NEW-YORK - Times Square Signage Business
Information on signage in the Times Square area
September 6, 2014
Data Provided by
Times Square Alliance (TSA)
Source :
Screen Name (LED + Vinyl Signs),Building Address,Location Description,Location,Height,Type,#,Width,__Height,SF,Note/Photo,_# ,_Width,_Height,_SF,TOTAL,TOTAL SF,TOTAL BY TYPE
Modell's,234 W 42nd St,,42nd/Below,Marquee,LED,1,30,10,300,IMG_8993,,,,0,1,300,
Ripley's Odditorium Screen (3 LED Screens),234 W 42nd St,Marquee Level,42nd/Below,Marquee,LED,3,,,44,,,,,0,3,44,
Above Chevys corner (1/9 LED center),243 W 42nd St,NE corner of 42nd St and 8th Ave,42nd/Below,Under 65 Ft,LED,1,11,11,121,IMG_8998,,,,0,1,121,
CBS/Panasonic,253 W 42nd,Above Cold Stone,42nd/Below,Under 65 Ft,LED,1,24,18,432,IMG_8994,,,,,1,432,
Skechers,3 Times Sq,Above 42nd/7th subway entrance,42nd/Below,Under 65 Ft,LED,1,4,10,40,IMG_8985,,,,0,1,40,
NBC Screen,5 Times Sq,Above Champs Sports,42nd/Below,Above 65 Ft,LED,1,18,13,234,IMG_8979,,,,0,1,234,
Toshiba Below Highest Toshba Screen,1 Times Sq,Below Highest Toshiba Screen,Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,LED,1,51,53,2703,,,,,0,1,2703,
Toshiba (Highest Screen),1 Times Sq,Tallest Point on 1 Times Sq.,Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,LED,1,40,53,2120,,,,,0,1,2120,
Anheuser-Busch Budlight Screen,1 Times Sq,High Level- Above Sony News Corp,Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,LED,1,35,50,1750,IMG_8953,,,,0,1,1750,
Sony News Corp Screen,1 Times Sq,Below the Budlight Screen,Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,LED,1,35,40,1400,,,,,0,1,1400,
Walgreens ALL THREE,1 Times Sq,42nd Street Screen,Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,LED,3,,,16000,TOTAL,,,,0,3,16000,
Wrigley's Screen,1500 Broadway,to the right of ABC above Sephora,Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,LED,1,90,35,3150,IMG_8950,0,0,0,0,1,3150,
JVC Screen,1500 Broadway,to the right of Wringly's above Starbucks,Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,LED,1,34,19,646,,0,0,0,0,1,646,
ABC Screen,1500 Broadway,Wrapped around the corner of 44th Street.,Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,LED,1,,,3685,IMG_8948/9,,,,0,1,3685,
Hard Rock Cafe Screen,1501 Broadway,On the corner of 43rd and 7th,Bowtie,Marquee,LED,1,35,7,245,IMG_8947,,,,0,1,245,
Aeropostale,1515 Broadway,Northwest Corner of 45th & 7th,Bowtie,Marquee,LED,1,120,18,2160,IMG_8940,,,,0,1,2160,
MTV Video Screen,1530 Broadway,Above the Footlocker,Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,LED,1,37,25,925,,,,,0,1,925,
Toys R Us Screen (2 panels),1530 Broadway,At the entrance of Toys R Us,Bowtie,Marquee,LED,2,38,8,304,IMG_8941,,,,0,2,304,
Kodak Screen,1535 Broadway,Within the Vinyl Billboard for Kodak,Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,LED,1,23,24,552,,0,0,0,0,1,552,
Marriott Marquis - Bank of America (Broadway @46th),1535 Broadway,Bank of America Screen,Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,LED,1,40,70,2800,IMG_8930,,,,0,1,2800,
Marriott Marquis - Planters (Broadway & 45th),1535 Broadway,,Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,LED,1,17,23,391,IMG_8938,,,,0,1,391,
Disney,1540 Broadway,East 7th Avenue between 45 & 46,Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,LED,1,,,2250,IMG_8932,,,,0,1,2250,
Forever 21 Main Screen,1540 Broadway,Video Camera Billboard of the Plaza,Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,LED,1,58,38,2204,IMG_8933,,,,0,1,2204,
Forever 21 Decorative Pane Screen,1540 Broadway,Centrally Located on block,Bowtie,Marquee,LED,1,35,16,560,IMG_8933,,,,0,1,560,
