For Digital Art','138 Sullivan St.',' - ','New York',,,,,
Sojo Studios',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
SolarList',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Solaris Entertainment',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Solaris Entertainment',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Soldthru',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sole Survivor',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Solidoodle',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Solis Spaces - The Gallery',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sollega Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SoloNimbus',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Solonimbus',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Solve Media (formally AdCopy)',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Solys',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SomaComm',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Something Borrowed NY',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Something Digital',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Sonar',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
SongCircle',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SongPlay',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SongSplits',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Songtrust',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Songza',' - ',' - ','Long Island City',,,,,
Sonic Notify (Signal360)',"'251 5TH AVENUE, 6TH FLOOR'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Sophie Yogurt Company',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SortPrice',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Sortie',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Soshio',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Soteria',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SoundCentralStation',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SoundScope',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SoundSight Smart Headphones',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Soup Up!',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SoupNextDoor',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Source4Style',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
SoyShocked',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SpaFinder Wellness (bTreated)',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
SpaGypsies',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Spaarsh, Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SpaceMart',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Spaceman Studios',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Spanfeller Media Group','156 Fifth Ave',' - ','New York',,,,,
SpareChair','Park Slope',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
SpareStub',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Spark Authors Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Spark Printing',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SparkGrowth','154 Grand St. 2N-04',' - ','New York',,,,,
SparkRebel',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sparklabs',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Speak-A-Long',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Speakaboos',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Special Applied Intelligence',' - ',' - ','Long Island City',,,,,
Special Needs Lifeline',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Specitrack',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Speech Empowered',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Speedy Energy Drink',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Spice & Spoon','201 E 20th St',' - ','New York',,,,,
SpiceToMeetYou',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SpiceToMeetYou',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SpicyBot (360 Project, LLc)','4761 Broadway Ave','2V','New York',,,,,
Spida Design','115 E 57th St #1026',' - ','New York',,,,,
Splash (One Clipboard Inc.)','122 W26th Street','4th floor','New York',,,,,
Splice',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Spling',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Split Direct',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Split Movie LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Spliterate',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Spoiled Milk','419 Park Ave South','2nd Flr','New York',,,,,
Sponsor Hub',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
SponsorHub, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SponsorPitch',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Sponsored Ads, Inc.',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Sponsorous',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sponsr',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Spontaneous',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Spoon','328 Water Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Spoon Dive',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Spoonz',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SportChaser',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SportSetter','222 Broadway 21st floor',' - ','New York',,,,,
Sports Alliance',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sports Media 101',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sports Scholar',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sports Watch',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sports World Access',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sportsvite',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
SpotMe',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SpotXchange','215 Park Avenue South','Suite 1805','New York',,,,,
Spotfront',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Spotify','76 Ninth Avenue','11th Floor','New York',,,,,
SpotlessCity',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Spotliter','1120 Avenue of the Americas','4th Floor','New York',,,,,
Spotted','137 Varick St','2nd floor','New York',,,,,
Spoutlets, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Spoyle',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Spread',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Spring','584 Broadway',' - ','New York',,,,,
Springbase Media',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Springleap',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sprinklr',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
SproutVideo',"'""568 Broadway",,,,,,,
11th Floor"',' - ','New York',',,,,,
Spuni',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Spute It',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sqoot',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sqoot','199 Orchard',' - ','New York',,,,,
Squarespace',"'""459 Broadway, Fifth Floor",,,,,,,
New York, NY 10013"',' - ',' - ',',,,,,
Squeaky Wheel Media',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Ssh-oes',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Stack Exchange',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Stackpop',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Staff IT','485 7th Ave',"'10th Floor, Suite 1005'",'New York',,,,,
Stairway to Wisdom',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Staq',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
StarSpotter App',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Starkweather',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
StarlingHealth',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
StartApp','41 East 11th St.','9th Floor','New York',,,,,
StartUp Box #QA',"'901 Hunts Point Ave, Bronx, New York 10474'",' - ',' - ',,,,,
Startup Buenos Aires',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Startup Giraffe',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Startup Impuls',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Startup Threads',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
StartupsNY',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Static Energy Drink',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Stealth Communications',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
SteamersSubShop',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Step Health',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Stereotypes',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sterling Kane',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Steve's Ice Cream',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Steve's LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Stileboard',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Stinger Messenger',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Stinkdigital','20 Jay Street','Suite 404','Brooklyn',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Stitch Collective',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Story 2 Sleep',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Story Shelter',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Story2 (formerly Story To College)',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Storybox',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Storyhunter',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Storyville','122 Spring St',' - ','New York',,,,,
Strategic Strategy Partners LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Stratify',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Stray Boots',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Street Potato',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
StreetEasy',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
StreetEchoes',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Stride',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Striking 101',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
StructuredWeb',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Student Launcher',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Student Launcher','412 Broadway','2','New York',,,,,
Student Loan Hero','500 Fashion Ave',' - ','New York',,,,,
Student to Student',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Studio Akko LLC',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Studio Circuit',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Studio Mercury',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Studio One',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Study Adventure Development',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Study Write',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Stylark',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Style Coalition',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Style for Hire',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Style has a Pulse',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
StyleCaster',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
StyleLikeU',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
StyleSage',"'137 Varick Street, 2nd FL. New York, NY 10013'","'137 Varick Street, 2nd FL. '",'New York',,,,,
StyleScan',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Styled NYC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Stylinity',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Stylit',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Stylitics',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Stylr',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Stylyt',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sub Rosa',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Subuno',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Subway Labs',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Success Ready',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Suddenlee','88 Crosby Street','Floor 3','New York',,,,,
SugarWaterRadio',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Suitey','214 West 29th Street Suite 410',' - ','New York',,,,,
Suits Realty LLC','1745 East 16th st ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Sulia',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
SumAll',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SumSphere Global',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SumStream',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SumZero, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sun Giant Energy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SundaySky','242 W 27th. St.','6A','New York',,,,,
Suneris, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SuperLuckyCat',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SuperStockJockey',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Superglued',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Superior Legal Docs',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Supertouch',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