LG Screen,1540 Broadway,Above Planet Holleywood,Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,LED,1,84,50,4200,Wraps around corner,,,,0,1,4200,
American Eagle (two screens),1551 Broadway,Main Screen- Above entrance and Store.,Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,LED,2,,,15000,TOTAL,,,,0,2,15000,
CNN Screen,1567 Broadway,Above Blue Fin,Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,LED,1,40,40,1600,,0,0,0,0,1,1600,
W Hotel,1567 Broadway,,Bowtie,,LED,1,30,40,1200,,,,,0,1,1200,
Spectacular Design,1568 Broadway,Southeast corner of 7th and 47th,Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,LED,1,100,50,5000,IMG_8921,,,,0,1,5000,
Hershey's Screen,1593 Broadway,Text Strip on Hershey's building,Bowtie,Marquee,LED,1,15,30,450,,0,0,0,0,1,450,
Prudential Screen,2 Times Sq,Highest Screen behind TKTS booth,Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,LED,1,37,25,925,IMG_8922,,,,0,1,925,
Samsung Screen,2 Times Sq,"Above Hyundai, behind TKTS Booth",Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,LED,1,41,65,2665,,,,,0,1,2665,
Coca-Cola Screen,2 Times Sq,Above Hyundai Screen,Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,LED,1,44,65,2860,,,,,0,1,2860,
Hyundai Screen (2 LED panels),2 Times Sq,Lowest Screen on Stack by TKTS Booth,Bowtie,Marquee,LED,2,18,24,432,IMG_8926,,,,0,2,432,
HSBC Screen,2 Times Sq,Below Prudential,Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,LED,1,41,48,1968,IMG_8922,,,,0,1,1968,
Reuters Screen,3 Times Sq,5 LED Screens Wrapped around Corner,Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,LED,5,,,7674,,,,,0,5,7674,
Chase Screen (wrapped around 3 Times Sq),3 Times Sq,Above Quicksilver Marquee,Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,LED,1,70,20,1400,IMG_8976,,,,0,1,1400,
Quiksilver,3 Times Sq,Below Chase,Bowtie,Marquee,LED,1,100,10,1000,IMG_8976,,,,0,1,1000,
NASDAQ Main Screen,4 Times Sq,Main Screen on Corner of 43rd,Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,LED,1,120,84,10080,,,,,0,1,10080,
Military Recruitment Center,Military Island,Broadway and 43rd St,Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,LED,1,9,12,108,IMG_8946,,,,0,1,108,
Morgan Stanely Screen,1585 Broadway,One Screen on the Corner of 48th,Upper Bway,Above 65 Ft,LED,1,12,24,288,,,,,0,1,288,
M&M Screen,1600 Broadway,Corner of 48th Street,Upper Bway,Under 65 Ft,LED,1,40,51,2040,,,,,0,1,2040,
Above Spotlogith,1610 Broadway,North of M&M's,Upper Bway,Above 65 Ft,LED,1,24,32,768,IMG_8870,,,,0,1,768,
M&M Screen (Seventh Ave),1600 Broadway,Corner of 48th Street & Seventh Ave,Upper Sev,Under 65 Ft,LED,1,26,27,702,,,,,0,1,702,
Barclays (wrap-around),745 Seventh Ave,,Upper Sev,Marquee,LED,1,,,7000,IMG_8890-3,,,,0,1,7000,"112,376"
1460 Broadway (Broadway between 41st & 42nd),1460 Broadway,,42nd/Below,,Vinyl,1,14,96,1344,,,,,0,1,1344,
Mary Poppins,216 W 42nd St,South side of 42nd facing north,42nd/Below,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,24,40,960,IMG_8987,,,,0,1,960,
Lion King,216 W 42nd St,South side of 42nd facing north,42nd/Below,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,20,24,480,IMG_8987,,,,0,1,480,
Former Marc Ecko space (Spider Man),217 W 42nd,North side of 42nd facing south,42nd/Below,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,100,40,4000,IMG_9001-2,,,,0,1,4000,
Above Madame Tussauds (2 panels left/right),234 W 42nd St,South side of 42nd facing north,42nd/Below,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,15,45,675,IMG_8988-9,1,25,40,1000,2,1675,