SureDone',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SurfSET Fitness',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Surpass the Limit',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Surreal Games',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Survival Sharing',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sus4Media, Inc.','6151 Delafield Avenue',' - ','Bronx',,,,,
Sushi-teria',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sushifab',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Susty Party',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sutton Place Strategies, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Svpply',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Swapiz',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Swarm',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Swave Medical',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sway Design',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Swayspace',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Sweat Sync',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sweet Cheeks Vegan Bakery',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sweet Victory',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SweetSpot New York',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Swell',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
SwellToDo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Swifto','349 5th Avenue',' - ','New York',,,,,
Swishu',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Swiss Commerce',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
SwitchForce',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Switched Designs',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Swole Food',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Swoon Beauty, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SwoonNYC',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Swup Club',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Swwapp',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Sybarite Productions',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Symplitch Media, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Symposium',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
SyncroFinance LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
T-Bridge',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
T.R.U.F.L.I APPERAL',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TAO',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TAPP',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TAY',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TBD',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TBD',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TBD',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TCH',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TED','250 Hudson St.',' - ','New York',,,,,
TED',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TENDIGI','45 Main St.','Suite 806','Brooklyn',,,,,
TGK Technologies, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
THE HUNGRYMARKET.COM',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
THE NEW YORK FAME',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
THE POWERPARK',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
THE VINEYARD AT ROSE HALL',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
THG Coffee',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
THINKINNOVATION?',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TIDBT',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TIPPL',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TLCengine',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TNJ-graphics',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TNTP',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TODA','20 Jay Street','Suite 821','Brooklyn',,,,,
TPI Real Estate Investment Services',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TPoints',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TREND~SEND',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TSAG, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TUNEGENIE','73 Spring St','Suite 303b','New York',,,,,
TV Dinner',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TYREK, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,, Local Marketplace',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tabbed Media',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tablet','6 West 18th Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Tactic',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Tactile Finance','137 Varick Street','2nd Floor','New York',,,,,
Tactile Navigation Tools',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TagMan',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Tailwind (PinLeague)','510 e20th street','2B','New York',,,,,
Take Me Out Global LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Take The Interview, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Take a Cue',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Take-Two Interactive',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Talely LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TalentBrowser',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TalkAboutHealth',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TalkSession',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TalkSession',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Talking Media Group',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tandent (Tandent Vision Science)','527 Third Avenue','Suite 238','New York',,,,,
Tanktwo Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tanteo Spirits',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tanteo Tequila',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TapEdition',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TapFury',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
TapRaise',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TapX Trading',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tapactive',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tapad',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tapfame',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tapinator, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tapjoy, Inc','166 Mercer Street','Floor 2','New York',,,,,
Tappible',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tarbell',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TargetSpot, Inc.',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Targeted Social',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Tarla Events',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TaskStream',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
TaskStrike',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Taskdoers',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tasklite / CPS Creative','119 W 23rd',' - ','New York',,,,,
Taste Of A Dream, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Taste Savant','149 5th ave',' - ','New York',,,,,
Taste.Full',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TasteBuds Kitchen',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tastebuds NYC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tasting Table',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tattle',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tattly',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
TaxiBuddie',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TaxiTreats',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Taykey','117 East 24th Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Tea Time',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Teach For America',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Teach on the Beach',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TeachBoost',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Teachers Pay Teachers','295 Lafayette ','7th floor','New York',,,,,
Teachley',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Team Fund Up Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Team of JJ',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tech Helper',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TechZarInfo','E 7th street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Techlicious',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Technology System Integrator',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Techonomy',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Techotel Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Techpacker',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Techsanity',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Teeming Media','1200 Broadway',"'2nd Floor, Suite D'",'New York',,,,,
Tekserve',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Tel-Aviv University- The 10 Minute Health & Wellness System.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Temboo',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Templar Studios',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tengrade',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tenlegs',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Tenthwave',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Tequila Casa Dragones',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Terrapin Stationers',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tespack Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Test Company',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TestCo 1',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tetran Living',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TeuxDeux','10 Jay st.',' - ','New York',,,,,
TextPride',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TextTalks',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Textbook U',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Th!nk Smart',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Thames Engineering Ltd',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Thankful Registry',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Thanks, Bro',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
ThatsGoodness Entertainment',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Thatvideomagazine',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The "EVAC TRAC"',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The 2 Hour Drill',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The 86 Company',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The 90odd Project, Inc.',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
The 90odd Project, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Appreciation Engine',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Archerfish',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Army Cadets of New York, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Atavist','68 Jay Street','Suite 422','Brooklyn',,,,,
The Athletes Network',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Audit Portal',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Bach',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Baldwin Bawllerz Youth Foundation',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Barbarian Group',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
The Birdy Inc',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
The Blanket Anchor®',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Book Elf: The Ebook Sharing Social Network',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Bosco',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
The Brooklyn Garage',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Brooklyn Salsa Company',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Brown Consulting Group, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The CLIC, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The CONTRA Corporation',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Calyx Institute',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Cave - NYC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The CellBoat Company',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The CementBloc','641 Sixth Avenue','Floor 5','New York',,,,,
The Chapter Media',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
The Christmas Collective',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The City Preschool',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Clearstone Foundation',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Closet Squad',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Common Pulse',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Couture Cook / Doughnate',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Creative Side',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Crunchy Condiment Company',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Crypto-Currency Analytics Company',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Daily Beast/Newsweek',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
The Daily Voice',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Dapper Guy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Dhobi',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Digital Brand Architects',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
The Digital Marvels, Inc.','1133 Broadway','706','New York',,,,,
The Edge in College Preparation, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Effectives Lab',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Eggstablishment',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Electrotoons Company',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Experience Ticket, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The EyeBook',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Fanrod Group, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Fashion Deli',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Fetch',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Flatiron School',"'11 Broadway #260, New York, NY 10004'",' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Flight Deal','PO Box 5','Brewster St. #325','Glen Cove',,,,,
The Franklin Report',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Fresh Connection',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Funday Genie',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Game Agency',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
The Good Samaritan Social Hall & Tavern',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Guardian Project','24 W27th St',' - ','New York',,,,,
The HIP (Holistically Inspired People's) Bar',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Hackerati, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Handy Scratcher',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Harmony Institute',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
The Headright',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Health Center',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Heinemann Fund llc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Help',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Hired Guns',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
The Hole',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Honablue Institute of Audio Engineering',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Hook',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Icon Deposit',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
The Innovations of Michael D. Wenz',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Internet Superstores',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The J.A.S.M Company',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The JAR Group',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
The Keys Supper Club',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Language Chef',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Lascaux Company (acquired by Etsy)','36 east 12th st',' - ','New York',,,,,
The Levo League',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Loadown',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Lobby',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Mamas Network',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Map Project',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Matrixx Power Suit Company',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Mechanism',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
The Meta Agency',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
The Mindriot',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
The Molecule','594 Broadway','906','New York',,,,,
The Mosaic Theory, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Mpyre Co.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Muse',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Muse',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Museum of Interesting Things',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Mutual',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The New American Tavern',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The New York Times','620 Eighth Avenue',' - ','New York',,,,,
The Next Web','84 E 3rd St',' - ','New York',,,,,
The Niche Project, Inc.','560 Broadway','Suite 201','New York',,,,,
The Odd Slipper',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Old Fashioned',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Old Marketplace',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Orchard',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
The PAYLESS Card',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Palace Of Design',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Pearl Dream Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Phoenix Database',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Project',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Propel Group',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Pume Group',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Rec Room',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Royal Palms Shuffleboard Club',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Shelf',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Shoplift',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Smack Pack',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
The Smart-Pedal',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Standard',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Stashbox',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
The Strategy Dept.','265 Cabrini Blvd',' - ','New York',,,,,
Thimble',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Sukhi Life, Lifestyle Services (Sandy Poppins)','271 Avenue C','5C','New York',,,,,
The Sunday Fare',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The SuperTouch Group',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
The Tea Cup',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Techno Tourist',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Tiny Rebels','50 Hope St.',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
The Training Room',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Unlimited Magazine',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
The Vision Lab ®','NeueHouse','110 East 25th St.','New York',,,,,
The Wash Depot Laundromat',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Webby Awards',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
The Well Curated Closet',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Whistle','175 Varick St','WeWork/575','New York',,,,,
The White Glove Group, LLC.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The Writing Code',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
The blue heart cafe',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TheEventZoo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,','19 West 21st Street','Suite 901','New York',,,,,
TheGuildUSA',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TheLadders',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
TheLidreamteam',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TheSquareFoot','163 West 23rd St ','4th Floor','New York',,,,,
TheStreet',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
TheTake','379 West Broadway','335','New York',,,,,
TheTudu',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TheWriteDeal',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Theoretical imports inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Therapeuticom, Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Therefore Productions',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
ThermoShake',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ThermoSiv Technologies Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Thermopraxis, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ThingLink','401 Park Ave South ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Thingle',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Think Work Media','155 Water Street',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Think You','PO Box 60961',' - ','Staten Island',,,,,
ThinkBinder',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
ThinkEco',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
ThinkUp',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Thinkful',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Thinknum',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Third Culture',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Third Mind',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Third Wave Fashion',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Third Wind',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Thirty Something Industries/WeRIde',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
This Quiet Tread',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
This is Pop','425 west 13th st',' - ','New York',,,,,
Thismoment','60 Madison Ave','1101','New York',,,,,
ThomasNet','5 Penn Plaza',' - ','New York',,,,,
ThoughtWorks Inc','99 Madison Ave.','15th Floor','New York',,,,,
Thread',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ThreadMatcher Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ThreadShare',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Three Ring',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Three Ring',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ThreeStay Corp',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Thriive',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Thriive',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Thrillist',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
ThriveStreams',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Thumble',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Thumbscribes',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Thunderclap',"'120 Wall St, 11th Floor '",' - ','New York',,,,,
Thuzio',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tibiae Tech',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ticketro LLC','5030 Broadway','Suite 672','New York',,,,,
Tickpick',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tidal Labs',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tiger Party',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
TigerTrade',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tiggly',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TikaMobile',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Time-Peace',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Timehop',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Timeless Multi-Media Productions',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Timo Weiland',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Timour Maslennikov's Company',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tiny Mantis',' - ','Brooklyn','New York',,,,,
Tiny Spark',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TinyWorld',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tinybop','540 Atlantic Ave',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Tinypass',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tip or Skip',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tiplinks',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tipspring',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TiqIQ',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Tivity',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
To Be','295 8th street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Toda!Cell','41 Union Sq. West','suite 1024','New York',,,,,
Toddler Topsy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Toegos',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Togather',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Together, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Toilets for People',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tomatina',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tomorro',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tomorrow Lab',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Tomorrow Networks',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Tone Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tootter, Inc.','140 Broadway',' - ','New York',,,,,
TopMBACOnnect',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Topi',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Toplist',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Torrenegra Labs','902 Broadway Av','4th Floor','New York',,,,,
Torsh Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Totsy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Totsy, Inc. (Modnique Kids)',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Touch Me Up',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TouchGraph',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
TouchTunes Interactive Networks','850 Third Avenue','15C','New York',,,,,
Touchstone Partners',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Touchstorm','355 Lexington Ave.',' - ','New York',,,,,
Toura',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Tourlandish Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Traansmission',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tracks',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