Above Ripleys marquee lower,234 W 42nd St,South side of 42nd facing north,42nd/Below,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,30,15,450,IMG_8990,,,,0,1,450,
Above Dave/Busters (Pacquiao / Moseley),234 W 42nd St,South side of 42nd facing north,42nd/Below,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,2,80,50,4000,IMG_8991-2,,,,0,2,4000,
Above Chevys (Bad Teacher),243 W 42nd St,North side of 42nd facing south,42nd/Below,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,64,28,1792,IMG_8997,,,,0,1,1792,
Above Chevys corner (8/9 vinyl),243 W 42nd St,NE corner of 42nd St and 8th Ave,42nd/Below,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,,,968,IMG_8998,,,,0,1,968,
Above Cold Stone west of CBS LED lower (Good Wife),253 W 42nd St,North side of 42nd facing south,42nd/Below,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,30,18,540,IMG_8995,,,,0,1,540,
Above Cold Stone west of CBS LED higher (Costa Rica),253 W 42nd St,North side of 42nd facing south,42nd/Below,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,30,16,480,IMG_8995,,,,0,1,480,
Above Dallas BBQ east of CBS LED lower (Prom Girl),253 W 42nd St,North side of 42nd facing south,42nd/Below,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,26,15,390,IMG_8996,,,,0,1,390,
Above Dallas BBQ east of CBS LED middle (Turkish Airlines),253 W 42nd St,North side of 42nd facing south,42nd/Below,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,30,10,300,IMG_8996,,,,0,1,300,
Above Dallas BBQ east of CBS LED largest (Farmville),253 W 42nd St,North side of 42nd facing south,42nd/Below,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,40,44,1760,IMG_8996,,,,0,1,1760,
Above Red Lobster (Style Network),5 Times Sq,NW corner of Seventh Ave and 41st St,42nd/Below,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,2,96,36,3456,IMG_8968,,,,0,2,3456,
Next to Champs (Nissan),5 Times Sq,"SW corner of 7th Ave and 42nd St, facing east",42nd/Below,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,28,32,896,IMG_8969,,,,0,1,896,
Next to Champs 42nd St (Nissan),5 Times Sq,"South side of 42nd St near 7th Ave, facing north",42nd/Below,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,96,40,3840,IMG_8981,,,,0,1,3840,
Above Champs wraparound (NBC),5 Times Sq,SW Corner of 42nd and Seventh Ave,42nd/Below,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,24,40,960,IMG_8979,,,,0,1,960,
Above Ann Taylor Loft wraparound (Brooklyn Bridge),7 Times Sq,SW corner of Bway and 42nd St,42nd/Below,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,2,55,45,2475,IMG_8959/64,,,,0,2,2475,
Above Ann Taylor Loft (Clear Vision),7 Times Sq,Bway between 42nd-41st facing east,42nd/Below,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,18,36,648,IMG_8964,,,,0,1,648,
Above subway entrance (Best Buy),7 Times Sq,South side of 42nd St between 7th/Broadway,42nd/Below,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,2,30,54,1620,IMG_8960-1,,,,0,2,1620,
Above subway entrance (Casio),7 Times Sq,SE corner of 42nd and 7th Ave,42nd/Below,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,15,54,810,IMG_8962,,,,0,1,810,
Above The Counter wraparound 2 panels (Casio),7 Times Sq,NW corner of Broadway and 41st St,42nd/Below,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,2,55,40,2200,IMG_8966-7,,,,0,2,2200,
Above Ruby Tuesday (Central Park),7 Times Sq,NE corner of 41st St and 7th Ave,42nd/Below,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,40,32,1280,IMG_8970,,,,0,1,1280,
Above Ruby Tuesday (Best Buy),7 Times Sq,"Seventh Ave between 41st-42nd Sts, facing west",42nd/Below,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,32,36,1152,IMG_8971,,,,0,1,1152,