TradeCard (changed to GT Nexus)','75 Maiden Lane','12th Floor','New York',,,,,
TradeUp',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TradersCircle',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Trading Games, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TradingScreen','30 Irving Place','3rd Floor','New York',,,,,
TrakPak360',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TransMedia',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TransMedia, Glide OS',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TransPerfect Translations','3 Park Avenue','39th Floor','New York',,,,,
Transclick',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Transcription-Services-US',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Transit Treasure, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Transparensee',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Travable',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Travel Tripper',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
TravelTap',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TravelTrot',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Travelby2',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Travelcology',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Traveloti',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Your Fit',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Travora',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Travora Media (acquired by MediaShift)',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
TreSensa',"'443 Park Ave South, Suite 601'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Treatings',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tree Water System',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Treevolt Energy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Trellis Technology Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Trello',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tremor Video',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Trend2Win',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Trendabl',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Trending Universe',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Trendland','214 West 30th street','4th Flr','New York',,,,,
Trendrr',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tribal Cuts',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tribal DDB Worldwide',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Tribeca Cloud Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tribeca Digital',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Trident Capital Group International',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TrimRewards',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TripAnomaly',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tripl',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Triple IT',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TripleLift',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Triumps',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ','Staten Island',,,,,
Trooblr Corp',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Trotting Sheep Productions, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
True Action (aquired by eBay)','1350 Broadway','3rd Floor','New York',,,,,
TrueGether',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
TrueGether',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
True[X]','6 E 39th St (5th Ave)',' - ','New York',,,,,
Truman James','115 East 23rd Street','4th floor','New York',,,,,
Truman James',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Trust Metrics','45 21st St','404','New York',,,,,
Trusted Insight',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Trustr',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Truth In Aging',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Truth NYC',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Truth On Call','82 University Place','7','New York',,,,,
TruthUnivercity',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Try The World',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tsampa Soups','185 South 4th Street',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Tumblr',"'35 E. 21st St. New York, NY 10010'",' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tumeric ALIVE',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TunTunTuTu',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TuneCore, Inc.',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
TuneSat',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
TuneSpring‚Ñ¢',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tungsten Properties',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tunnel X, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TurboVote','150 Court St',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Turman North',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Turn',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Turn up',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TurnTo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tutonic',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tutora',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Tutoronic',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tutorspree',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Tutum',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TuvaLabs LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TvTak',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Tweet Binder',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Twiage',"'""483 Broadway, 2nd Floor",,,,,,,
New York, NY 10013"',"'483 Broadway, 2nd Floor'",'New York',',,,,,
Twibfy',' - ',' - ','Manhatten',,,,,
Twigmore',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
TwitrPix',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Twitter','340 Madison','6','New York',,,,,
Two Bulls',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Two Sigma Investments','379 West Broadway','5th Floor','New York',,,,,
TxtImpact',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Tykoon',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Type/Code',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
U-Tab',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
U.T.F (Uni the Fit)',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
UCP Holdings, Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
UGE International (Urban Green Energy)',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
UHE-TV',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
UNIFIED',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
UNRULY',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
UP TOP',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
UPLOAD Healthy Drinks',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
UPlanMe',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
US Insurance',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
US Insurance',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
USL Technology Consulting',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
UX Hires','66 West Broadway','Suite 600','New York',,,,,
Uber NYC','33 Nassau Avenue','2','Brooklyn',,,,,
UberAcademic','62 Clermont Avenue','Suite 405','Brooklyn',,,,,
UberTags',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Ugeneus Design',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Uknowvercity',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ultra',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
UltraCoin',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ulula','394 Broadway',' - ','New York',,,,,
Umami Co.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Umobli Technology',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
UnaUna',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Unbound',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Unbound Learning',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Uncharted Play (sOccket)',' - ',' - ','Poughkeepsie',,,,,
Uncharted Play, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
UncommonGoods',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Uncoverage',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Uncubed','50 Eldridge','3rd Floor','New York',,,,,
Undecided 101',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Under 30 CEO','350 6th Ave',' - ','New York',,,,,
Undercurrent',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Underground Eats',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Underground Eats',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Undertone (Jambo Media)',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Uni-Data & Communications, Inc.','65-21 Fresh Meadow Lane',' - ','Queens',,,,,
Unified Field',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
UnifiedPractice',"'330 west 42nd street, 17th floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Unigo',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
UnionSquare Labs',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Uniporter',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Unique ID Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Unit Four LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Univate',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Universal Tutors',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Uniworld Group Inc.',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Unlockable',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Unmetric','175 Varick Street','Office 323','New York',,,,,
Unpakt',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
UpClear',"'1133 Broadway, Suite 720'",' - ','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
UpSurge Media Group LLC',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
UpTweet Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Updater Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Uplift Studios',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Uppercase',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
UptownGrowLab, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Upworthy','875 Broadway',' - ','New York',,,,,
Urban Cargo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Urban Compass','19 Union Square West',' - ','New York',,,,,
Urban Cups inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Urban Daddy',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Urban Edge',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Urban Green Energy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Urban Green Energy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Urban Green Energy',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Urban Grocery Recycling',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
UrbanLance',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Urbavour',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Urbful',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Urgent Content','72 Allen Street','3rd Floor','New York',,,,,
Urlinq',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Urmiga',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Urthworx',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Usablenet',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Useme Digital Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Uskape',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Uskape',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Utour',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Uvalue, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
VAR Magazine, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
VETR INC','335 MADISON AVE',' - ','NEW YORK',,,,,
VEVO','4 Times Square','25th Floor','New York',,,,,
VFILES',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
VHX',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
VIC DAVIDSON ‚ô™ COM',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
VIP Room',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
VITAGEAR LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
VITAMIN W Media',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
VML','285 Madison 3rd Floor',' - ','New York',,,,,
VMedia / NYC Liberty Games, Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
VOICE - Be Heard LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
VOLDR Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
VOZ',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
VPV Interactive',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
VVF Cup',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Valcu',"'500 7th Ave 17A, New York, NY 10018'",' - ',' - ',,,,,
Validately',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ValueClick',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
ValueGuard Financial, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Vanity Hair Studio NYC Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Vann Alexandra','67 West Street','Suite 604','Brooklyn',,,,,
Varick Media Management',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Varonis Systems',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Vaultive','100 Broadway','14th Floor','New York',,,,,