Above Ann Taylor Loft 7th Ave side (phones),7 Times Sq,"Seventh Ave between 41st-42nd Sts, facing west",42nd/Below,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,36,28,1008,IMG_8972,,,,0,1,1008,
Above subway entrance 7th Ave side (drums),7 Times Sq,"SE corner of 42nd and 7th Ave, facing west",42nd/Below,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,42,50,2100,IMG_8973,,,,0,1,2100,
Dunkin Donuts,1 Times Sq,Above Anheuser Busch,Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,35,45,1575,IMG_8953,,,,0,1,1575,
Kia ad,1 Times Sq,Lowest below Sony,Bowtie,Marquee,Vinyl,1,35,118,4130,IMG_8951,,,,0,1,4130,
1 Times Sq south of Walgreens (Too Big to Fail),1 Times Sq,"NW corner of Broadway and 42nd, facing east",Bowtie,Marquee,Vinyl,1,36,26,936,IMG_8954,,,,0,1,936,
1 Times Sq south of Walgreens middle wraparound Empire City,1 Times Sq,"NW corner of Broadway and 42nd, facing east",Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,3,100,40,4000,IMG_8954/75,,,,0,3,4000,
1 Times Sq south of Walgreens highest wraparound (Kia),1 Times Sq,"NW corner of Broadway and 42nd, facing east",Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,3,100,52,5200,IMG_8955/75,,,,0,3,5200,
1 Times Square south of Walgreens west side (empty),1 Times Sq,West façade of 7th Ave and 42nd St,Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,32,20,640,IMG_9003,,,,0,1,640,
ABC vinyl facing north,1500 Broadway,SE corner of 44th and Broadway,Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,18,50,900,IMG_8942,,,,0,1,900,
Toys 'R' Us Storefront (1514 Broadway),1514 Broadway,Pirates/Carib,Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,30,165,4950,IMG_9004,,,,0,1,4950,
MTV Studio (Lion King),1515 Broadway,,Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,54,24,1296,IMG_9005,,,,0,1,1296,
MTV Studio (MTV),1515 Broadway,,Bowtie,Marquee,Vinyl,1,38,12,456,IMG_9005,,,,0,1,456,
1515 Broadway (Candies Foundation),1515 Broadway,Northwest corner of Broadway & 44th St,Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,14,33,462,IMG_8943,,,,0,1,462,
1515 Broadway (Aeropostale),1515 Broadway,45th Street at Broadway,Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,13,35,455,IMG_8936,,,,0,1,455,
1515 Broadway (Rocawear),1515 Broadway,Broadway at 45th St,Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,20,28,560,IMG_8936,,,,0,1,560,
MTV Left Sign,1530 Broadway,Above the Footlocker,Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,12,25,300,,,,,0,1,300,
MTV Right Sign,1530 Broadway,Above the Footlocker,Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,24,25,600,,,,,0,1,600,
Swatch ,1530 Broadway,Above Swatch marquee,Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,50,25,1250,IMG_8937,,,,0,1,1250,
Stomp,1530 Broadway,45th Street at SE corner of Seventh Ave,Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,24,20,480,IMG_8939,,,,0,1,480,
Pepsi highest above Swatch,1530 Broadway,2 panels,Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,38,54,2052,IMG_8937,1,38,25,950,2,3002,
Pepsi above MTV 44 1/2,1530 Broadway,2 panels,Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,2,40,68,2720,IMG_8937,,,,0,2,2720,
Marriott Marquis Rotunda - Southpole (Broadway between 45th & 46th),1535 Broadway,Hanook,Bowtie,,Vinyl,1,31,98,3038,IMG_8931,,,,0,1,3038,
Marriott Marquis - North Tower (Broadway @ 46th),1535 Broadway,UFC,Bowtie,,Vinyl,1,63,44,2772,IMG_8930,,,,0,1,2772,
Marriott Marquis (West 45th Street),1535 Broadway,Car ad,Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,40,50,2000,IMG_8938,,,,0,1,2000,
Mariott Marquis (Broadway @ 45th),1535 Broadway,Kodak vinyl,Bowtie,,Vinyl,1,40,60,2400,IMG_8931,,,,0,1,2400,
Marriott Marquis (1535 Broadway between 45th & 46th St),1535 Broadway,Green Lantern,Bowtie,,Vinyl,1,70,44,3080,IMG_8938,,,,0,1,3080,
Marriott Marquis (1535 Broadway @ 46th St),1535 Broadway,Sportsmanship,Bowtie,,Vinyl,1,66,45,2937,IMG_8930,,,,0,1,2937,
Marriott Marquis - Column Wraps (Broadway between 45th & 46th),1535 Broadway,,Bowtie,,Vinyl,13,8,4,416,,2,6,4,48,15,464,
Planet Hollwood (1540 Broadway),1540 Broadway,True Crime,Bowtie,,Vinyl,2,30,68,4080,IMG_8934/9007,,,,0,2,4080,
1540 Broadway above Bertelsmann marquee,1540 Broadway,,Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,28,18,504,IMG_8929,,,,0,1,504,
1540 Broadway next to Disney screen (TD Ameritrade),1540 Broadway,,Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,10,24,240,IMG_8929,,,,0,1,240,
1540 Broadway next to Planet Hollywood marquee (empty),1540 Broadway,45th Street at Seventh Ave,Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,12,30,360,IMG_9007,,,,0,1,360,
Mamma Mia,1550 Broadway,Corner (both sides) of Seventh Ave and 46th,Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,2,38,30,1140,IMG_8929,,,,0,2,1140,
Above Mamma Mia (Memphis),1550 Broadway,NE corner of Seventh Ave at 46th St,Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,16,30,480,IMG_8929,,,,0,1,480,
1552 Broadway @ 46th st,1552 Broadway,Master Chef,Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,44,45,1980,IMG_8928,,,,0,1,1980,
1552 Broadway @ 46th st,1552 Broadway,Glee,Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,35,20,700,IMG_8927,1,35,33,1155,2,1855,
Above Grand Slam (lowest),1557 Broadway,Turkey tourism,Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,60,30,1800,IMG_8923,,,,0,1,1800,
Above Grand Slam (middle),1557 Broadway,Turkey tourism,Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,52,26,1352,IMG_8923,,,,0,1,1352,
Above Grand Slam (highest),1557 Broadway,Turkey tourism,Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,52,14,728,IMG_8923,,,,0,1,728,
1560 Broadway- Colombian Coffee (Broadway@46th),1560 Broadway,,Bowtie,,Vinyl,1,75,80,6000,,,,,0,1,6000,
Above Roxy deli marquee,1565 Broadway,Million Dollar Quartet,Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,15,30,450,IMG_8924,,,,0,1,450,
Above Roxy deli (highest),1565 Broadway,Avenue Q,Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,15,18,270,IMG_8924,,,,0,1,270,
W hotel - East Face (1567 Broadway @ 47th) ,1567 Broadway,Billy Elliot,Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,52,28,1456,IMG_8924,,,,0,1,1456,
Broadway Spire - Argent mortgage company (1567 Broadway @ 47th St),1567 Broadway,,Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,160,20,3200,,,,,0,1,3200,
Broadway Spire - W Hotel (1567 Broadway @ 47th),1567 Broadway,,Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,57,55,3135,,,,,0,1,3135,
W hotel Times Square (Broadway @ 47th Street),1567 Broadway,,Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,45,52,2340,,,,,0,1,2340,
Broadway Spire W Hotel (1567 Broadway btw 46th & 47th),1567 Broadway,,Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,136,57,7752,,,,,0,1,7752,
Broadway Spire W Hotel (1567 Broadway btw 46th & 47th),1567 Broadway,,Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,136,57,7752,,,,,0,1,7752,
Broadway Spire W Hotel Sean John (1567 Broadway @ 47th),1567 Broadway,,Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,172,54,9288,,,,,0,1,9288,