Vaxis',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
VaynerMedia',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Vector Media Group','18 West 21st Street ','8th Floor','New York',,,,,
Vedaa Minechem',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Vehive',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Velocidi',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
VenDipity',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Vendedy','253-41 149 Avenue',' - ','Rosedale',,,,,
Vendr',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Venmo','289 7th Ave',' - ','New York',,,,,
Venmo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Venture For America',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Ventyour LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Venue Pages',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Venus Meets Isis',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Venux',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Verbify',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
VeriFone GlobalBay','1001 6th Avenue','11th Floor','New York',,,,,
Veritascope, Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Veritascope, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Verizon',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Verizon Communications, Inc.','610 W 48th St',' - ','New York',,,,,
Verso Advertising / Verso Digital','50 W 17 St','5','New York',,,,,
Veryday Inc','392 Broadway','2nd Floor','New York',,,,,
Vessels & Company',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
VetSurf',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ViV',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Via','226 5th Avenue','3rd Floor','New York',,,,,
Vibrant Media','565 5th Avenue','15th Floor','New York',,,,,
Vicaire NY',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Vice',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
VictoriaMartini',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
VidRocket',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Vidaao',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Videology, Inc.','1500 Broadway','4th Flr','New York',,,,,
Vidpal',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Vielle + Frances',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
View The Space','142 West 36th Street','12th Floor','New York',,,,,
Viggle (Function X Inc)','902 Broadway','11th Floor','New York',,,,,
Vigor, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Villij',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Vimbly',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Vimeo',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Vincent & Marie',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Vindico',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Vino247',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Violet Blues Productions',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Violetta Knitting Mill',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Virtual Immigration Office',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
VirtualArtsTV',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
VirtualFit',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
VisCorps',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Visify','200 Varick St ','#802','New York',,,,,
Vision Chains',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Vision Global Consulting Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Visionary Access, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Visionary Outlook LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Visitor',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Visual Genius, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Visual Genius, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Visual Goodness',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Visual Revenue',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Vita Madagascar',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
VitaCraze',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Vital Formulas',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Vital Score',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Vitals','632 Broadway','301','New York',,,,,
Vite',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Vitogo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Vivaldi Fifth Season','13 Crosby Street','Third Floor','New York',,,,,
Vivastream',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Vivlio, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Vixely, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Viyet','584 Broadway','Suite 408','New York',,,,,
Vizalytics Technology Inc (Mind My Business)',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Vizzuality',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Vloggr',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
VnuMngr',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Vodka Mariette',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Voice Polls','186 S 8th Street',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
VoilàChocolat',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Vook',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Voovio','1330 Ave. of Americas','23','New York',,,,,
VoteWire',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Vourno',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Vowched',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Voxel','29 Broadway','30th Floor','New York',,,,,
Voxy','632 Broadway',' - ','New York',,,,,
Vozeeme',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Vultures',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Vyer Films',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
W (Double U)',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WAVSYS',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
WB Media Corp',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WEBercise',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WEDDOT',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WESTxEAST',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WFKU',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WIE Network',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WINNING DIABETICS',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WNYC',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
WONDAHLAND MUSIC PRODUCTIONS',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WTM? Social',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WTW',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Wagepoint','85 Fifth Avenue','3rd Floor','New York City',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WaitAway',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Wakefield',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Wakenbake‚Ñ¢',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WalkThruNYC','8424 Little Neck Pkwy',' - ','Floral Park',,,,,
WalkandExplore LLC','415 E 37',' - ','New York',,,,,
Wallflowerme, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Walsh Electrical Contracting, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Wanderfly',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Wanna Be A Frenchie',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Want Me Get Me',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Warby Parker',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Warby Parker','--',' - ','New York',,,,,
Warm Milk',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Warshaw Group',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Washington Roberts',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WasteGate','305 E 21st Street','#23','New York',,,,,
Watch It','14 Murray Street','#103','New York',,,,,
Watchitoo',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
WaterStop Carts LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Wave45',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Waveberg Development',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Wavely',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Wavicle',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Way Way',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Waywire Networks',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
We Are HereForever Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
We Less Than Three','1717 Troutman Street','227','Queens',,,,,
We are cool',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
We are the XX',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WeCT','610 VERNON ST',' - ','RUSTON',,,,,
WeDemand',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WeDidIt',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WeKanCode','550 W 53rd St ',' - ','New York',,,,,
WePose',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WeWork',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WealthDefender',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WeareverYouGo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Weartrons',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Web Development Group NYC',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Web Tech Radio',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WebMediaBrands (Mediabistro)',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
WebOpenings',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WebThriftStore',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WebVest Securities Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WebVet',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Weber Shandwick Digital','919 Third Avenue','15th Floor','New York',,,,,
Webline Designs, Inc.',' - ',' - ','Long Island City',,,,,
Wedge Technologies',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Wedkey',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Wednesday','530 Broadway','6th Floor','New York',,,,,
Weesh',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Weiss & Wallace',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Weissman Sound Design','303 West 29th Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
Welcome to COMPANY',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Weleet',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Well + Good',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
WellBots',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Wello',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Welzoo','79 Madison Ave.','3rd Floor','New York',,,,,
Wendr, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Wetradetogether',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
What Wine Was That',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
What's for Supp',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WhattheHelp?',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Wheeli',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WhenLoveWorks',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WhenLoveWorks',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Where's my cable guy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Wherewithal',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
While Supplies Last','195 Chrystie st ','Unit 909','New York',,,,,
WhileTheMenWatch',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Whim LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Whiskey Ladies',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WhiskeyNotes',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Whispr Group','45 Main Street','1036 FL 10','Brooklyn',,,,,
WhiteBox',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Whitetrail',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Who Sing It Best (Talent Competition)',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Who's The Office',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WhoDIK',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,, (Sustain 450)',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Whole Whale','150 Court St.','2nd Floor','Brooklyn',,,,,
WhoseYourLandlord, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Widgetly',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Wild Card Properties LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Wild Invention Pictures',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Wild Munkie Paraphernalia',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WildCard LLC','42 West 24th St',' - ','New York',,,,,
WindComb',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WindowLikr',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Wine for the World',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WineFetch','94 E 4th St',' - ','New York',,,,,
WineSocial',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Winfield & Co.',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Wingit',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Winito Athletics',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Winito Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Winter Film Awards','419 Lafayette Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
WiredScore','666 Fifth Avenue','15th Floor','New York',,,,,
Wiseling',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Wish Planner',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WishKringle',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Wishbeans',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Witbe Inc','16 W 22 Street','Floor 3','New York',,,,,
Wizpert Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WoW',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Women Innovate Mobile (WIM) Accelerator',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Women's Marketing Inc.','276 Fifth Ave','401','New York',,,,,
Womenalia',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Wonderlust',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Wonderreel',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Wondersauce','41 w 25th St','6th Floor','New York',,,,,
Wondersym',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Wondren',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Woosh',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Wordseye Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Work Market',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WorkBench',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WorkIt',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WorkNetz: TopTalent',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Workfolio','55 Broad St','29th Floor','New York',,,,,
World Biotechnology',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
World Health Networks',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
World Moto',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WorldBox',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WorldPlay, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
WorldReserve Corp',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Worldcast Live Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Worldwide Biggies',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Worry Free Labs',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Worstofall Design',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Woxxer',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Wrappin',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Wrevel',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Write List',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Writebot',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Wurk Happy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Wurku',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Wuteva Wurkz Mngt.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Wynn Imports, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Wynter Consulting Group, LLC',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Wyst Digital, Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
XLABS',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
XO Group',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
XO Group (formally the Knot inc)',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
XOMV',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
XS Games','270 Lafayette St','Suite 1004','New York',,,,,
XStream Analytics',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
XYverify',"'""210 East 15th Street",,,,,,,
"' 'Unit 6K' 'New York' ',,,,,,,,"
Xaxis',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Xball Enterprises',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Xcube, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Xenix',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Xignite',"'""48 Wall Street, Suite 1100 ",,,,,,,
"' ' - ' 'New York' ',,,,,,,,"
Xipdo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Xpect',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Xplr Software, Inc.','One Penn Plaza #6134',' - ','New York',,,,,
Xtify',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Y.N.P.A',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
YAP Trackers',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
YCharts',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
YOGASMOGA',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
YRB Magazine',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
YSYM, LLC.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
YUZU','150 W 25th St.','Suite 503','New York',,,,,
YaSo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Yackit',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Yahoo!',"'111 West 40th Street, New York, NY 10018'",'9th Floor','New York',,,,,
Yammer','41 E. 11th St. 11th Floor',' - ','New York',,,,,
Yapp',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Yapster',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Yarly',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
YellowHammer Media',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
YellowHammer Media Group',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Yelp NY','101-104 5th Avenue',' - ','New York',,,,,
Yes We Can!',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Yestoapps',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Yews',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Yext','1 Madison Avenue',' - ','New York',,,,,
Yieldex',"'261 Fifth Avenue, 23rd Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Yieldmo','218 West 18th Street','2nd Floor','New York',,,,,
Yipit',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Yisaca LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Yodle','50 W 23rd St','Suite 401','New York',,,,,
Yog',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Yohay Associates','40 Cuttermill road',' - ','Great Neck ',,,,,
Yokayoker Group',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
YouAreTV',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
YouDealit',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
YouGene Corp.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
YouGift',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
YouSayToo Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
YouTube Web Academy Mergers and Acquisitions Programs',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Youfaith',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Young Kim',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Youngist',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Your File System Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Your Local Advisors',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Your Supplier Network',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
YourPanadas',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
YourStoryBox',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Yssete',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Yum-Wick, Incorporated',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
YumZing',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Yumani, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Yunes Swathe',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Yushino, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Z-Nodes',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ZAC Digital Agency','200 W 24th st','Suite 7A','New York',,,,,
ZAOZAO',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ZAPlgt',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ZEITTech',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ZENO MOTORS',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ZIPPGUN','560 Carroll St','#10A','Brooklyn',,,,,
ZURSH',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ZUZNOW',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ZUZNOW',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Zaarly','40 West 23rd Street 6th Floor',' - ','New York',,,,,
ZabKab (Flatiron Apps LLC)','85 5th Avenue','3rd Floor','New York',,,,,
Zady','50 Broad Street','Suite 704','New York ',,,,,
ZaikoEnergy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Zairge',"'44 Wall Street, Floor 21'",' - ','New York',,,,,
Zazoom LLC (under buzz60 now)',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Zazoom, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Zedge',"'""22 Cortlandt Street 12th floor",,,,,,,
"' ' - ' 'New York' ',,,,,,,,"
Zeel Networks, Inc.','33 W 17th',' - ','New York',,,,,
Zeitgeist Films Ltd.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Zemanta',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Zemoga',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
ZenCat Productions (Uncensored Interview)',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Zenith-Mart, Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
bogus',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Zenly','708 3rd Ave.','6th Floor','New York',,,,,
Zenobia's Sweet Tooth',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Zero to Sixty Communications','17 west 20th st',' - ','New York',,,,,
Zetawatt',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Zeus',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Zeyic, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Zhenuine LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Zignage LLC',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
Zion Zaibatsu Corporation',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ZipCare',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Zipari','20 Jay St','Ste 836','Brooklyn',,,,,
Zipmark, Inc',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
Zipments',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Zizio',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ZocDoc','568 Broadway',"'""9th Floor",,,,,,
"' 'New York' ',,,,,,,,"
Zod's Widgets',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Zola Books','242 West 38th Street',"'""Second Floor",,,,,,
"' 'New York' ',,,,,,,,"
Zola, Inc.','394 Broadway 3rd Floor',' - ','New York',,,,,
Zoner',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Zotogo','127 West 83rd. St Number 868',' - ','New York',,,,,
Zuse',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
Zype','145 W28th Street','4th Floor','New York',,,,,
[i]cell Interactive, Inc',' - ','Madison Square Station','New York',,,,,
[x+1]','315 Park Avenue South 12th Floor',' - ','New York',,,,,
activecell','902 Broadway','Floor 4','New York',,,,,
adMarketplace',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
adMixt',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
adon magazine',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
adsmobi',"'260 Madison Avenue, 8th Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
adverCar Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
advisorCONNECT',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
aequitas',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
agorafy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
agrowculture',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
airglecorp',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
alma luz rosado foundation',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ampulet',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ampyoursound',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
anOthervision',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
andrewnyc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
appFigures','133 Chrystie Street','3rd Floor','New York',,,,,
apple seeds',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
appweevr',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
artSPACIO',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
artmeme',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
artnod',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
artsnapper',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
auralnation',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
austina handbags',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
authentic',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
bContext',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
bMobilized',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
bMobilized Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
bMuse','301 W 108th Street','Apartment 10E','New York',,,,,
bank fee gone',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
bankerinvestor',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
bargainez',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
batteryPOP',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
beauty booked',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
betareturn',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
bettygaddis',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
bigbearbubbletea',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
blacbocs','330 West 38th Street','Suite 1406','New York',,,,,
blink',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
blockShift',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
blue email',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
bluesolarcompany',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
bobbymensah',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