Broadway Spire W Hotel (1567 Broadway btw 46th & 47th),1567 Broadway,,Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,320,47,15040,,,,,0,1,15040,
Doubletree (Black Eyed Peas),1568 Broadway,47th Street at Seventh Ave,Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,14,28,392,IMG_8915,,,,0,1,392,
Doubletree wraparound (Lonely Island),1568 Broadway,"Corner of 47th and Seventh, above marquee",Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,40,28,1120,IMG_8915,,,,0,1,1120,
Doubletree above wraparound (NBC/Voice),1568 Broadway,"Corner of 47th and Seventh, highest facing north",Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,26,30,780,IMG_8916,,,,0,1,780,
Doubletree south of wraparound (Addams Family),1568 Broadway,"Seventh Ave at 47th St, facing west",Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,13,28,364,IMG_8919,,,,0,1,364,
Doubletree above Palace marquee (Priscilla/Chicago),1568 Broadway,"Seventh Ave between 46th-47th Sts, facing west",Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,2,18,28,504,IMG_8919,,,,0,2,504,
Hyundai (4 vinyl panels total both sides),2 Times Sq,Broadway and Seventh Ave Sides,Bowtie,Marquee,Vinyl,4,18,48,864,IMG_8926,,,,0,4,864,
Above Olive Garden marquee (Rain),2 Times Sq,,Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,18,40,720,IMG_8925,,,,0,1,720,
Above Rain (Inglot),2 Times Sq,,Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,22,24,528,IMG_8925,,,,0,1,528,
Corona (both Broadway and Seventh Ave sides),2 Times Sq,,Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,16,44,704,IMG_8925,1,16,44,704,2,1408,
Wraparound above Chase LED,3 Times Sq,Ricoh/Japan,Bowtie,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,24,60,1440,IMG_8978,,,,0,1,1440,
Wraparound on 42nd and Broadway,4 Times Sq,LA Noire,Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,80,30,2400,IMG_8958,,,,0,1,2400,
Broadway @ 42nd Street,4 Times Square,Izod,Bowtie,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,40,105,4200,IMG_8956-7,,,,0,1,4200,
Hershey's other,1593 Broadway,Custom signage,Upper Bway,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,,,2000,IMG_8862,,,,0,1,2000,
Crowne Plaza (Broadway & 49th),1601 Broadway,,Upper Bway,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,25,108,2700,,,,,0,1,2700,
Above Mama Sbarro's (Amare Stoudemire wraparound),1610 Broadway,Corner of Broadway and 48th St,Upper Bway,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,100,32,3200,IMG_8869/8899,,,,0,1,3200,
Brill Building (Broadway @ 50th St),1619 Broadway,,Upper Bway,,Vinyl,1,40,50,2000,,,,,0,1,2000,
Brill Building (Broadway between 49th & 50th),1619 Broadway,,Upper Bway,,Vinyl,1,45,65,2925,,,,,0,1,2925,
Morgan Stanley Building (1626 Broadway btw 49th & 50th),1626 Broadway,Falling skies,Upper Bway,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,29,125,3625,IMG_8872/3,,,,0,1,3625,
Morgan Stanley Building (1626 Broadway @ 49th ),1626 Broadway,Celeb Cruises,Upper Bway,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,44,36,1584,IMG_8871,,,,0,1,1584,
Above Famiglia pizzeria,1628 Broadway,Ugg ad,Upper Bway,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,45,20,900,IMG_8874,,,,0,1,900,
Winter Garden Theatre (Broadway @ 50th),1632 Broadway,Ugg,Upper Bway,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,28,48,1344,IMG_8889,,,,0,1,1344,
Winter Garden Theatre Package (Broadway@50th),1632 Broadway,Telecharge,Upper Bway,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,28,48,1344,IMG_8876,1,28,42,1176,2,2520,