bodyADDICTS',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
boogie','33 Nassau Ave','Second Floor','Brooklyn',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
boxUno',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
brandme',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
bring10',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
bustripping',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
buyoo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
buzzCab',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
c/studio/design','59 Franklin Street','No. 303','New York',,,,,
c0smo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
cacsh corp',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
capital gain advisor',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
caseable',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
chalo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
charity: water',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
charity: water','200 Varick Street','Suite 201','New York',,,,,
charitybuzz','437 Fifth Avenue','11th Floor','New York',,,,,
chatAND',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
cieCap',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,','325 GOLD ST','#703','BROOKLYN',,,,,
classtivity',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
cleverbees',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
clique'm',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
columbia business school',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
comiXology',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
comme vous voulez',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
connect2m',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,, inc.','77 Carroll Street','3','Brooklyn',,,,,
cookbook and cooking show for pets',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
crowdbureau',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
crwd',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
currentsy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
currentsy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
d/b shopping and shipping systems',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
dMetrics',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
dailyfeats',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
db avant garde',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
dba Manhattan Liquidators',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
deep blue studio',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
delve',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
dewPixel','49 West 27th st',' - ','New York',,,,,
diet order, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
digitaltoprint',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
digitalundivided','349 5th Avenue',' - ','New York',,,,,
dinsmore/steele','244 Fifth Avenue','Suite 1522','New York',,,,,
directions',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
dis-count-me-in',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
docwise',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
dotSport LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
dotbox (acquired by MDC Partners)',"'853 Broadway, 4th FL'",' - ','New York',,,,,','187 Lafayette','4th floor','New York',,,,,
du+ch',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
dupl',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
dyli',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
eBay New York',"'""625 6th Ave, 3rd Floor",,,,,,,
New York, NY 10011"',' - ',' - ',',,,,,
eCaring',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
eCaring LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
eClothier',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
eCruit',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
eDataSource (Email Data Source, Inc.)',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
eDigital Solutions LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
eDiningNews','394 Broadway','5th Flr','New York',,,,,
eDivv Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
eFit Connect LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
eFood Junction (Hospitalty Junxion, Inc. dba eFood Junction)',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
eLaunch Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
eLearning Mind',' - ','Suite 303','New York',,,,,
eMarketer Inc.',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
eMazing Healthy Coffee Corp.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
eMusic (accquired Vivendi Universal)',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
eSCENTials',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
eScoreMusic',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
eTaxiUSA',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
eXelate, Inc.',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
edPeople',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
edo Interactive',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
eduClipper',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
education modified, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
eflypt',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
eko, Incorporated',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
eldonReader',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
element18',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
en.JOYYE','335 Madison Avenue',' - ','New York',,,,,
enertiv',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
engageSimply',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
enter:marketing',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
envelop ventures',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
erGo!',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
facecounsel',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
fambot',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
fangohr, llc',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
farepie',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
fave Central',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
feelosophy',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
fitID',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
flashtalking',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
freelanship',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
fresh kicks',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
fresh pack records',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
frienefit',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
front yard nyc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
funding 4"c"',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
gimmelabs',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
give2gether',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
givlet',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
goCharge',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
goTenna','102 S. 6th St.',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
golath tv',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
goodtut',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
green4web',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
guardian security system',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
hOM',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
hamiltro website design',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
happstr',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
happyfication','122 West St.',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
hatchmap','67 West St','Suite 401','Brooklyn',,,,,
here there and EVERYwhere (htE)',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
herematch','201 East 87th Street','14J','New York',,,,,
hirepurpose',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
hitME',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
hmnc coil cleaning',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
horions reality &investments corp',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
i-Mobb llc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
iBridge Language LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
iCoreTech Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
iCorps Technologies',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
iCreo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
iCrossing (accquired by Hearst Corporation)',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
iDSRIP',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
iDateUS',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
iGiveMore',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
iGottaGuide',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
iHeartRadio (Clear Channel)','32 ave of the americas',' - ','New York',,,,,
iLovekickboxing of Lindenhurst',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
iMATTERS',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
iMedicare',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
iMobile Communications Ltd',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
iPintoo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
iQ4',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
iQuest Partners',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
iSTAND Media LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
iSwapp',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
iTRAIN',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
iZoca, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ice cream brothers',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
iceDreamApp',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ideas42',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
igobono',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
igokids','419 Lafayette',' - ','New York',,,,,
illumiNET Media','11 Kent st',' - ','Staten Island',,,,,
impactfully',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
inAppAd Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
inSHAPE Fitness',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
inSparq',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
infotis',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ingenii, inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
inhouse',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
inlist',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
insightXM',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
instruMagic',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,','41 E. 11 St.','3rd floor','New York',,,,,
itBit',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
itinerate',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
itutorU',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ividence, inc.',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
jProductivity, L.L.C.',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
jSquared, Development Corp.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
jiaunitedinc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
jobknob',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
joseph mcknight, llc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
jupiteRx, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
jvc.consultant',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
k-connection',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
keaton row',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
kgbdeals','655 Madison Avenue',' - ','New York',,,,,
kiva loans',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
kliktok',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
klooff','244 Fifth Avenue',' - ','New York',,,,,
klubw',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
knownmerchant',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
krdts',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
kyoupd',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ladorch',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
leads everlasting Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
leaghton',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
lets go potty',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
lettrs',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
little m media',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
littleBits',"'60 East 11th St, 5th Floor'",' - ','New York',,,,,
livingsocial',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
lylofilm',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
mWater',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
mappedinworld','italy','','New York',,,,,
marshad technology group',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
mayamerson',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
mecube',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
medivo',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
meetMoi',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
meridian global merchants',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
mikventerprises',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