Winter Garden Theatre (Broadway @ 50th),1632 Broadway,,Upper Bway,,Vinyl,1,28,42,1176,,,,,0,1,1176,
Winter Garden Theatre (7th Avenue between 50th & 51st),1632 Broadway,,Upper Bway,,Vinyl,1,30,40,1200,,,,,0,1,1200,
Winter Garden Theatre (7th Avenue between 50th & 51st),1632 Broadway,,Upper Bway,,Vinyl,1,30,29,870,,,,,0,1,870,
Winter Garden Theatre Package (7th Avenue & Broadway Btw 50th & 51st),1632 Broadway,,Upper Bway,,Vinyl,2,28,48,2688,,1,28,42,1176,3,3864,
Winter Garden Theatre Package (7th Avenue & Broadway Btw 50th & 51st),1632 Broadway,,Upper Bway,,Vinyl,1,30,40,1200,,1,30,29,870,2,2070,
1650 Broadway (Broadway @ West 50th St),1650 Broadway,Fast Five,Upper Bway,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,130,92,11960,IMG_8879-81,1,130,48,6240,2,18200,
Sheraton Manahattan (Broadway & 52nd),1652 Broadway,Maybelline,Upper Bway,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,26,18,468,IMG_8885,,,,0,1,468,
Sheraton Manhattan (Broadway & 51st),1652 Broadway,Time,Upper Bway,,Vinyl,1,26,30,780,IMG_8887,,,,0,1,780,
Sheraton Manhattan (Broadway & 51st & 52nd),1652 Broadway,,Upper Bway,,Vinyl,1,26,18,468,,1,26,30,780,2,1248,
Sheraton (Broadway between 51st and 52nd),1652 Broadway,,Upper Bway,,Vinyl,1,25,200,5000,,,,,0,1,5000,
Above Times Square Church wraparound (blank),1657 Broadway,,Upper Bway,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,200,15,3000,IMG_8877-8,,,,0,1,3000,
Coca-cola ad,1674 Broadway,,Upper Bway,Marquee,Vinyl,1,48,16,768,IMG_8882,,,,0,1,768,
Above Crown Deli (blank),1674 Broadway,Facing NE corner of Broadway and 52nd,Upper Bway,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,15,30,450,IMG_8883,,,,0,1,450,
Seastreak,1674 Broadway,"Facing south, 52nd St",Upper Bway,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,38,12,456,IMG_8884,,,,0,1,456,
Above Crown Deli highest (New York running),1674 Broadway,Facing Broadway ,Upper Bway,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,15,20,300,IMG_8886,,,,0,1,300,
Above Tad's (Wicked),165 W 47th St,"Seventh Ave between 47th-48th Sts, facing west",Upper Sev,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,38,36,1368,IMG_8913,,,,0,1,1368,
Above Tad's (Jersey Boys),165 W 47th St,"Seventh Ave between 47th-48th Sts, facing west",Upper Sev,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,38,28,1064,IMG_8914,,,,0,1,1064,
Above Sbarro lower (Phantom),165 W 47th St,"NE Corner of 47th St at Seventh, facing south",Upper Sev,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,36,36,1296,IMG_8915,,,,0,1,1296,
Above Sbarro upper (Catch Me If You Can),165 W 47th St,"NE Corner of 47th St at Seventh, facing south",Upper Sev,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,36,28,1008,IMG_8915,,,,0,1,1008,
Above Tad's 47th St entrance lower (Rain),165 W 47th St,"47th Street east of Seventh Ave, facing south",Upper Sev,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,22,36,792,IMG_8915,,,,0,1,792,
Above Tad's 47th St entrance upper (Rock of Ages),165 W 47th St,"48th Street east of Seventh Ave, facing south",Upper Sev,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,22,28,616,IMG_8915,,,,0,1,616,
Above Playland Gifts (Bed Bugs),711 Seventh Ave,,Upper Sev,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,45,20,900,IMG_8912,,,,0,1,900,
Above Playland Gifts highest (Avion),711 Seventh Ave,,Upper Sev,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,16,40,640,IMG_8912,,,,0,1,640,
Above Phantom of Broadway (How to Succeed),711 Seventh Ave,,Upper Sev,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,24,64,1536,IMG_8912,,,,0,1,1536,
Above Embassy Electronics (2 Guess signs),717 Seventh Ave,,Upper Sev,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,15,20,300,IMG_8911,1,24,15,360,2,660,
Above Smilers (Guess),719 Seventh Ave,,Upper Sev,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,16,16,256,IMG_8911,,,,0,1,256,
Above TSQ Brasserie 3-panel wrap (TNT),721 Seventh Ave,,Upper Sev,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,3,40,40,1600,IMG_8904,,,,0,3,1600,
Above Lace (Humane,725 Seventh Ave,,Upper Sev,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,18,40,720,IMG_8902,,,,0,1,720,
Above Tonic (Nurse Jackie),727 Seventh Ave,,Upper Sev,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,18,40,720,IMG_8903,,,,0,1,720,
Above former Hawaiian Tropic (ESPN draft),729 Seventh Ave,SE corner of 7th and 49th St,Upper Sev,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,15,100,1500,IMG_8896-7,,,,0,1,1500,
Next to former Hawaiian Tropic (ESPN draft),729 Seventh Ave,49th St near 7th Ave facing north,Upper Sev,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,50,15,750,IMG_8896,,,,0,1,750,
Above former Hawaiian Tropic (ESPN draft),729 Seventh Ave,Seventh Ave south of 49th St,Upper Sev,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,30,10,300,IMG_8898,,,,0,1,300,
On roof (Heaven on Broadway),729 Seventh Ave,,Upper Sev,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,30,40,1200,IMG_8909,,,,0,1,1200,
Above Souvenirs & Gifts lowest (Home Goods),734 Seventh Ave,,Upper Sev,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,48,24,1152,IMG_8900,,,,0,1,1152,
Above Souvenirs & Gifts middle (Home Goods),734 Seventh Ave,,Upper Sev,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,32,10,320,IMG_8900,,,,0,1,320,
Above Souvenirs & Gifts highest (Home Goods),734 Seventh Ave,,Upper Sev,Above 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,20,30,600,IMG_8900,,,,0,1,600,
Above Pax wraparound (Barclays),740 Seventh Ave,SW corner of 7th Ave and 49th St,Upper Sev,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,40,20,800,IMG_8899,,,,0,1,800,
Morgan Stanley Building (750 7th Avenue),750 Seventh Ave,United,Upper Sev,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,2,25,57,2850,IMG_8894,1,25,95,2375,3,5225,
750 Seventh Avenue (7th Avenue @50th),750 Seventh Ave,Benneton,Upper Sev,Under 65 Ft,Vinyl,1,40,27,1080,IMG_8888,,,,0,1,1080,
Morgan Stanley Building - Rooftop (750 7th Avenue),750 Seventh Ave,,Upper Sev,,Vinyl,1,52,78,4056,,,,,0,1,4056,
Morgan Stanley Building (750 7th Avenue),750 Seventh Ave,Coca-Cola Corner of 49th and Seventh,Upper Sev,,Vinyl,1,44,45,1980,IMG_8901,,,,0,1,1980,
Morgan Stanley Building (750 7th Avenue),750 Seventh Ave,,Upper Sev,,Vinyl,1,40,50,2000,,,,,0,1,2000,"274,896" Voir également / See also :> 19-Jan-2017 16:07 12K> 19-Jan-2017 10:05 3.5M
New-York-311-Service..> 28-Jan-2017 08:25 4.9K
New-York-2012-NYC-Fa..> 19-Jan-2017 09:13 18K
New-York-DOB-Job-App..> 28-Jan-2017 08:01 41M
New-York-Directory-O..> 19-Jan-2017 09:13 6.9K
New-York-For-Hire-Ve..> 28-Jan-2017 08:32 13M
New-York-For-Hire-Ve..> 28-Jan-2017 08:30 18M
New-York-For-Medalli..> 28-Jan-2017 08:28 12M
New-York-Grand-Stree..> 19-Jan-2017 16:07 28K
New-York-Library.htm 19-Jan-2017 16:07 49K
New-York-M-WBE-LBE-a..> 19-Jan-2017 08:58 3.7M
New-York-New-Driver-..> 28-Jan-2017 08:31 1.8M
New-York-Small-Busin..> 19-Jan-2017 16:07 78K
New-York-Subway-Entr..> 28-Jan-2017 08:24 256K
New-York-Union-Squar..> 19-Jan-2017 09:44 169K
New-York-Village-All..> 19-Jan-2017 16:07 25K
New-York-Zip-Code-Bo..> 19-Jan-2017 16:07 169K
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