mitral valve',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
mobAVE | Mobile Avenue','215 West40th Street','Floor 7','New York',,,,,
modern guild, inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
mohchi',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
mohchi inc.',"'1601 Broadway, 12th Floor, New York, NY 10019'",' - ',' - ',,,,,
mosaic',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
mouth foods',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
msutyler',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
mugs for mothers',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
multi Media Mavens',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
mxHero Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
myPlanit',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
myRight',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
mySwaparoo','1 Morningside Drive','Apt 516','New York City',,,,,
mystylepages',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
n/a',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
nLytics',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,,
nTangle',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
nextSociety',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
nhomnhom',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
no ne',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
nolke corporation',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
none',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
nrelate',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
nrg insulated block',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
nuOctave',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
nuOctave, Inc.',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
numberFire',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
nuriddin a rashid consultant-narcon',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
nybl',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
nylmedia',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
oGolf',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
oddcast',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,','281 E. 74 st',' - ','New York',,,,, llc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
oneQube','122 W 26th St','4th Floor','New York',,,,,
onefinestay',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
onkaro','175 Varick Street','8th Floor','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ooVoo',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
original productions',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
oro-health international, inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,','Montgromery and Troy',' - ','New York',,,,,
ovenhotfoodgroup',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ownits',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ozEworks',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
pairable, inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
panOpen',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
paradise 8cho restaurant and lounge',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
parislapin',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
phone head',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
phoodE',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
picsell',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
picturemaxx','11 Hanover Square','26th floor','New York',,,,,
playtesters llc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
pledge4good, LLC',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
plomo shoes',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
private inventor',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
pymetrics','110 Fifth Avenue','5th Floor','New York',,,,,
qool',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
queens77',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
quip','175 Varick Street',' - ','New York',,,,,
rabt',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
reComparison',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
reKiosk',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
reMADE LLC','232 3rd Street','F201','Brooklyn',,,,,
rebelLight communications',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
rentini',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
reserve inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
retailsnapshot',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
returnpublic',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ringblingz',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
roundCorner',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
rumr',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
sakkenyc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,','140 E 45th Street','29th Floor','New York',,,,,
salido',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
scenyc','208 rider avenue',' - ','bronx',,,,,
school empower',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
sdbase',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
seedmoney',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
shuvashree Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',"'420 Lexington Avenue, Suite 402-3'",' - ','New York',,,,,
sk real estate services',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
smackfu',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
smart allergy solutions',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
snail planning',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
sneakerchange',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
soft tech',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
sonic notify, Inc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
soul street',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
speak-n-find',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
spongecell',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
sports and fitness education for schools',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
spotflux',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
stickK','39 E 30th Street','Suite 4','New York',,,,,
stoopid jupiter','668 macdonough street','1','Brooklyn',,,,,
streamweaver',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
superpowered',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
swaag',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,','371 W 21st',' - ','New York',,,,,
talktala:_',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
tapTank Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
targetsight',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
tastetablet',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
teach4teach',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
tectonyc','208 Rider Avenue',' - ','Bronx',,,,,
teeming',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
tf body art',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
the Lab',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
the cellphone guys',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
the gn therapy project',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
the huslteman industries',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
the recognition enterprise',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
the rental navigator',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
the steal of a deal',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
the {c}0dEd subsidiary of 140 Ventures',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
theScaffold','137 Varick St. ',' - ','New York',,,,,
theSkimm','30 E 20th St.',' - ','New York',,,,,','260 Mott',' - ','New York',,,,,
thehostingcat',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
therentalnavigator',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
thinkplay',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
threeDegrees',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
timeshel',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
tinyUpdates',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
tracx','1115 Broadway Street','12 Floor','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
travelstormer',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
treatings',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
triletics inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
trustlr',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
tumbleweed','58 Sutton St',' - ','New York',,,,,
tuneteams, Inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
txbk',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
uSTADIUM',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
uSTADIUM',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
uchi8',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
uijoji',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
ultimate',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
unfounded labs','46 mulberry st',' - ','New York',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
utica youth and families inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
vWaiter, LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
vaZra',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
vente-privee USA','1 Liberty Plaza','22nd Floor','New York',,,,,
veraly',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
videodesk',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
vipJump',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
vision hospitality llc',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
voyurl',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
vshore,LLC',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
wedeeo',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
weeSpring',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
where is robin?',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
where@','173 Avenue A ','Suite 17','New York',,,,,
wireLawyer',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
wondr.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
workZeit',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
worldsocial',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
www.GYMdates.Com',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',"'Forest Hills, Queens'",,,,,','1116 east 224th street','suite 2','Bronx',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
xAd Inc.','1230 Avenue of the Americas','7th Floor','New York',,,,,
xCubicle',' - ',' - ','New York',,,,,
xencard',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
yaffa com, inc.',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
yarov one winery',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
yhat',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
yourMD',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
yumspring',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
zeffer',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
zokos',' - ',' - ',' - ',,,,,
√úberangst (Human Condition)',' - ',' - ','Brooklyn',,,,, Voir également / See also :> 19-Jan-2017 16:07 12K> 19-Jan-2017 10:05 3.5M
New-York-311-Service..> 28-Jan-2017 08:25 4.9K
New-York-2012-NYC-Fa..> 19-Jan-2017 09:13 18K
New-York-City-Open-D..> 29-Jan-2017 11:47 49K
New-York-City-Record..> 29-Jan-2017 11:53 19M
New-York-Consumer-Se..> 29-Jan-2017 11:47 615K
New-York-DOB-Job-App..> 28-Jan-2017 09:19 41M
New-York-DOB-License..> 29-Jan-2017 12:10 11K
New-York-DOB-Permit-..> 29-Jan-2017 12:10 34M
New-York-DOHMH-New-Y..> 29-Jan-2017 12:03 32M
New-York-Directory-O..> 19-Jan-2017 09:13 6.9K
New-York-Electronics..> 29-Jan-2017 12:10 650K
New-York-Energy-Effi..> 29-Jan-2017 11:47 70K
New-York-Federal-Sti..> 29-Jan-2017 12:11 9.2M
New-York-Filming-Loc..> 29-Jan-2017 12:12 259K
New-York-For-Hire-Ve..> 28-Jan-2017 08:32 13M
New-York-For-Hire-Ve..> 28-Jan-2017 08:30 18M
New-York-For-Medalli..> 28-Jan-2017 08:28 12M
New-York-Grand-Stree..> 19-Jan-2017 16:07 28K
New-York-Legally-Ope..> 29-Jan-2017 12:13 12M
New-York-Library.htm 19-Jan-2017 16:07 49K
New-York-Lower-Manha..> 29-Jan-2017 12:10 88K
New-York-M-WBE-LBE-a..> 19-Jan-2017 08:58 3.7M
New-York-MINY-Vendor..> 29-Jan-2017 10:10 227K
New-York-Medallion-V..> 29-Jan-2017 11:47 8.8K
New-York-Montague-St..> 29-Jan-2017 12:06 27K
New-York-NYC-Open-Da..> 29-Jan-2017 11:47 453K
New-York-NYPD-Motor-..> 29-Jan-2017 12:03 49M
New-York-New-Driver-..> 28-Jan-2017 08:31 1.8M
New-York-OATH-ECB-He..> 29-Jan-2017 12:03 23K
New-York-Primary-Com..> 29-Jan-2017 12:06 11M
New-York-Real-Time-T..> 29-Jan-2017 11:47 8.6K
New-York-Small-Busin..> 19-Jan-2017 16:07 78K
New-York-Subway-Entr..> 28-Jan-2017 08:24 256K
New-York-Subway-Line..> 29-Jan-2017 11:47 519K
New-York-Subway-Stat..> 29-Jan-2017 11:47 72K
New-York-Times-Squar..> 29-Jan-2017 12:11 14K
New-York-Times-Squar..> 29-Jan-2017 12:10 11K
New-York-Times-Squar..> 29-Jan-2017 12:06 32K
New-York-Times Squar..> 29-Jan-2017 12:10 31K
New-York-Union-Squar..> 19-Jan-2017 09:44 169K
New-York-Village-All..> 19-Jan-2017 16:07 25K
New-York-Workforce1-..> 29-Jan-2017 12:06 45K
New-York-Zip-Code-Bo..> 19-Jan-2017 16:07 169K
Source :